Outdated repository for newer FatDogs

versatile 64-bit multi-user Linux distribution

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Outdated repository for newer FatDogs

Post by mcgiwer »

I wanted to ask about, when the repositories will become updated? The actual version is 811, but from the newer versions of FatDog, only repo's from 810 are avaliable

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Re: Outdated repository

Post by JakeSFR »

They won't be "updated", because the packages from 810 are forward compatibile with 811.
The new repo is established only when breaking changes are introduced, e.g. between 720 and 800, 800 and 810, etc.

EDIT: correction, there were no breaking changes between 800 and 810; 810's is just a symlink to 800's repo, as Step pointed out in your other topic.


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Re: Outdated repository for newer FatDogs

Post by bigpup »

Software in repositories, has to be compiled, for a specific version, of a Linux operating system(OS).

When a specific Linux OS changes, enough to affect how software will run, in it.
That is when, you need to have a new repository, of software packages, compiled for it.
Some repositories, will periodically make updated packages, of specific software, and post it in the repository.
But, it really depends on, the software, and someone making the updated package.

Updating just to update, is not that simple.
A newer version of a program, may now need a bunch of new dependency files/programs, that would also need to be updated.
If you updated all of them.
A different program, may no longer work, until it gets recompiled, for what is now in the Linux OS.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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