variety is a desktop wallpaper changer downloaded from ppm
it needs not to be run as root
root# /usr/bin/variety
Variety is not supposed to run as root.
You should NEVER run desktop apps as root, unless they are supposed to make system-global changes and you know very well what you are doing.
Please run it with your normal user.
If you are trying to run as root because Variety does not start at all with your normal user, you may be hitting a file permission issue or a bug.
Here is what to do to troubleshoot:
1. Open a terminal and run "variety -v" with your normal user.
Look for exceptions and hints in the log for what the problem might be.
2. You may try to rename ~/.config/variety to ~/.config/variety_bak and try again.
This will have Variety start from a clean state.
Your old config and images will remain in variety_bak
i have done all the above and still cant get to work/tks