@rockedge / @amethyst :-
I will just add this here:-
Don't forget; it's only the Java runtime packages themselves that are arch-specific, yes? Any Java applications are, by their very nature, designed to be arch- AND platform-agnostic.
This being the case, I feel we actually need the main body of the forum "unlocked".....because THAT is where all the application threads should go. Make sense?
I agree the 32-bit & 64-bit sub-forums should stay, because that's where we'll post the actual run-time packages. Makes perfect sense to keep the "arches" separate for that, but AFAIK, there is no such thing as a 32-bit or 64-bit Java app or software package...... Such a thing makes a nonsense of the whole concept of JAVA, if you think about it..!
Anybody disagree with that?