minimal modular puppy (from fossapup64)

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Re: minimal modular puppy (from fossapup64)

Post by 666philb »

wanderer wrote: Wed Mar 24, 2021 9:28 pm

this would be easy and fast if a woof-ce guru
would simply tell us what needs to be marked in/out
but since this is not happening
its all trial and error
and is going to take time


the DISTRO_PKG_SPECS in the ubuntu pups has grown & evolved from barry k's precise puppys DISTRO_PKG_SPECS.
i never started with a blank slate so to speak and have never stripped a puppy down further than the base fossapup.sfs.

maybe a way to go is right clicking on libs & binaries in the outputed xserver & xorg_base_new folder and using ListDD to show whats needed and make sure they are in the build.

if the iso then boots but doesn't get to X run checkdeps -system to see what's needed

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Re: minimal modular puppy (from fossapup64)

Post by wanderer »

hi 666phib

thank you for all your help

and for making fossapup64

i did not realize you did not start from scratch each time

i will try your suggestions
and see if i can get a little further


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Re: minimal modular puppy (from fossapup64)

Post by taersh »


No matter what I tried. I always end up with downloading the Focal Fossa packages (at ./0setup) instead of downloading the packages from Ubuntu Hirsute Hippo repositories. Simply can't find what I need to change to download packages from Ubuntu Hirsute Hippo repositories. :cry:

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Re: minimal modular puppy (from fossapup64)

Post by 666philb »

taersh wrote: Thu Mar 25, 2021 8:02 pm


No matter what I tried. I always end up with downloading the Focal Fossa packages (at ./0setup) instead of downloading the packages from Ubuntu Hirsute Hippo repositories. Simply can't find what I need to change to download packages from Ubuntu Hirsute Hippo repositories. :cry:

you need to adapt and rename
DISTRO_COMPAT_REPOS-ubuntu-focal &

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Re: minimal modular puppy (from fossapup64)

Post by taersh »

But how is the repository's directories of Hirsute Hippo named (DISTRO_COMPAT_VERSION)?
And: how to find out?

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Re: minimal modular puppy (from fossapup64)

Post by 666philb »

i think you just need to change DISTRO_SPECS and then the name of DISTRO_COMPAT_REPOS-ubuntu-focal to hirsute

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Re: minimal modular puppy (from fossapup64)

Post by peebee »

taersh wrote: Thu Mar 25, 2021 8:41 pm

But how is the repository's directories of Hirsute Hippo named (DISTRO_COMPAT_VERSION)?
And: how to find out?

Have a look at UPupHH+D............

Basically wherever you see Focal replace with Hirsute
wherever you see Fossa replace with Hippo

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Re: minimal modular puppy (from fossapup64)

Post by wanderer »

hi 666phib taersh s243a and everyone

sorry to intrude taersh

i have figured out how to use woof-ce to make my minimal modular puppy

this will work with any woof-ce puppy

the process is
# ./0setup
# ./1download
# ./2createpackages

rename packages-fossapup64
to xxx-packages fossapup64
so it will not be found

put the packages you want in a new folder named packages-fossapup64

# ./3builddistro

this will build a new iso with only the packages you want in it
in the woof-output-fossapup64-9.5 folder

it will also have a build folder with the components of the iso in it
in the sandbox3 folder
one of them will be the main.sfs file for the iso

if you put the packages you want in a module into packages-fossapup64
and run
# ./3builddistro

it will make a new main.sfs file in the build folder
which is your new module

it always makes a full zdrv file
(this may be dependent on the kernel, will have to figure out how not to make it, but you can simply delete it from the iso)
but adrv and fdrv are empty if you do not put the packages they need in the packages-fossapup64 folder

you can simply add and subtract packages in the packages-fossapup64 folder
until you have the iso or module you want

so now the problem is solved
and i will proceed to make my minimal modular puppy


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Re: minimal modular puppy (from fossapup64)

Post by taersh »

@peebee & @666philb
Will try this as soon as possible!

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Re: minimal modular puppy (from fossapup64)

Post by taersh »


all changes (hopefully) made. Currently downloading packages from Ubuntu Hirsute Hippo repositories.

I got some warnings about missing packages (packages not found at ./0setup). However, will try to continue as far as I can get and then trying to find missing packages manually.

For now I'm just lucky about downloading the Hirsute Hippo files from Ubuntu. :thumbup:

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Re: minimal modular puppy (from fossapup64)

Post by taersh »


download finished.

At ./2createpackages I got some warnings for some ALSA/FFMPEG stuff about some unsupported GNU_PROPERTY_TYPE (5). :?
Cant recall exactly, terminal output was too many lines to scroll back.

Also got some additional warnings at the end of ./2createpackages:

ERROR: 'libcroco' package does not exist.
You will need to find a matching package and place in packages-pet,
or packages-deb-hirsute as appropriate.
Do it, then rerun this script and choose to build libcroco.

ERROR: 'libgc' package does not exist.
You will need to find a matching package and place in packages-pet,
or packages-deb-hirsute as appropriate.
Do it, then rerun this script and choose to build libgc.

ERROR: 'libhogweed' package does not exist.
You will need to find a matching package and place in packages-pet,
or packages-deb-hirsute as appropriate.
Do it, then rerun this script and choose to build libhogweed.

ERROR: 'libqpdf' package does not exist.
You will need to find a matching package and place in packages-pet,
or packages-deb-hirsute as appropriate.
Do it, then rerun this script and choose to build libqpdf.

ERROR: 'llvm-cut' package does not exist.
You will need to find a matching package and place in packages-pet,
or packages-deb-hirsute as appropriate.
Do it, then rerun this script and choose to build llvm-cut.

ERROR: 'ndiswrapper' package does not exist.
You will need to find a matching package and place in packages-pet,
or packages-deb-hirsute as appropriate.
Do it, then rerun this script and choose to build ndiswrapper.

ERROR: 'opencv' package does not exist.
You will need to find a matching package and place in packages-pet,
or packages-deb-hirsute as appropriate.
Do it, then rerun this script and choose to build opencv.

I manually could search and download all, except: libcroco & llvm-cut.

So, what to do now, where to find these packages?
Are they Ubuntu packages or Puppy packages?

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Re: minimal modular puppy (from fossapup64)

Post by Grey »

taersh wrote: Thu Mar 25, 2021 11:35 pm

Are they Ubuntu packages or Puppy packages?

I looked at Fossapup. libcroco is present in PPM. So Ubuntu.

libcroco.png (31.12 KiB) Viewed 949 times

But the maximum seems to be 'groovy' on (34.81 KiB) Viewed 949 times

Different devices. Different approach.

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Re: minimal modular puppy (from fossapup64)

Post by Grey »

LLVM This is a whole collection of technologies, so you probably have to spend a little more time.

Different devices. Different approach.

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Re: minimal modular puppy (from fossapup64)

Post by wanderer »

hi all

i have created too many threads
for me to check regularly

if anyone wishes to contact me
either to help with the minimal modular puppy
or for any other reason

please post on the corepup thread

thank you


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Re: minimal modular puppy (from fossapup64)

Post by s243a »

One thing that definitely should be put into it's own module is the qt packages, and a second module for the related dev packages. The reason being is that if one qt package is missing one might not be able to get the same version from the official repos and version consistance is necessary between the dev versions and the user versions if anyone wants to compile something that depends on qt.

On @peebee's upuphh+d this caused me issues because a dev package I needed was missing and the versions available on the official repo didn't match those included with upuphh+d (see post).

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