A number of Puppies have Tap-To-Click enabled straight after booting and I find this irritating.
After the pup has booted to normal running condition I can use the following command to turn off tap-to-click:
synclient TouchpadOff=2
I have added a script to /root/Startup to make this change but this does not help me during the initial phase where the Quicksetup screen is displayed - my Startup script only becomes active after the "post Quicksetup X-restart". Prior to that X-restart my touchpad is hypersensitive and registers clicks when i am merely trying to position the cursor.
I am wondering why/how the tap-to-click function gets turned on during boot?
- Is there an existing synclient or flsynclient config file somewhere?
- Is this something to do with xorg config?
- Is this setting defined in rc.d?
I am keen to know how Xenial and Tahr etc handle this. (Slacko seems to have tap-to-click already disabled)
I have a similar problem with ScPups too but they do not seem to use the same sort of synclient/flsynclient setup and I have not found a way to change tap-to-click behaviour on those pups yet but am also keen to hear if anyone knows how that can be achieved.