------------About FrugalPup------------
The current release of FrugalPup v44, DiskPup v44, StickPup v44 and f2StickPup v44 - Puppy frugal installer, along with e3StickPup v44 and e4StickPup v44,
is announced here, viewtopic.php?p=132381#p132381.
It can be downloaded from https://www.mediafire.com/folder/rdyc5l ... /frugalpup
More information about FrugalPup can be found at http://www.fishprogs.software/puppy/fru ... index.html.
Or by running FrugalPup and selecting 'Help'.
FrugalPup contains 6 GUI's:
The simple install wizards, with minimal options, 'StickPup', 'f2StickPup', 'e3StickPup', 'e4StickPup', and 'DiskPup', that do a complete frugal install of a single Puppy.
And the 'FrugalPup' GUI, that is supposed to be the "Swiss army knife" of Puppy frugal installers, to manage the installation of multiple Puppy frugal installs, with every possible useful option.
It might not have reached it's ultimate goal yet, but it seems to have enough to be useful.
All 6 GUI's share the same set of back-end scripts that actually do stuff.
------------About this topic------------
I am not the original author of this topic, since I came to this new forum after this topic was started.
But as the "maintainer" of FrugalPup I have been granted access to this first post.
This is so I can edit this first post to reflect the latest release of FrugalPup,
as has been common practice in the Puppy forum.
------------Original first post by @mikeslr------------
Rockedge, please move where ever you think appropriate.
Bigpup has discussed it here, viewtopic.php?p=950#p950. More information and instructions can be found here, http://www.fishprogs.software/puppy/fru ... index.htmland information about MOK (Machine Owner Key) manager here, http://www.fishprogs.software/puppy/fru ... p-mok.html
As of this writing the latest version, frugalpup_20.sfs, is available here. https://www.mediafire.com/folder/rdyc5l ... /frugalpup. It is strongly recommended that you use the latest version. Your Puppy may have an earlier version built in. Note that frugalpup_20 is an SFS: your buitin version would have priority. If I remember correctly, Bionicpup's Quickpet has been updated to not only install the latest version but, as a preliminary, remove links to the earlier version. In other Puppies with builtin versions, it may be necessary to run Menu>Setup>Remove Builtin packages in order to frugalpup_20.sfs to be recognized.