I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

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I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by Zuzia »

I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Hi like in subject above:
I wont.
1.word procesor with 852 code page latin II Utf-8
2.must save file and not lost formating or Polish diacritical marks.
3. Save format RTF or other who not lost formating and can be copy paste to other cloud services, google docs, wattpad, etc...
4.Not distracting simple word procesor UI and autocorect off

My problem is simple. I write book. and i need tested not buged word procesor
I need find word procesor like wordstar 4.0 from dos on windows 98 SE i still use them now. But WS can safe file in ansii code page only then i lost all my Polish diacritical marks like ąężźćńśół etc. I wont simple terminal editor like nano who can save my work in RTF format then i not lost my font and formating; "nano" can do that only in plain txt and this is problem when i end write coz again i must setup all formating like acapit...

I know Focus writter and Wordgrinder and i like also but this program is problematic somtimes i cant lost my work for some bug. In nano i setup backup file same like automatic backup in wordstar from dos. Problem is coz im not sure if i have 200+ site document program open this without error. Wordstar4.0 and 7 can open not limited long document without problem and in fiew sec. i test it with 2.000.000 words. And i love my win 98se pc. But time come to stop convert ws doc to modern format coz also i can only plain txt.
Please sugest me not distracting simple word procesor UI and autocorect off with posibility save file to rtf coz i wont paste my work form that file with formating to other fiew cloud site as backup.

I can use vim probably with plugins and ok but my 99% work is in INSERT MODE then i not need that and i use laptop and pendrive with puppy 8 also then i wont simple word procesor on all my devices...

I wait for Your sugestion thanks!

PS. Egsist any plugin for nano or script let me safe and open rtf in nano without rtf syntax show?
I even try change color libre office to dark theme from github. Icon work but sheme not and still white UI i spend on writing fiew hour dey by dey i like black background and nice white font dos use ram chip for that thats why i love dos for writing. And nano -> Pico from dos. If i born in england then no problem coz i can open and convert all docs in wordstar without lost formating but i cant coz utf-8 is not ansii... :( and i must use my font with tail :) ąężźćłóśńĄŁĘĆŃŹŚĆ...

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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by puppy_apprentice »

Didn't find any console RTF editors but you can:

1) use simple RTF gui editor like TED:

2) write your book in HTML document using tags like: <p>, <b>, <i>, <u>, <h1>, <h2> etc. and later convert in to RTF on:
https://onlineconvertfree.com/convert-f ... ml-to-rtf/

3) use offline converters like PANDOC to convert HTML, Markdown documents to RTF format.

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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by Zuzia »

Thanks for trying but i wont terminal app who can save my work as RTF then i not lost formating. I not wont gui or autocorect i wont terminal based wordprocesor. Thats why i ask coz i not wont conwert my file again. I need only rtf format with polish font and i like write in terminal coz i mot like white libre office. In abi all looks great for me also but abi have meny bugs and somtime i cant even sefe file after work. I write all above Friend. If i can use nano and save to RTF will be awesome. I ned something like this. For linux.

This is my fav word procesor i can write big file in WS and save meny format but in Polish i have only 1 converter who can export my work to plain TXT without lost Polish font, but still lost formating. If i save as rtf formating is corect but no Polish font, thats why i looking for alternativ apps.


I use same program but my monitor is Green CRT not Amber.
TED looks nice can i change Tampletes to dark? Ted use UTF-8 code page?

I test Ted all work perfect for me and not lost any format or Polish font + i install PL language.
I have problem with libtiff.so.4 but i create symbolic link

Code: Select all

/usr/lib/ ln -s libtiff.so.5 libtiff.so.4

coz puppy have new version and program start without any more problem.
Is rly nice if i can only change color to dark or have same ted terminal version problem was solved.
But in dey i work in night i write if i write night with bright color my eye after 2 hour will be tired as hell... Thats why i ask for dark mode.
But Thanks Anyway very nice apps :) More better then libre office and still compatible with him. I open test rtf in libre and looks same without any problem :) Good Job Friend. Now i wont Ted terminal version and all my problem will be ended ^^

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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by williams2 »

You can change the colours of the urxvt text terminal emulator (console.)

For example, you can type:
urxvt -fg grey -bg black
to open a new urxvt window.

Then if you start nano or ted in the urxvt window with the black background maybe it will have the same foreground and background colours.

You can right click the "console" icon on the desktop, select "Edit Item", and put "-fg grey -bg black" in the "Arguments to pass" box.

Or you can edit the file /usr/local/bin/defaultterminal and change this:

Code: Select all

exec urxvt "$@"

to this:

Code: Select all

exec urxvt urxvt -fg grey -bg black "$@"
Last edited by williams2 on Fri Feb 26, 2021 1:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by mikeslr »

I don't know much about it. But a little googling turned up emacs. https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/. Your Puppy Package Manager can probably install it. This suggests that it can be configured to handle the Polish language. https://ftp.gnu.org/old-gnu/Manuals/ema ... s_216.html
The ability to export documents in odt format appears to be built-in. https://orgmode.org/manual/Exporting.html. From there converting to rtf --if you really need to-- is a simple as opening the document in LibreOffice or OpenOffice and re-saving it. A direct export to rtf seems more complicated: cf. https://kitchingroup.cheme.cmu.edu/blog ... lications/ or https://orgmode.org/manual/Extending-ODT-export.html.

While looking an application less RAM & Space demanding than those to convert odt to rtf, I stumbled upon wordgrinder. But I won't provide a link as you've already been there; or maybe your namesake. :lol:

As an alternative to the above, or TED, you might consider focus writer, which is also probably available via PPM. IIRC, I included it in Slacko 5.7.2CE and independently published two versions available from here, http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 83#1018283. As there noted, RTF is one of its supported formats. That post also includes some tips about using it. This posts suggests that it can handle the Polish language. https://laserujemy.pl/new-disability-ao ... word-count.

FWIW, if you google focus writer >images, one that shows up is green text on a black screen.

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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by williams2 »

According to the Ted documentation, the text colour and background can be configured.
http://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/editors/ted/Ted ... en_US.html
http://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/editors/ted/Ted ... les/i2.png

The default text colour and background colour must be configurable for libre office.

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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by mikeslr »

The following is a screenshot of focuswriter with black background & green text and language preference --as indicated by the Menu-bar at the top-- set to Polish. The text is in English as I don't know Polish.

focuswriter.png (15.9 KiB) Viewed 671 times

To take the screenshot I had to remember to Uncheck "Full Screen".

Under my Bionicpup64 this was a one 'deb' download and install via Puppy Package Manager. But I already have many Qt libs on that system. Ask if you need help determining what lib dependencies your system may lack. IIRC, PPM provided the dependencies for all my applications.

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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by 6502coder »

I think I understand Zuzia's requirements, and at the risk of being quite wrong and making things more confusing, I'd like to attempt to clarify those requirements.

Zuzia wants a terminal-based editor. No GUI. So Abiword, TED, RTFEditor, etc. must be ruled out.

Zuzia is a writer, not a programmer--at least for present purposes. Programming editors like vi, vim, Emacs, etc. are out.

By "not lose formatting" I think Zuzia is NOT talking about tables, bullet list, text colors, font changes, etc. I think Zuzia simply means that the LINE BREAKS in the text should be preserved, so that the line breaks (ie places where one line of text ends and the next line begins) as seen in the editor are exactly what you get on the printed page. This is how the old WordStar-type text editors worked.

The ability to handle Polish diacritics seems to me to amount in practice to a requirement that UTF-8 be supported.

The ability to export in RTF seems self-explanatory. The REASON for the RTF requirement, however, I think is a consequence of the UTF-8 requirement. I suspect that RTF-export is not a strict requirement, as long as the editor can handle and generate UTF-8 text files.

If all this is an accurate summary of the requirements, then it seems to me that what Zuzia wants is a WordStar-like editor that is UTF-8 capable. The nearest candidates I can think of are these two:

The SUE (Simple Unix Editor) has WordStar-like keybindings and paragraph formatting. Unfortunately id doesn't handle UTF-8.

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 509#394509

The e3 editor has WordStar-like keybindings, and can handle UTF-8 (it's a compile-time option). but unfortunately does not handle paragraph formatting in the WordStar fashion.

Again, my apologies if I'm only muddied the waters.

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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by puppy_apprentice »

Zuzia you can use WordStar or any DOS-based editor but you have to use DOSBox for this.

You can also try to convert AbiWord to minimalist/distraction free version (see attachment).

And at the end you can use Redshift app to save your eyes (Puppy Menu/Utility/Redshift GUI in Ubuntu based puppies). Redshift adjusts the color temperature of your screen according to your surroundings.

Minimalist abiWord enviroment
Minimalist abiWord enviroment
AbiWord.png (109.77 KiB) Viewed 659 times
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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by Zuzia »

I can use dosbox also coz on laptop i have only win 10. :) but this is no point.
I read TED documentation and i cant change setting. My config file is here:

I read all and i copy file and change name to Ted.properties I change
Ted.magnification: 120% parametr to 200% and i check and still i not see any changes... :(
This is bad config directory or bug. Coz in system i have only this 1 config file...

Where You change setting to Ted Friend? Please tell me patch and file name, if i mistake...

Thank You all for sugestion guys. I know program focus writter. But i never use them to big file...
Yes Right i know Red shift but i not think :) Still this abi from atachement looks nice. But alweys when i use abi i have problem with save file or open file coz somtimes looks broken and thats why i stop use abi. Last time i try save and i cant coz program not let me do that. and lucky not closed then i copy all my work to Geany and save again. Thats why im little scary when i use abi.

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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by Zuzia »

6502coder wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 4:19 am

I think I understand Zuzia's requirements, and at the risk of being quite wrong and making things more confusing, I'd like to attempt to clarify those requirements.

Zuzia wants a terminal-based editor. No GUI. So Abiword, TED, RTFEditor, etc. must be ruled out.

Zuzia is a writer, not a programmer--at least for present purposes. Programming editors like vi, vim, Emacs, etc. are out.

By "not lose formatting" I think Zuzia is NOT talking about tables, bullet list, text colors, font changes, etc. I think Zuzia simply means that the LINE BREAKS in the text should be preserved, so that the line breaks (ie places where one line of text ends and the next line begins) as seen in the editor are exactly what you get on the printed page. This is how the old WordStar-type text editors worked.

The ability to handle Polish diacritics seems to me to amount in practice to a requirement that UTF-8 be supported.

The ability to export in RTF seems self-explanatory. The REASON for the RTF requirement, however, I think is a consequence of the UTF-8 requirement. I suspect that RTF-export is not a strict requirement, as long as the editor can handle and generate UTF-8 text files.

If all this is an accurate summary of the requirements, then it seems to me that what Zuzia wants is a WordStar-like editor that is UTF-8 capable. The nearest candidates I can think of are these two:

The SUE (Simple Unix Editor) has WordStar-like keybindings and paragraph formatting. Unfortunately id doesn't handle UTF-8.

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 509#394509

The e3 editor has WordStar-like keybindings, and can handle UTF-8 (it's a compile-time option). but unfortunately does not handle paragraph formatting in the WordStar fashion.
Again, my apologies if I'm only muddied the waters.

Good explain Friend :) My eng is terrible sorry and thanks for this.

Yes i need that i can config vim from github but better i find some out of box word processor.

[TAB-acapit]This is simple what i wont
- Hi my name is Zuzia.
- Hi burn in hell for that subject!
and another story telling....

I wont only write and after save i wont open document and copy and paste all to gogle docs for spell check only but without lost formating of Polish font :) You tell all grat. Friend Thats why i not need any programing editor like vim. :) And i need modern format coz wordstar is great even now but not perfect for polish language. Only good if i write raw story without formating coz i have good tool o converw *ws file to *text but if i try *rtf all polish font is mess...

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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by Zuzia »

williams2 wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 1:02 am

You can change the colours of the urxvt text terminal emulator (console.)

For example, you can type:
urxvt -fg grey -bg black
to open a new urxvt window.

Then if you start nano or ted in the urxvt window with the black background maybe it will have the same foreground and background colours.

You can right click the "console" icon on the desktop, select "Edit Item", and put "-fg grey -bg black" in the "Arguments to pass" box.

Or you can edit the file /usr/local/bin/defaultterminal and change this:

Code: Select all

exec urxvt "$@"

to this:

Code: Select all

exec urxvt urxvt -fg grey -bg black "$@"

better You can use:

Code: Select all


for that.
I need wordprocesor not change colors Friend. And Ted is not terminal based app. Only GUI

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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by puppy_apprentice »

Most Ted configurations are Window Manager dependent. You can try make some changes in:

Code: Select all


This file is hidden so you should us eye icon in ROX.

Try to add to this file:

Code: Select all

Ted*background: gray

Maybe this change page color.

And zooming is depending on screen resolution - DPI, in Puppy it is 96 so according to documentation 120% is max.

On this page is terminal version of TED, but i couldn't open zip archive myself (maybe it's broken?):

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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by Zuzia »

Hi all hiden files in linux start from (dot)Xresources :) Then i know is hidden...
I try zip and also nothing inside. I check all version.
My res is full HD on linux but monitor support 4k (recomended) but i never use that in linux becouse all distro have problem with scale in 4k.
I check i dont have any .Xresources in HOME dir...
my only is in root ~/.Xresources

But if You tell this can work i try :) and tell more soon.
OK Friend i found it :)
Becouse my Ted use polish config file i changes i do here and work like charm look attachment :)

Ted.png (135.1 KiB) Viewed 686 times

All info is here but ted config directory is:

Code: Select all


Config file in my case is Ted-pl_PL.properties

ted config.png
ted config.png (53.5 KiB) Viewed 687 times

At last i find what i need now time to change something xD when i end i show You final result :)

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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by puppy_apprentice »

root is your home ;)

I don't know if this will change anything. Ted uses Motif library for GUI not Gtk.

Again in my opinion you can use AbiWord - editor that is in every puppy, it has native support of RTF.

You have to make some adjustments like on my screenshot:


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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by Zuzia »

Yes i probably give chance abi again after little config i lov how fonts looks in abi this is my fav linux editor but on puppy i have problem with open somtimes and save file...

I try meny setting in PL-Ted-config i can chage zoom and marigin and inch to cm or mm.
But still i try change bg color in Ted and nothing work i try

Ted*background: gray
Ted.background: gray

syntax and still nothing work
also i create Ted.properties in HOME Dir.
and also try in ~.Xresources
and in ~/Ted/Ted.properties in toot and home and still any seting not overwriten when i start Ted. :(
Documentiation tell this but this parametr not work or i still not find good config file.
Ted*background: gray <- how i can change ted bg color only that and will be awesome.

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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by Zuzia »

Trapster wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 5:00 pm

Way over my head here, but will Minimum Profit editor work?

No Friend look why proper Polish Right Alt (Gr.Alt)+Shift + A=Ą
but in MP... as always. I need support UTF-8 code page.

mp.png (50.46 KiB) Viewed 665 times

I not check all config file but not all program can setup code page.
Example nano is almoust perfect for me but cant safe to RTF and normal txt work in wordstar4.0 also.
I need my font + fomating

nano vs mp.png
nano vs mp.png (163.6 KiB) Viewed 655 times

You see? :)

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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by 6502coder »

I don't know why I didn't think of this before--perhaps JOE's Own Editor would work? It has WordStar keybindings, writers like it, and I believe it handles UTF-8.
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewt ... bc8#891122

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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by Zuzia »

puppy_apprentice wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 3:01 pm

root is your home ;)

This is my Abi i alweys use this color. #DCDAD5
somtimes i use AS+8 for format symbols and i alweys sidable auto corect...

aniword zuzia.png
aniword zuzia.png (54.37 KiB) Viewed 644 times

My problem with abi is 2 but rly sirius...

somtimes not wont save file

and nightmer

like subject from ubuntu forum
https://askubuntu.com/questions/199342/ ... n-abw-file
If next time Abi send me error then i give you printscreen with error message.

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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by step »

@Zuzia, have you already considered "micro" and "yudit"?
"micro" is a successor to "nano". It's a text editor for the terminal. You can download a pre-built binary from https://github.com/zyedidia/micro/releases.
"yudit" is a Unicode text editor that runs under X11 (GUI). It handles unicode without external tools. Supposedly, it's particularly good at that. Its creator wanted a good tool primarily to mix Hungarian and Japanese. Yudit's home is http://www.yudit.org. I don't think there are pre-built binaries, but you can find one for 64bit Linux for Fatdog64 here http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/packag ... 6_64-1.txz

As regards saving files as RTF... I don't think micro and yudit can. Have you considered writing plain text (even better markdown text) and THEN converting it to RTF with an online converter (google for one) or some text conversion program? For the latter I was about to suggest pandoc, a "universal document converter", https://pandoc.org --you can find pre-built binaries here https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/releases --but I noticed that it doesn't save as RTF. However, it saves as Word, and converting Word to RTF is easy, online or with word itself.

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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by 6502coder »

Here's a screenshot of Joe's Own Editor in action, in a sakura terminal session. I'm using the WordStar emulation mode. Notice the WordStar key bindings and the fact that accented characters in Italian are handled with no problem. I've also verified that paragraph reformatting with ^B works properly.

joesnap.png (171.37 KiB) Viewed 742 times
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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by Zuzia »

6502coder wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 6:24 pm

I don't know why I didn't think of this before--perhaps JOE's Own Editor would work? It has WordStar keybindings, writers like it, and I believe it handles UTF-8.
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewt ... bc8#891122

Hi Friend :D Yes this looks awesome have word calc line number in top right corner and display my Polish lang properly. Now if Joe can be configured to save file as rtf will be perfect for modern systems :) This is what i looking for i install Joe from ppm and work, i cant open wany docs from menu with help but i see Joe have suport for wordstar and pico now i must look only how i can config that :)

I look more info and tell more :) Thank You! Great Job Friend!

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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by 6502coder »

On my system (Ubuntu Bionic Beaver) after I installed JOE, I can type "jstar" in a terminal and that automatically starts JOE in WordStar mode.

This is the home page for JOE where you can find the user manual and other documentation:


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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by puppy_apprentice »

There is another rtf gui editor RTFed:
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 6d#1029936
Needs 32bit libraries sfs.
Doesn't have option to change page color ;(

rtfed.jpg (142.92 KiB) Viewed 717 times

For Ted:
I found in documentation that adding:

Code: Select all

tedDocument*geometry: 600x800

in ~/.Xdefaults or $~/Ted will limit the initial size of document windows to 600 pixels wide and 800 pixels high.

so maybe adding this:

Code: Select all

tedDocument*background: grey

will change page color?

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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by Zuzia »

Hi again :D my lovely puppy Community :)
This is what i have now :)

My jstar word editor i change color ui to nice red TAG in help menu. My wordwrap is on and max line size is 64 marks.
coz mu WS4.0 use same size of line. I test meny text editor ater export and this is what i have now :)

My setting in jstar :)

jstar setting zuzia menu on.png
jstar setting zuzia menu on.png (195.32 KiB) Viewed 705 times

And my BIG THANKS for all who wont help me :) From the bottom of my souls! :D
Read this! ^^

jstar orginal file.png
jstar orginal file.png (205.08 KiB) Viewed 705 times

and again in Geany (nice looking export with diactric and UTF-8 code page + formating

abi and libre.jpg
abi and libre.jpg (137.43 KiB) Viewed 705 times

I marked centered line here in libre and abi RTF format looks good but center line is just like multi space used still you can see this is left aligin in libre and abi all looks same but still format is ok and looks good after copy and paste from orginal to cloud (google docs, wattpad, etc.)

Thank You All Guys i rly can hug all for that awesome alternativ. Ted and jstar (all Joe's editor) is my fav :) :thumbup2:
I not need converter for modern system now :) all work as i wont out of box! :mrgreen:

Last edited by Zuzia on Sun Feb 28, 2021 10:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by Zuzia »

puppy_apprentice wrote: Sat Feb 27, 2021 6:52 pm

There is another rtf gui editor RTFed:
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 6d#1029936
Needs 32bit libraries sfs.
Doesn't have option to change page color ;(

For Ted:
I found in documentation that adding:

Code: Select all

tedDocument*geometry: 600x800

in ~/.Xdefaults or $~/Ted will limit the initial size of document windows to 600 pixels wide and 800 pixels high.

so maybe adding this:

Code: Select all

tedDocument*background: grey

will change page color?

Hi i must test that Friend :) Thank YOU i tell more when i edit .Xdefoults :) Geometry is ok now 200% look i scale before is rly nice i wont only grey bg_color :) I test meny syntax with meny difrent config file but not luck, bg color never changed :(

Last edited by Zuzia on Sun Feb 28, 2021 6:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by Zuzia »

step wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 7:52 pm

@Zuzia, have you already considered "micro" and "yudit"?
"micro" is a successor to "nano". It's a text editor for the terminal. You can download a pre-built binary from https://github.com/zyedidia/micro/releases.
"yudit" is a Unicode text editor that runs under X11 (GUI). It handles unicode without external tools. Supposedly, it's particularly good at that. Its creator wanted a good tool primarily to mix Hungarian and Japanese. Yudit's home is http://www.yudit.org. I don't think there are pre-built binaries, but you can find one for 64bit Linux for Fatdog64 here http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/packag ... 6_64-1.txz

As regards saving files as RTF... I don't think micro and yudit can. Have you considered writing plain text (even better markdown text) and THEN converting it to RTF with an online converter (google for one) or some text conversion program? For the latter I was about to suggest pandoc, a "universal document converter", https://pandoc.org --you can find pre-built binaries here https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/releases --but I noticed that it doesn't save as RTF. However, it saves as Word, and converting Word to RTF is easy, online or with word itself.

Yes Friend i know Micro and i never use yudit. For markdown i can Youse meny editors RTF is underrated format Friend trust me. This sformat is great for all os and not mater old or modern. I not need converter if i can save my wotk ro rtf. Moust time in my lifi i use nano pico wordstar4.0 and 7 version. and WS4 is my fav all the time you must try it to understand what i mean. I 99,9% only write. I love work without autocorect WS show me number in row and column margin size and end page in a4 format. have build Star Exchange ws file converter to other meny format. But only 1 problem for me i use Polish lang and i can wrie it to word star but after convert to rtf i must swap all polish fonts from wierd symbol to normal and this is becouse ws use only Ansii not UTf-8 But i still love this. Program use marks for bold italić etc. ^BThis is bold^B will be printed as bold text and You not see ^B in end file. WS also use meny (dot) comands who looks like this
.pb (page break) show in wordstar end of page even if you not end write on full size paper. This is super simple You not need nothing more to write whole book in 1 program with perfect look if you know how to use it. But moust important WS writing is rly awesome dos font genetered form RAM hip loks super nice black background and white font looks awesome on crt monitor. Good for eye even if you write all night. No auto corect or any interface if you disable help. and even if not writing experience is best not mater what other sey. Who never try this version cant tell nothing bad about this app. If only someone can clone that apps and mod it for polish lang and utf-8 i can buy this and never use any other editor for writing.


I can start here and end here all book. But if i do that my file will be text raw without any formating i not need bold itaclic etc. but acapit dialogs after <\br> and this is problem coz my stupid lang in english i can choice from 100 difrent format from very old for some modern like MS word. And last what is awesome ws always update backup file for you if you lost orginal you can read only book.bak file and save it again :) then posibility you lost your work is almoust 0 + i have meny copy orginal file in cloud and on usb. WS also can open 10 000 000 word long document in 1 sec. and never lagy some modern editor cant...

jstar4.0 amoust.jpg
jstar4.0 amoust.jpg (156.45 KiB) Viewed 674 times

Thats why im happy to find jstar from joe's editor pack. Thanks for that comunity if i only little more config i can even change moust command to orginal ws then my work will be easy as before :)

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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by puppy_apprentice »

It is good that you have found proper editor for you.

I myself write most documents in HTML or markdown, which later convert to HTML and print it in Firefox as PDF. PDF viewer is on every system today even for DOS:

EDIT: There are even plugins for browsers that show markdown files instantly.

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Re: I need sugestion terminal based word procesor like nano but can save file as RTF usind UTF8 code page for latin II

Post by Zuzia »

puppy_apprentice wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:56 am

It is good that you have found proper editor for you.

I myself write most documents in HTML or markdown, which later convert to HTML and print it in Firefox as PDF. PDF viewer is on every system today even for DOS:

EDIT: There are even plugins for browsers that show markdown files instantly.

I like markdown i have windows wersion iAwrite from mac is simple but port is rly bad slow laggy somtime crash. I not like osX meybe on apple shity macbook all work nice but i have win 10 version and is terrible. Only what i like is dark mode and typewriter mode. Also focuswriter is much better then iA write on windows. Markdown is nice but if MD can have nice editor who can be fast like dos and looks same good will be fine problem in MD when you write book is 1 you need syntax and writing proces is much slower.
example if i need bold i use ** and this is ok fast and niece but if i wont write dialog i must write
in normal editor
- diolog line 1
- dialog line 2
Markdown chawnge me - to
dot list or other if i change tamplete
for normal use i must remebmer add "\" before - then symbol will be ok not mater what tamplete in other editor or site.
and in MD will be:
\- diolog line 1
\- dialog line 2
This is bad for writters coz you can be super fast if you need dispaly your article in blog but slow if you just write story and must remenber detail like this in dialog or other coz all writers just start dialog from pause
-dialog 1
never wite
\- dialog 1
... If you forget syntax in only 1 place in end book document you look and see ordered list item not dialog...
like here.

  • dialog 1

  • dialog 2

But yes if i write on blog or forum like github who supp markdown that MD is rly nice... Coz you know how your articele will be look before you paste it on site. And You can write even in any text editor not mater how simple.
All can tell You vim is best but for dev or coders or me if i wont create html+css but most time i just need write story, Final document i can setup from notapad thats why rtf is nice coz i not need reformat all book on end. Proper tools for proper task this is answer for me vim is just inset mode text editor without plugins, then even nano will be better then vim in that case. :)

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