How to remove the Save Now icon?

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How to remove the Save Now icon?

Post by thiagocolas »

I am creating a Guest savefile for my BionicPup that should work similar to ChromeOS, with the browser running and nothing else, so my relatives can use it when visiting. I wanna keep all my internet configurations, but i want to erase, or at least hide the Save button, to make sure that account will never have any user names, files or other trash saved there. What should i do?

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Re: Remove Save Now Icon

Post by williams2 »

There are desktop icons that are created and modified automatically, like drive icons at the bottom, and the trash icon at the right.

You could setup a new desktop (rox pinboard) which will be ignored completely by the Puppy operating system.
For example, to configure Puppy to use a pinboard file named "guest", you can edit hidden file /root/.xinitrc then near the bottom of the file, add this line: rox -p guest
That is, change this:

Code: Select all


to this:

Code: Select all

rox -p guest

The "guest" pinboard file will be in the hidden directory /root/.config/ and will be named pb_guest
You can copy the standard Puppy pinboard file to pb_guest if you want to, then remove any icons you want to remove.

You can remaster and run it in ram only, pfix=ram, with no savefile. The hard drive won't be mounted. The nicOS utility suite should be able to do this.

Ir you install Puppy on a usb flash drive, it would save anything to the usb drive. The hard drive doesn't need to be mounted. With a "guest" pinboard there should be no "save" icon.

Edit: I think that disabling /usr/sbin/snapmergepuppy might disable the save icon and the Ask To Save dialog when Puppy shuts down. The icon could be visible, but it would do nothing of clicked.

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