RealVNC Srever on Raspup: PAM_Start Error 26

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RealVNC Srever on Raspup: PAM_Start Error 26

Post by raspup_noob »

Hi all

I have installed today a brand new image of Raspup 8.2.1 on an SD Card for my RasPi 3B+. I assigned a static LAN IP on wlan0.
I installed afterwards a RealVNC Server image.
Since I have another RasPi 3B+ on Raspbian Buster in my LAN with RealVNC Server running fine, I copypasted all relevant IP/UDP/TCP settings in the FritzBox router for the Raspup Pi, to avoid problems in terms of TCP/UDP port blocking.

Unfortunately, while I was able to log onto the RealVNC Server of my Raspbian based Pi, this did not work on the Raspup based Pi. I first changed the root password on the Raspup with the passwd CLI command, because I did not find the default Raspup password on the web (my fault..?). I then tried again, the weong password message changed, instead the message said that the authentication process was refused by the VNC server.
I checked the VNC error log on the Raspup Pi and noticed a PAM_Start error 26 at every attempt with the new root credentials, it basically immediately halts the VNC client authentication process.
I did not fool around with any PAM settings or did any other fancy things.

Unfortunately I need to move forward urgently with my project, so I have to continue with Raspbian, but all the same wanted you to be aware about this issue, you may want to check it on your side as well.

If you have any questions around the symptoms of this issue, just let me know - happy to help.

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Re: RealVNC Srever on Raspup: PAM_Start Error 26

Post by Jafadmin »

It would probably be useful to check /etc/pam.d on both puppies and compare their RealVNC pam files.

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