Creating a distributable ISO

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Creating a distributable ISO

Post by mikeslr »

So, you've remastered your Puppy and think someone else may enjoy using it. Or want to transfer it to and install it on another computer. Or just package it so that it is easy to store.

Almost every computer operating system has some way of burning an ISO on to a CD/DVD or a USB-Key; and if the ISO has been properly packaged the resulting 'burn' will be boot-able. How to you get your masterpiece into the ISO format?
There are other ways; some involving applications which may not work, or a combination of applications, know-how and manual steps. But, jamesbond has just alerted us that the inimitable JakeSFR's Packit can properly handle that task. viewtopic.php?p=6474#p6474.

I am posting because, although I've used Packit for other tasks I was unaware of that capability. Figured others might also be.
Packit may already be built-into your Puppy. If so, it will appear on the Utilities sub-menu. I believe February 22, 2020 was the date of the last published update, version 1.21. If your Puppy version is older, you may want to install the latest. Link from here, ... 490#729490.

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