Tahrpup 6.0.5

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Tahrpup 6.0.5

Post by 666philb »

released 16/12/2015

Puppy Linux 6.0.5 tahrpup CE
3.14.56 kernel

Tahrpup is built from ubuntu 14.04 LTS trusty tahr packages, and includes all the latest fixes and improvements from the 'woof CE testing branch'.

save to folder, easy kernel swapping, suspend to ram, quickpet, palemoon, vlc, deadbeef, qt, python, getflash, rightclick options, listDD, urxvt-control, packit, uxtract, p7zip, copyfast, samba , battery alarm, libhal fix, vdpau drivers, bash fix, frisbee fix.
the latest.... JWM, parcellite/clipit, mtpaint, sylpheed, geany, asunder, mhwaveedit, ffconvert, pavrecord, pburn, urxvt, abiword, grub4dos, isomaster, pfind, psync, sfsload and more.

thanks to all the developers, contributors & testers ......
barry k, 01micko, shinobar, mavrothal, giro, rcrsn51, zigbert, sfr, peebee, wjaguar, james c, billtoo, musher0, don570, wyzguy, radky, sszindiian, live, B.K.johnson, brownmouse, pemasu, ally, gcmartin, and anyone i've forgot to mention.

tahrpup was only possible because of 'woofCE', forked from woof created by Barry k, maintained by 01micko and contributed to by various others.... all the hard work went on there Smile
Minimum System Requirements
Recommended: 1000MHz processor (p4), 768MB RAM and either bootable cd access, usb boot, sdcard or network boot access. A Hard Drive is not required

http://ftp.nluug.nl/ftp/pub/os/Linux/di ... -tahr/iso/ quicker download usually
kernel sources are in quickpet

ondemand cpu-scaling is on by default, but for a snappier desktop and applications you might want to set it to 'performance' in .... menu>>system>>CPU frequency scaling

elephantis has made a tahrpup theme for palemoon/firefox https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefo ... pup-6-0-2/

updates & bugfixes
If you open Quickpet you'll see a 'tahrpup update/bug fixes' button. As bugs are discovered and fixed, clicking on this button will install all the latest fixes, so it's a good idea to check this regularly.
After numerous fixes, they'll all be combined into a puppy service pack. when a service pack is available, you'll be prompted about it automatically when you open the puppy package manager.


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Re: Tahrpup 6.0.5

Post by markwiering »

I feel like Puppy Linux Tahrpup 6.0.5. has been abandoned.

No new updates are being released. No new service packs are being released. My web browser (PaleMoon) cannot be updated any more with "PaleMoon updater", meaning that I have to stick with a browser version that cannot properly display all web pages.

Don't let Puppy Linux Tahrpup die! It's my favourite Linux distribution from all time.

The only thing that Puppy Linux misses (in general), is the easy way to install and remove programs using the "apt update", "apt install" and "apt autoremove" command. I use this a lot on MX Linux, and it would be nice if Puppy Linux Tahrpup could be updated to have something similar. :mrgreen:
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Re: Tahrpup 6.0.5

Post by BologneChe »

Salutations to you!

Try this : viewtopic.php?f=90&t=154

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Re: Tahrpup 6.0.5

Post by bigpup »

Palemoon moved to providing updates internally built into Palemoon.

Install this version of Palemoon v28.0.0
http://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/pe ... 0-i686.pet

It is not the latest version, but after installing.
It can be updated by using Palemoon->Help->Check for updates.....

Also has update options in the Palemoon->Preferences

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Re: Tahrpup 6.0.5

Post by BologneChe »

Hello to you!
I tried to install Tahrpup 6.0.5 uefi on an Acer Spin 1. I have a hang at Xorgwizard. I tried the suggested drivers as well as the native resolution (1920 x 1080) but nothing helped. A possible solution?

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Re: Tahrpup 6.0.5

Post by bigpup »

Use a newer version of Puppy Linux in that Acer Spin 1.

The hardware is too new for Tahrpup.

Bionicpup64 8.0
Bionicpup32 8.0
Fossapup64 9.0.5

You may or may not need help to maybe getting the touchscreen working properly.

ScPup 32 or 64 would also be one to try.

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Re: Tahrpup 6.0.5

Post by greengeek »

Until recently i have been using mostly Slacko 5.6 based pups as they are quick and lean - but now my family members need something that is "easier to use" and has more readily available software so i have been trialling Tahr 6.0.5

I have to say this is a real nice pup, and i love the fact that Quickpet has some nice stuff available.

But i have encountered a problem with making new copies (or remasters) of the CD that I am using to boot Tahr.

I am wondering if other people can duplicate my problem or is it something i am doing wrong (or do i misunderstand the process??)

Here is my method:
(Using a 32bit Dell 1545 laptop)

- Boot from a CD that is made from the original Tahr 6.0.5 non-PAE iso.
- Make new directory called /root/tahr605
- Mount the CD drive (that contains the Tahr 6.0.5 CD) and copy all of the files from CD into the /root/tahr605 directory.
- Rightclick the /root/tahr605 directory and select "Make iso"
- Burn the new iso ("tahr605.iso") to a new CD (using multimedia/burniso2cd)

When i try to boot the Dell from the new CD it does not see the CD as being bootable and boots to Windows instead.

If i use the same procedure but using "Packit" (also from the rightclick menu) instead of "Make iso" the new CD does boot the Dell perfectly fine.

So my questions are:
1) Does my method seem valid?
2) Should "Make iso" create a bootable CD just as Packit does? (or is there a fault with Make iso?)
3) Is anyone able to confirm that they have the same result using this method?

and also:

4) Is there something about "Make iso" that is designed for a UEFI iso creation? - and maybe i am using it for the wrong purpose? Or failing to add something special to the iso?

I need to create an iso that is suitable for booting 32bit (non-UEFI) hardware via CD boot and/or usb boot - but at this stage i don't know enough about UEFI hardware to focus on UEFI specifics. I just need to be able to use one of the modern 32bit pups (which tend to be released as UEFI capable isos) - as a base for non-UEFI iso creation.

Hope that makes sense.

NOTE: it is not just Tahr 6.0.5 where i am seeing this problem with Make iso - other recent 32bit pups have the same issue. (64bit pups untested at this stage)
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Re: Tahrpup 6.0.5

Post by jamesbond »

greengeek wrote: Tue Sep 29, 2020 6:47 am - Rightclick the /root/tahr605 directory and select "Make iso"
The smarts is in that "Make iso" function. I have no idea where this comes from, and what it does behind the scene.
When i try to boot the Dell from the new CD it does not see the CD as being bootable and boots to Windows instead.
And that's because that "Make iso" script doesn't even bother to make a bootable ISO.
If i use the same procedure but using "Packit" (also from the rightclick menu) instead of "Make iso" the new CD does boot the Dell perfectly fine.
PackIt is an awesome program, written by @JakeSFR. I usually just use it and never take a peek, but because of your prompting, I decided to take a look; and look and behold! The function that actually packs the directory into an ISO, has the smarts within it to detect whether a bootloader is present (both BIOS and UEFI bootloaders), and will make a bootable ISO accordingly if they are found! Great stuff!

I decided to try for myself. I unpacked Fatdog ISO and re-pack it using PackIt. It boots both under BIOS and UEFI. I did the same for bionicpup32-8.0 - and again, it boots both under BIOS and UEFI. I'm using version 1.22 of PackIt (the latest at the time of writing).
So my questions are:
1) Does my method seem valid?
You are using a pre-made script written by someone else. Whether it will results in a bootable ISO or not, it depends on what the script does. The "Make iso" obviously fails the test, but PackIt works very well because it in fact knows about bootable ISO, and goes out of its way to detect if any semblance of bootloaders exist in the "directory" that you're packing; and if it does, it will make a bootable ISO.
2) Should "Make iso" create a bootable CD just as Packit does? (or is there a fault with Make iso?)
You should probably ask whoever created the "Make iso" script. It is not a fault or deficiency, it's just a matter of features; unless, of course, the author did intend to support bootable ISO, in which it would be a fault. But not running Tahrpup, not seeing the code myself, and not knowing who the author of the script is, I wouldn't be able to make any judgement.
3) Is anyone able to confirm that they have the same result using this method?
As above. It works with PackIt on both Fatdog and bionicpup32-8.0 ISOs; and again I'm using version 1.22 version of PackIt. Note that both Fatdog and bionicpup32-8.0 are UEFI-capable to begin with. Even PackIt would not be able to create a UEFI-bootable ISO if the source/original ISO is ___NOT___ UEFI-bootable.
4) Is there something about "Make iso" that is designed for a UEFI iso creation? - and maybe i am using it for the wrong purpose? Or failing to add something special to the iso?
See my response to Q2.

My suggestion? Don't bother with "Make iso". Install the latest version of PackIt, and you should be able to fly.
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Re: Tahrpup 6.0.5

Post by greengeek »

I can't find a thread for Tahr32 6.0.6 so will just ask this here if that's ok:

When i run xcalc on Tahr32 6.0.5 it runs fine

When i run xcalc on Tahr32 6.0.6 i get an X crash to command prompt.
I cannot see any log entry that offers any clue.
Anyone know why a simple program like xcalc would crash X?
(I see that xcalc has been removed from the puppy menu in this version of tahr but the executable is still in /usr/bin. I assume it was removed from the menu for some reason...)

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Re: Tahrpup 6.0.5

Post by mikewalsh »

@greengeek :-

For all practical purposes, Ian, 6.0.5.and 6.0.6 are more or less identical, although the UEFI stuff was added, and I suspect there may have been changes in the initrd, too. 6.0.5 ran happily on ye anciente Dell, but 6.0.6 - although it would run - would never display for me, no matter how many 'workarounds' I applied to cover the awkward Intel graphics chip (Extreme Graphics).

Use this thread. I think it covers both, anyway. As for xcalc, well.....if the Menu entry was removed, it must have been for a reason. We've got tons of calculators that work fine with Pup, anyway; is there a specific reason you wanted xcalc?

Mike. ;)

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Re: Tahrpup 6.0.5

Post by bigpup »

Tahrpup 6.0.6 was suppose to be a update version, with improvements and changes.
Problem is, it never got fully completed and bug fixed.
666phlb moved on to developing Xenialpup and never fully finished Tahrpup 6.0.6.

For the most part Tahrpup6.0.6 is a working Puppy version, but not 100% completely finished.

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Re: Tahrpup 6.0.5

Post by greengeek »

mikewalsh wrote: Sun Feb 14, 2021 12:02 pm

is there a specific reason you wanted xcalc?

To be honest i can't remember why i needed to use xcalc - i think it was something i read on a website that discussed an xcalc feature and i gave it a try. I can live with the other calculators fine but just wondered what kind of bug could cause something as serious as an X crash when using such a basic little program.

As Bigpup mentioned Tahr 606 does still have some bugs but i really like it so i am interested to understand any weird behaviours like this and solve them if i can.

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Re: Tahrpup 6.0.5

Post by basco_steve »

I have a copy of "Puppy Tahrpup 6.0.5 32B" I obtained from ShopLinuxOnline.com. I don't know whether that provider assembles a live usb thumbdrive version different from others. I have been using it from the thumbdrive on an older Dell Optiflex computer which formerly ran Windows XP. I WANT to install it on the hard drive, but when I when I click on the desktop "Install" icon and follow the procedure, right after I think it is about to actually install, I get a window which wants me to indicate the path to certain files. I assume these files are on the usb thumb drive, but that is NOT one of the choices I am given. I'm allowed to either select "CD drive" (when there is no CD in the computer's optical drive) or click on certain paths on the hard drive (which is reformated and empty). There is no way to tell the install program to look to the USB thumb drive. And the program doesn't seem to know that it has been loaded from that thumb drive either. Is anyone familiar with that version and what to do to get around this installation roadblock?

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Re: Tahrpup 6.0.5

Post by ally »


create a directory called tahrpup somewhere on the drive but normally the first partition, download the tahrpup iso to that folder

click the iso to expand it then copy all the files into the tahrpup directory

click the iso again to close the expanded windows

then run grub4dos from the setup menu

you should then be able to reboot your machine (remove the usb) and boot from the hardrive, then run the setup stuff

downloading, copying and boot loader should take just a couple of minutes, this 'frugal' install also allows you to have more than one operating system on the machine so you can try and find a puppy that fits you well, tahrpup whilst excellent is now a little outdated for newer browsers



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Re: Tahrpup 6.0.5

Post by bigpup »

then run grub4dos from the setup menu

A little more info.
When you run Grub4dos Config
Make sure to select the internal drive as the device to install on.
Select search for files only on this device
The other options are OK as they are.

I get a window which wants me to indicate the path to certain files. I assume these files are on the usb thumb drive, but that is NOT one of the choices I am given. I'm allowed to either select "CD drive" (when there is no CD in the computer's optical drive) or click on certain paths on the hard drive

The Installer program is wanting you to have the Tahrpup iso downloaded to a location, so it can get the needed files from it.

When Tahrpup was developed, most people were still burning the iso image to a CD, and booting using it.
That is why the installer has CD drive as a selection.
USB installs of Puppy, were still a new thing.

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Re: Tahrpup 6.0.5

Post by mikeslr »

Hi basco_steve, and :welcome: to the Kennels,

As bigpup mentioned, tahrpup is getting 'a little long in the tooth'. Since you have a functional Puppy on a USB-Stick but basically you have to start from scratch [download the ISO, unpack, copy, install boot-loader] to have one boot from your hard-drive, this is a good time to explore 'up-dating'. Tahrpup doesn't care which ISO you choose.
We could provide recommendations for a Tahrpup replacement. But it is much better if we knew more about your computer: Make, model, graphics card, and in particular how much RAM you have. And anything you think may be unusual.
Many really good Puppys that can be run on even 'old computers' have been published in the last 6 'human' years. That's about 100 'years' of computer technological evolution.

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