Hello everyone,
I'm currently running a Hungerian puplet (BullseyePup64-9.0) and I'm having an issue where when I start my machine Conky comes up black (background color). If I go in my startup folder and open conky_start with a text editor, Conky will then turn transparent. I would like to have Conky come up transparent without having to go play in the startup folder. My conky_start file is the following:
echo "`cat /etc/DISTRO_SPECS | grep "DISTRO_NAME=" | cut -c 14- | sed "s/'//g"`" >/etc/puppyname
echo "`cat /etc/DISTRO_SPECS | grep "DISTRO_VERSION="| cut -d "=" -f2`" >>/etc/puppyname
sleep 3
conky -c /root/.conkyrc
Many thanks in advance!