Trying to share Win XP folders to Puppy [SOLVED, USE YASSM]

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Trying to share Win XP folders to Puppy [SOLVED, USE YASSM]

Post by Barkingmad »


This seems to be harder than I'm sure it ought to be!

I've been given an old laptop running Windows XP home. I want to save some of the user files from the hard rive and they're too big for a CD and I don't have a spare USB drive so I thought I should be able to copy over my LAN to the hard drive of my Puppy desktop.

In Windows I have checked to boxes to "share this folder on the network" and set a share name for "My Documents" and "My Pictures"

In Puppy (Bionic 64) I find Pnethood - "access Windows shares" it says. Run Pnethood and it comes up with a tab labeled with the "Computer name of the Windows machine, spaces for username, password and domain - all blank and two lines of the share names I set in windows. Pressing connect on either of them eventually fails with a message about being unable to mount.

The Puppy firewall is off, Windows claimed it would set it's own to allow sharing, the Windows PC doesn't appear to have any password set - I can boot up and access anything without being prompted for one.

What should I look at at either end - I've never done much with Win XP networking so there might be some hidden setting there if anyone remembers?

Thanks for any help.

Last edited by Barkingmad on Sat Feb 06, 2021 11:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trying to share Win XP folders to Puppy

Post by rockedge »

have you tried to enter the default user name for the WinXP machine in the field in presented in the box by pnethood? If I remember I had set a user name on the WinXP machine with a password, and after I entered that in pnethood it would connect.

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Re: Trying to share Win XP folders to Puppy

Post by p310don »

I'm not sure how pnethood mounts a share. Newer kernels than 4.19 (I think) need to mount a share slightly differently, in that they need to specify the samba version to use.

Have you tried mounting via command line? Create a mount point, eg. /mnt/xp then

mount.cifs -o //path/to/xp /mnt/xp user=name,passwd=password,vers=1.0

It's something like that.

Otherwise, can you map the Puppy drive from WinXP and copy from win to lin using windows?

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Re: Trying to share Win XP folders to Puppy

Post by Barkingmad »

Thanks for the suggestions - they give me something to try when I next have chance to play with this.

Don: the command line tools look a bit beyond me at the moment, although I might come to it. I might try booting the "destination" PC with Tarha from a pen drive and seeing if the kernel will connect.

Thanks for the help

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Re: Trying to share Win XP folders to Puppy

Post by p310don »

Correcting myself from my previous post. This is the correct code to mount a WinXP share:

Code: Select all

mount.cifs // /mnt/mount-point -o vers=1.0,password=123

Where is the IP address of the WinXP machine, share-name is the share name on the WinXP machine & mount-point is the location on Puppy to mount it at.

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Re: Trying to share Win XP folders to Puppy

Post by Jafadmin »

I use the YASSM Samba share mounter. For XP remember to use "vers=1.0" in the Options box

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Re: Trying to share Win XP folders to Puppy

Post by Barkingmad »


And the prize goes to .............. Jafadmin!!!!

YASSM worked nicely. No need for a username or password but with

Code: Select all


in the options box, thanks for pointing that out as it was the trick I was missing to get this to work.

I've had another look at Pnethood and can't find anyway to specify the Samba version so looks as though YASSM is the way to go with XP shares.

thanks to all

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Re: Trying to share Win XP folders to Puppy [SOLVED, USE YASSM]

Post by Jafadmin »

YASSM is one of @rcrsn51's apps. He takes care of bidness ..

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