Using bionicdog64. The other day I installed waterfox by downloading the .tar.bz2, uncompressed it and moved the waterfox directory to /opt/. I then created a .desktop file pointing to the executable program file.
The /opt folder is now saved in my savefolder /casper/changes.
When I choose to save changes on shutdown is the entire /casper/changes saved to my flash drive or only files that have changed since the last save (full vs incremental backup so to speak).
For the sake of efficiency I would want to save as little as possible while still keeping changes. Could I achieve better efficiency and smaller save folder if I placed this whole waterfox directory elsewhere where it isn't backed up to the savefolder and put that in my PATH? You know, more static and less writes to flash. Kind of like in puppy linux when you save a document outside of the savefolder. Any thoughts?