How to use Acer One S1002 netbook wireless in BionicPup 32 bit?

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How to use Acer One S1002 netbook wireless in BionicPup 32 bit?

Post by BlackForrest »

Hello everybody!

I am a brand new Linux user. I have an old Acer One S1002 netbook, I used to have Windows 10 installed, but the system was too slow, so I decided to try my luck with PuppyLinux. I installed BionicPup 32 bit. It took only about 3 minutes for the installation to be completed.

Now I have some trouble installing drivers for my Internet connection, as well as the sound option.

I tried various ways within the system to install or load settings that were there, but without much luck.

The netbook doesn't have an Ethernet port, so I need to install wireless.

Can you give me some advice on how to approach this problem?

Thank you.

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Re: Wireless installation

Post by bigpup »

Are we talking about an internal wireless adapter in the netbook or a USB WIFI adapter you plug in?

It may already have what is needed and you do not know how to use the network connection wizards.

This has a lot of steps, but it will tell use what the problem is or is not.

menu->Setup->Internet Connection Wizard->Wired or wireless LAN->Network Wizard

Network Wizard wireless connection steps.

1. Select Network Wizard
2. Select wlan0 (your network card may have a different description)
3. Select Wireless in the Configure wireless network box.
4. Select Scan and your ESSID (WIFI router) should come up.
5. Select your ESSID and OK
6. Give a name to your profile. It should already be what you selected in step 5.
7. Encryption. Most people use WPA/TKIP - select it or WPA2.
8. A box will open for you to write the WPA password. It is called a Shared Key. Enter the password.
9. Leave the other boxes as they are. Rarely do these need adjustment.
9. Select Save
10. Select Use This Profile
11. A box will appear showing Puppy trying to connect
12. A box will come up “REPORT ON TEST 0f wlan0CONNECTION”
13. Select Auto DHCP in the Configure interface box and it will go through a handshake routine. and declare itself successful
14. Select done

Select to use this setup on reboot.
Select to use this as default.

If something does not work.
What step?
You do what?
You see what?

Also make sure your system's time zone setting is correct - if not, many website's certificates then act as if they are expired, and the webpage won't display.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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