How to change Repos in Old Debian and Ubuntu Pups when they become Old-releases

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How to change Repos in Old Debian and Ubuntu Pups when they become Old-releases

Post by darry19662018 »

From the Old forums at Murga I found this when your old Ubuntu or Debian puppy becomes an old release and is no longer supported by Debian or Ubuntu and you still want to use that Pup example Lucid, Squeeze, Precise, Raring. Basically I have been trying for days to find this thread as I have been playing around with some Squeeze Pups and this thread was useful so thought I'd share it it before it is lost...

Amended distro compat repos for Debian Squeeze
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We pick in 2013 with Q5sys talking about wayland but further on the topic of repos comes up.....
This really isnt specific to just precise but for all of the ubuntu based releases. I know it will take some time for Canonical to release MIR into their products... but It's going to happen if Shuttleworth has anything to say about it. So I'm curious to others ideas of how that move might affect puppy's future development of the Ubuntu line of releases.

Will we work to modify puppy to use MIR, and assist Ubuntu in porting applications over to it... or will we stop basing future versions on it once MIR goes live?

I dont know the future, and I dont claim to know the answers. I'm curious as to others peoples thoughts before I start to form an opinion.

If you havent heard... here are some links to read. ... buntu-mir/ ... land-not-x ... px=MTMxNzg
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Re: How to change Repos in Old Debian and Ubuntu Pups when they become Old-releases

Post by darry19662018 »

jamesbond: Wayland is here (or not, depending on who you ask), and Puppy isn't using it. GTK3 is here too and Puppy isn't using it.

On another note, Lucid Puppy went well beyond Lucid Lynx's shell-life.
It was not that long ago that Lupu got replaced by Slacko as the "official" puppy, and even after that it continued to linger around under "three-headed-dog" name.

The way I see it, is that Barry will probably stick to the latest version of Ubuntu that still uses Xorg. MIR will probably be only considered once Xorg is no longer maintained and everyone else have moved to MIR (which isn't going to happen over night - even if MIR is mature and production-ready today).

Of course I'm not Barry and not speaking on his behalf - this is pure speculation Smile
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Re: How to change Repos in Old Debian and Ubuntu Pups when they become Old-releases

Post by darry19662018 »

sunburnt: Don`t like new and latest, let it mature and become stable first.

The one article showed what Canonical has got so far, and it`s not much...
I agree with the writers assessment, MIR earliest hope will be next year.
And then you can add another year to that for it to become truly functional.
So Precise won`t even be on the radar by then, not much to worry about.
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Re: How to change Repos in Old Debian and Ubuntu Pups when they become Old-releases

Post by darry19662018 »

MikesLr: Predicting the future of Puppy now that MIR and Wayland are on the horizon:

There was Puppy before there was woof. There are Puppies even though there is woof, that is Puppies which are not built using the binaries of other distros to wit: Carolina and, if I recall correctly, FatDog prior to the latest versions based on Slackware.
Unless MIR or Wayland were constructed by people having no knowledge of how Xorg works, the probability is that upon their dissembling it will be discovered that all three are “variations on a theme.” People do not re-invent the wheel: they only apply newer insights to improve it. The wheel is still round, only the material used has changed. MIR and wayland probability will turn out to use much of the structure employed by Xorg, substituting new sub-routines for those of Xorg considered no longer to be “state of the art.”
So there are four possibilities: Woof will be adapted to use MIR or Wayland or either. That will depend on which direction debian, Archlinux, and Slackware take. When Barry K first developed woof many thought debian was the best candidate for its use. But Barry K preferred Ubuntu. Experience has shown, however, Slackware to be an excellent choice. Over the last several months, simargl has demonstrated that the woofing of Archlinux is not just theoretical, and with his newly found interest in more closely configuring Archpup toward Puppy standard he, or others who favor Archlinux, may well be on the verge of a solid Puppy-Arch combination opening up the wealth of Archlinux's repositories to “mere” Puppy users. The advantage of woofing Ubuntu was the latter's abundance of applications. Most of which we don't employ because to do so would require inclusion of the bloat inherent in Ubuntu which runs counter to Puppy's philosophy and because other, less bloated applications, can accomplish the same real-world tasks. Consequently, depending on which side of the wayland-mir divide debian, slackware and Archlinux take, what Ubuntu does may prove to be superfluous. Whether adapting woof to wayland or mir may also turn on which would require Puppy to accept more bloat.
The fourth possibility is that woof may be abandoned. Barry K's conceived woof as a vehicle to ease development and reduce the necessity of storage and bandwidth. Those objectives have proven illusory. Rather than devoting time to perfecting one or two (32 & 64-bit) Puppies, and developing applications and customizations for them, the efforts of Puppy's devs are scattered among several mostly incompatible variants, retro-fitting other distro's apps for use in Puppies and constantly improving woof so that the foregoing can take place. Since applications from other distros can rarely be used “out of the box” --or because devs just like to publish their creations-- pets built for each Puppy variant are stored online requiring additional storage. I can't say whether the total bandwidth used by all Pups is greater or less than were there only two pups. I suspect not.
Far more important to Puppy's future is its adaption to GTK-3. Its employment, as far as I know, is what each of the major distros are already using, or to which they are heading. Already much of the current specialized applications developed for Ubuntu are, despite woof, of no value to Puppy. If and when the maintainers of the applications which provide Puppy's base applications use only GTK-3, Puppy will become obsolete if it has not adapted.
What will be the fate of Puppy? That will depend on Barry K. and others. Barry K is the master. I hope his interests will continue to pave the way for creating a compact, resource-efficient, user-friendly, open source distribution capable of being deployed to what otherwise would become obsolete computers. That was his original vision. That is Puppy's role in the Global Village. That is the magnet which draws the bulk of Puppy's users. But in an endeavor which is not driven by the profit motive, direction will be set by the interests and vision of each individual. Puppy –indeed, Linux in general-- is a do-ocracy. Those who can do, can also wait for others to do. Sometimes a leader leads because he has the vision. Sometimes the leader is just someone being kept in front by the push of those, although not in the lead, who have an objective. Sometimes disciples, standing on the shoulders of a giant, have a clearer view of terrain. And sometimes disciples, like lemmings, follow a leader over a cliff.
Puppy, and Linux in general, is open-source. Barry K has demonstrated what can be done. There will be Puppy. And if not, there will be “Froggy” or “Piggy” or something, or nothing.

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Re: How to change Repos in Old Debian and Ubuntu Pups when they become Old-releases

Post by darry19662018 »

Scijohn Both Wayland and GTK3 are being 'played' with by a number of interested 'puppy people'.

There is a Wayland thread around with some interesting info, and thunor is starting with gtk3 with a beta of my mage2 which has gtk3 inbuilt to create the dialog we need to make gtk3 'puppy compatable'.

I am sure others will join in as they both evolve and become more useful or needed.

But major additions like these take time and none of us are intending to break the working system.
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Re: How to change Repos in Old Debian and Ubuntu Pups when they become Old-releases

Post by darry19662018 »


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PostPosted: Sun 19 May 2013, 21:24 Post subject:
jamesbond wrote:

The way I see it, is that Barry will probably stick to the latest version of Ubuntu that still uses Xorg. MIR will probably be only considered once Xorg is no longer maintained and everyone else have moved to MIR (which isn't going to happen over night - even if MIR is mature and production-ready today).

That's if X.Org goes the way of XFree86.
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PostPosted: Mon 20 May 2013, 02:26 Post subject:
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PostPosted: Tue 04 Jun 2013, 21:27 Post subject: Precise's future
I'm not aware of a Puppy using the Unity desktop and Mir with GTK3 is being used by Ubuntu to drive Unity Next. It is already functioning on some Android devices. I think that Canonical is concentrating on handhelds and small screens because there is already a really good desktop Ubuntu IMO. I don't see any of this being utilized in a Puppy distro.
It makes sense to me short term (3 years) to continue Puppy with Ubuntu as it is now, Debian, Arch, Slack etc. I have just returned to Puppy with a more serious intent and think highly with what I am finding. It seems to me that a lot of innovation is taking place. Puppy doesn't need to be Ubuntu just like Ubuntu doesn't need to be Windows.
For my self in the here and now Carolina Puppy is doing a fine job. I have managed to get all of my needed apps running and seem to be using my Ubuntu install less as time goes on. The crazy thing is that I have Ubuntu running on a 500gig Hd and puppy running on a flashdrive with both installations doing mostly the same thing.
I do think that Puppy is for "real" linux users. The reason I abandoned the project years back is because I hadn't weaned myself from Windows and couldn't get enough functionality from Puppy. Ubuntu seemed to be better but yet a great struggle. Today I am 100% Linux. I have kept a copy of Puppy running on my system for the entire five years since I joined this forum but couldn't use is for my main distro.
Today I am fascinated with Carolina Puppy and even have my Bluetooth working which has been a struggle on most Puppies that I have tried. I use it every day.
In my opinion the Puppy Community is doing a fine job in it's self determined mission and should invest it's effort in becoming even better at what it does and not try to be something else.
Long story short! Even Upup isn't a very good Ubuntu but it is a really good Puppy.. You guys need to tighten up on the Bluetooth thing though. It's part of a computer, isn't it?
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PostPosted: Wed 05 Jun 2013, 08:45 Post subject:
You are right simargl!

simargl wrote:
Question is if Ubuntu moves to MIR and all other distributions switch to Wayland, why should Puppy follow Ubuntu and not turn to for example Debian as main option?

I think Debian is great choise, although Arch is my personal favourite.

and if I did understand Barry in his old publications well, he also was a fan of Debian over all other distributions (excepted perhaps Slackware, but I did understand it so, that source and package management of Slackware gives more freedom to developers to do what they will without to need to change deeply the pre founded system)...

why did the 5.n branch of Puppy start so intensive using Ubuntu stuff?

I would see a reason: Debian is extremely conservative. You have to wait for a long time if you wish to use newer software concepts. Today Ubuntu react about as fast as Arch offering prepared binaries that you can test immediately else for new stuffs!

but I thing that this article ... martphone/ explains really realistic what is the matter:

Ubuntu is the product of a business man! He has to prepare or let open a business future. segregated systems are not really a progressive vision of future and the Linux world did do enough to destroy the separation between MS-Windows and Linux in the past (Wine, Cygwin, partially common development betwenn Wine and reactOS, KDE as copy of the MS-Windows environment, etc.)

And now we have to realize that tomorrow the most attractive business will not be desktop PC any more but small electronic slaves being each time in our next environment (a lot of people need electronic help to become happy in the sleeping room to film their activity, look at the activity of other people at the same time etc...).

What a surprise that business people try to bring all under one unique hat and try to develop an only one system for all purposes where it is possible to make money.

The most worrying thing in this trend is that Google and Android did accustom us with shops and that shops did now appear as completely normal in distros like Ubuntu!

If Google, Ubuntu, Novel as Java distributor, Adobe, all did decide in the last time to do the same as Microsoft, IBM and Apple did do in the past, commercialize the software and the web, it will not be long to wait and the freedom is away as other can't continue to develop any more because the used platform are all different!

Perhaps it would really be good if a lot of user did abandon totally the newer commercial trend and ignore them, and continue to develop useful but lowcost solution in classic small Linux!

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PostPosted: Thu 06 Jun 2013, 03:02 Post subject:
I think a larger issue than Linux is at foot, Savy Business people found a way past, beyond, with sly cunning, used open source as a free software development environment instead of large in house staffs. Using controlled access methods purposely changing long existing methods to make the controlled access methods part of the revenue generating stream.
Every for profit now has an app-store. How googlies' android can claim its open source and charge for its repackaging of open source, So far I've spent $2.00 for two running version of Aces' of Pigeon solitaire game, one on linux based kindle <app store> and one from linux based Android <app store> I am not given the option without signing up as a developer for those appstore to compile or install for myself.
Apple, Amazon, Google, Ubuntu are all early lock in/up artist corrupting open source. It is actually, funny that OLD Microsoft was caught flat footed by the successful subterfuge of OpenSoftware Movement, since they are the experts in weaking by degrees and long duration lock-in of its products and software.
The direct confrontation and challenge of Open Source by Microsoft never got them any where.
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PostPosted: Thu 06 Jun 2013, 14:12 Post subject: Re: Precise's future
tlcstat wrote:
I'm not aware of a Puppy using the Unity desktop and Mir with GTK3 is being used by Ubuntu to drive Unity Next. It is already functioning on some Android devices. I think that Canonical is concentrating on handhelds and small screens because there is already a really good desktop Ubuntu IMO. I don't see any of this being utilized in a Puppy distro.

Unity still uses the X display server, so its just another desktop for he X display server. If/When canonical pushes MIR out as final, all apps from that point forward will not be compatible with X. They will be written and compiled for MIR. That means outside of a compatibility layer that the people would have to write... future ubuntu apps won't work on an x display server..
The wayland team would also have to write a compatibility layer so that apps designed or MIR could run. This of course brings with it computational overhead.

Its the application compatibility problem that the linux community will run into, because we will have (at least initially) two non compatible dispay servers.

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PostPosted: Thu 06 Jun 2013, 22:29 Post subject: Re: Precise's future
Q5sys wrote:
Unity still uses the X display server, so its just another desktop for he X display server. If/When canonical pushes MIR out as final, all apps from that point forward will not be compatible with X. They will be written and compiled for MIR. That means outside of a compatibility layer that the people would have to write... future ubuntu apps won't work on an x display server..
The wayland team would also have to write a compatibility layer so that apps designed or MIR could run. This of course brings with it computational overhead.

Its the application compatibility problem that the linux community will run into, because we will have (at least initially) two non compatible dispay servers.

We will have to wait, with wayland, they have an xwayland that allows x desktops to run with wayland as well as wayland desktops, I don't think that canonical would be silly enough not to do something similar in this open-source world we now live in.

And another thing is that with the latest kernels, you can have multiple servers and desktops running on the same box if the kernel has been configured that way, you just need the cores and memory.

i.e. A possability from 3.10.xx and on, if all proposed is included, will be to have something like:-
F1 - a x-org server;
F2 - a Xwayland server;
F3 - a Pure Wayland server
F4 - another server (say a MIR-X);
F5 - another server (say a Pure MIR);
F6 - ?
F7 - ?
F8 - ?
F9 - your default x-org desktop (say JWM);
F10 - your default wayland desktop (say weston);
F11 - another desktop (say unity);
F12 - another desktop (say QuTe);

and as long as you have the workstation resources, they would all work happily together. I do expect something like this to become the 'standard' withing the next three to five years! And remember, each server and each desktop has plusses and minuses, otherwise they would never have been created.

Anyway that's my vision of it.

EDIT: Darn typos! If there are any more, sorry you will have to put up with them Laughing .
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PostPosted: Wed 06 Jul 2016, 21:33 Post subject:
And here we are now with Ubuntu having deleted all their old archives so we can no longer add programs from them. That means Lucid and Precise are severely wounded... perhaps even fatally.

I'm an obsessive collector so I've been hoarding heaps of programs from the Ubuntu archives, but even so I keep trying to install things that send me in circles of dependency hell, compiling things so that I can compile things so that I can compile things and hope that after hours of chasing my tail I finally get all the original dependencies satisfied so I can eventually compile the original program I was trying to install. [sigh]

I'm seriously considering moving to Arch Linux and abandoning my beloved Puppy installations.

Another great advantage of Arch Linux is that they have a version for ARM-based machines and I'm eager to convert my Android tablet computer to Linux. I had hoped it would be Puppy... but that hope is sadly fading. Sad
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PostPosted: Thu 07 Jul 2016, 00:41 Post subject:
There is of course.... slacko Wink
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PostPosted: Thu 07 Jul 2016, 00:53 Post subject:
miriam wrote:

I'm seriously considering moving to Arch Linux and abandoning my beloved Puppy installations.

Another great advantage of Arch Linux is that they have a version for ARM-based machines and I'm eager to convert my Android tablet computer to Linux. I had hoped it would be Puppy... but that hope is sadly fading. Sad

I also like Arch. Puppy and Arch are the only distros i've ever used, but I'll never leave puppy, since abandoning Windows (2012), i was running puppy in a very old 4GB HD for a few months watching vids until it died, and basically i learned a lot trying to customize it to the point that i am now able to contribute. I guess you're leaving puppy because of rox haha, but if your hardware is really old, Arch won't run fine on it, it's a cutting edge distro that changes completely from time to time.. if you don't feeze the base, you'll end up having to reinstall some "old" version, in fact in I had to install an old arch DVD remaster then downgrade xorg and systemd even more, freeze both and the kenerl... and update the rest, it's not like puppy that seems to work the same all the time, with the only problem being Xorg for some old hardware, that's why I like Puppy...
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Re: How to change Repos in Old Debian and Ubuntu Pups when they become Old-releases

Post by darry19662018 »


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PostPosted: Thu 07 Jul 2016, 01:05 Post subject:
Good points both.

I have tried Puppy slacko and found it difficult, but you're right. I should revisit it.

I love Rox. I use it all the time, doing a lot of programming with RoxApps. They are wonderful. I expect I'd be able to use Rox on Arch. I'll have to think more on what you say about it being a cutting edge distro, thus meaning I'd have to re-install from old sources. I do love the fact that Puppy runs fine on slow, old hardware. I can't afford flashy, super-powered new computers. Who the hell can nowadays?

I'm amazed the forum isn't afire with conversation about the disruption to Puppy caused by Ubuntu deleting all their old archives.
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PostPosted: Thu 07 Jul 2016, 01:16 Post subject:
I think most old hardware, excluding the historic pieces that use ISA cards can cope with tahrpup or slacko, i think the only thing that gets in the way is xorg and the xz compression maybe.

But downgrading xorg should be easy. I'd like to see a puppy that starts in text mode in the first boot and welcomes the user with 3 choices: do nothing and go to desktop (most not so old hardware), use xorg vesa driver (to reach the desktop), downgrade xorg to a legacy version 1.11+ (when nothing else works)..

Well, you know there are Woofce templates to build a Lucid puppy, a Squeeze debian, etc... those files can be safely deleted now... in fact they are already deleted
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PostPosted: Thu 07 Jul 2016, 01:49 Post subject:
miriam wrote:
And here we are now with Ubuntu having deleted all their old archives so we can no longer add programs from them. That means Lucid and Precise are severely wounded... perhaps even fatally.

I'm an obsessive collector so I've been hoarding heaps of programs from the Ubuntu archives, but even so I keep trying to install things that send me in circles of dependency hell, compiling things so that I can compile things so that I can compile things and hope that after hours of chasing my tail I finally get all the original dependencies satisfied so I can eventually compile the original program I was trying to install. [sigh]

I'm seriously considering moving to Arch Linux and abandoning my beloved Puppy installations.

Another great advantage of Arch Linux is that they have a version for ARM-based machines and I'm eager to convert my Android tablet computer to Linux. I had hoped it would be Puppy... but that hope is sadly fading. Sad

For Precise:

Lucid: Try here:
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PostPosted: Thu 07 Jul 2016, 07:55 Post subject:
OMG Robert123, I had no idea existed.
Thank you so much. What a great relief! Smile

Now I need to sit down and work out how to point the Puppy Package Manager to it.
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PostPosted: Thu 07 Jul 2016, 15:06 Post subject:
I figured there must be such a thing as Debian does with Archive Debian
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PostPosted: Thu 07 Jul 2016, 17:24 Post subject:
I'm very relieved I don't need to consider moving from Puppy. I started using Puppy at Puppy2. I'd tried many different distributions (Mandrake, Debian, Red Hat, Slackware, and more) before finally setling on Puppy more than a decade ago. I've even tried BSD, Minix, FreeDOS, and other kinds of OS, but nothing else really measures up to Puppy. I got into programming through OS9 on the old ColorComputer from Tandy and AmigaDOS on the wonderful Amiga (in many ways still my favorite computer). Many different OSes are superior in one or two individual aspects, but none comes close to Puppy's range of great features. What a relief that I don't have to migrate from it!

I didn't realise earlier Debian software was archived either. Very good to know. Thank you. Smile
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PostPosted: Thu 07 Jul 2016, 18:07 Post subject:
Not a problem.Smile
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PostPosted: Sat 09 Jul 2016, 14:50 Post subject: They are still kept available .
"And here we are now with Ubuntu having deleted all their old archives so we can no longer add programs from them. That means Lucid and Precise are severely wounded... perhaps even fatally. "
They are still kept available in Puppy PPM.
Raring repository address now ok. Further info in forum francophone.
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PostPosted: Sat 09 Jul 2016, 17:06 Post subject:
Pelo, interesting. Thank you. I hadn't noticed Puppy Raring before.

Looking at the archives on ibiblio I see it is about the same age as Puppy Lucid, which I tend to favor, though it has a more recent kernel. I'll look further into that. It might be a better choice than Puppy 528 Lucid if its PPM is able to access the old files still.
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PostPosted: Sat 09 Jul 2016, 17:46 Post subject:
Most people would use an old distro to get accelerated propietary drivers to work.

Using Wary5 i thought it was fast, much faster than precise puppy, then I realized that videos play smoother in precise, that in fact precise was almost as fast, but it had bloat (i disabled all tray apps and most services).

Puppy has the Video Upgrade Wizard (does not work(, a Video Downgrade Wizard should also be nice.

After I installed a newer udev I noticed that it takes longer, but it does a better job. In the end the result is the same speed, etc. What probably makes people turn to older puppies is something that can be easily solved.

Anything below precise basically works the same, plays videos slower, but comes with less bloat (something that can be solved).

Unlike many other distros puppy hardly ever changes, which means you can throw a recent kernel, i.e: you can update, and it will make no difference (except speed perhaps), the difference is basically in Xorg and nothing else, but that can also be solved by downgrading xorg.
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PostPosted: Sat 09 Jul 2016, 17:54 Post subject:
jlst, all very good points. I tend to keep with older Puppies. For me it's mostly about picking and choosing which bugs to live with. Smile For a very long time I stayed with Puppy 4.
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PostPosted: Sun 10 Jul 2016, 02:22 Post subject: lucid apps as Xine-DVD save DVD users
Don't look the kernel. Judge only if applications run well. Lot of lucids apps are old, but they don't need to search dependencies. Some lucid apps as Xine-DVD allow you to read your DVDS in Xenialpup,
My answer was mainly for repositories. Ubuntu users keep the stuff available.
And Puppy users should do the same. Ally is great, copying everything in
What could happen is that Lucid apps don't run newest computers, if you had one. But it's worth to try it, when no new version available... or too big
I must admit that audio was not working with Lucid on my new computer (2012) that was not fun at all and slacko 5.3.1 arrived as the messie.
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Keypost from Rockedge

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PostPosted: Fri 29 Jul 2016, 03:20 Post subject:

TO allow PPM in UPUP raring to work and find the packages make these changes: (this modification works on Lucid as well)
OPEN /root/.packages/DISTRO_COMPAT_REPOS and
replace each "archive" in the URLs with "old-releases". For example ... SION}-main

To: ... SION}-main

this is a modified /root/.packages/DISTRO_COMPAT_REPOS =>

#where to get pkg docs, format: domain|uri|localfilename...
PKG_DOCS_DISTRO_COMPAT="| ... SION}-main| ... }-universe| ... multiverse"
#ubuntu repos...
#note, the local pkgs database file (or partname) is also appended to these entries, so know which url to download a particular pkg from (glob wildcard allowed)...
REPOS_DISTRO_COMPAT="||P ... _VERSION}-*||Pac ... _VERSION}-*||Packag ... _VERSION}-*||Packag ... _VERSION}-*"
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Re: How to change Repos in Old Debian and Ubuntu Pups when they become Old-releases

Post by darry19662018 »


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PostPosted: Fri 29 Jul 2016, 04:01 Post subject:
rockedge, that's great news!
A life! Cool! Where can I download one of those from?
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PostPosted: Sat 30 Jul 2016, 19:46 Post subject:
Hi Miriam and Rockedge,

Here is an attached ammended copy of Distro_COMPAT_REPO for Lucid
tested in Lucid 5.11Bare a cutdown 5.11 and it seems to work. Installed 2 programs using.

Take the .gz extension off and copy to .packages

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Re: How to change Repos in Old Debian and Ubuntu Pups when they become Old-releases

Post by darry19662018 »


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PostPosted: Sat 30 Jul 2016, 20:04 Post subject:
@Robert123 Excellent. Thanks.
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PostPosted: Sat 30 Jul 2016, 22:21 Post subject:
No thank you Rockedge for keeping Lucid going with this simple little fix.Smile
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PostPosted: Sat 30 Jul 2016, 22:57 Post subject:
Thanks Robert123. I'm not running a Puppy Lupu at the moment, but I've grabbed a copy in case I do again. It was my favorite Puppy for a long time.
A life! Cool! Where can I download one of those from?
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PostPosted: Sun 31 Jul 2016, 00:30 Post subject:
Yep very stable and fast and found it to have great all round hardware support.

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PostPosted: Sun 31 Jul 2016, 14:20 Post subject:
I've been using Lucid 5.25 since 2011 and it's still my favorite pup. In fact it's my favorite Linux distro, period, even after trying some other recent "light" non-systemd distros.

Lucid is stable, runs on almost anything, and has an enormous stock of software. It's not just the official repository, it's the pets from individual users, in these forums and elsewhere. They're not all the latest versions, but who cares?

I may have missed it, but I don't see that level of software support in any of the more recent puppies.

The only reason I'm finally considering a newer pup now is that Lucid 5.25 doesn't seem to speak USB 3.0.

I'm finding I like Tahr 6.0.5 pretty well, and am gradually getting it set up the way I prefer it.

I really wanted to like Slacko 6.3.0, to get further away from Ubuntu, but I just couldn't get it configured to my taste. The big issue is that I prefer Thunar file manager and Rox pinboard together, and I have yet to find a Thunar that works well on Slacko.

Xfm seemed like a kind of OK/acceptable substitute on Slacko, but I got too annoyed with its insistence on nagging me about running as root every time I launched it.

Maybe instead of moving to Tahr, I'll experiment with copying kernels from some of the later pups over top of the Lucid kernel. (Backing up the original kernel first, of course.)

At any rate, my thanks to the Puppy community for all their hard work on this sleek, spirited OS!
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PostPosted: Sun 31 Jul 2016, 14:29 Post subject:
You may like to look at these later developed Lucids with later kernels.
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PostPosted: Sun 31 Jul 2016, 18:22 Post subject:
Thanks Robert, I will try out some of those updates!
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PostPosted: Mon 01 Aug 2016, 00:44 Post subject:
Sorry should have made link active.
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PostPosted: Sat 10 Sep 2016, 23:52 Post subject: Debian Squeeze - Ammended Distro_Compat_Repos
Further to my ammeded Lucid packages file Distro_Compat_Repos file here is one for good old Squeeze adapted from Medor's .pet as usual it is a .gz file to rename and drop into ./packages in root. Note for Debian Squeeze Puppy spins like Dpup Squeeze 009 etc - not for Lucid or other Pups.

Filesize 1.14 KB
Downloaded 39 Time(s)

Devuan Linux, Stardust 013 (4.31) updated
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PostPosted: Sun 11 Sep 2016, 04:06 Post subject: Just update the PPM in Puppy precise make the reoos address
Ubuntu packages are still available, in the archives. Just update the PPM in Puppy precise make the repos address changed. If not, pet is available in french forum, was made for Raring by Augras, but works for all Precise Puppies.
Remember, if newer tahrpup & sons prevent you using Your best applications, run a Precise Puppy to retrieve your freedom. Or the excellent DPUP squeeze, so full featured by Pemasu.
Even if you have just bought a brand new laptop, i bet these Puppies will run as well as on older hardware.
pet in "où sont les dépôts Ubuntu" Full topic is French spoken,
Our famous french devs ASRI-EDU and Argolance lately choose to keep Precise 5.7.1 as a base for their last releases, ToOpPy 2.1 and ASRI-edu 310. With no trouble (at least with PPM Ubuntu)
Passenger Pelo ! don't ask him to repair the aircraft. Don't use him as a demining dog .... pleeease.
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PostPosted: Sun 11 Sep 2016, 05:34 Post subject:
Guydog is pretty nice Pelo.
Devuan Linux, Stardust 013 (4.31) updated
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