Microsoft "Teams" .deb: How to install in FD820? (Solved)

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Microsoft "Teams" .deb: How to install in FD820? (Solved)

Post by fundog »

I support a young high school student in a 3rd world country that upon the arrival of the COVID19 virus converted completely to school over the internet. Nevermind that many students did not have internet access at all much less the hardware necessary. The student has a very capable system running FD 810.
I'll just say that the coming school year will require MS "Teams" and perhaps more but for sure the MS product will be required. I have no interest in using it personally but I found that MS had made available Teams in .deb form just before Christmas 2020. I can not get it to install on my very similar system (running 820 now) and I need to install successfully before I can help this student thousands of miles away.

I checked Gslapt and installed the dkpg package prior to my attempts for Teams.

Can anyone assist me in how to get this running?

Last edited by fundog on Sat Feb 06, 2021 5:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Microsoft "Teams"

Post by mow9902 »

You have not outlined your hardware or OS details. You will need to explain which version of puppy you are using, and whether or not you have a frugal install, full install or some hybrid which you may have customized yourself.

However - that aside, you do have a couple of options:

microsoft teams can be used completely within the browser ie you do not actually need to install the client. You should be able to perform all functions from this site -

download and use the client from the microsoft site - with no need for any actual "install". I am using a bionic64 system on very old DELL Latitude laptop

(a) download the .deb package from this site ... cesSection
(b) open the .deb file using whatever 'packer' software you prefer. You will find 2 folders inside (1) bin (2) share
(c) create a new folder on your system where you want to place this software
(d) copy the 'share' folder into your newly created folder (don't worry about the bin folder - it is not needed)
(e) place the attached 'wrapper' script into your newly created folder

remove the .txt extension
(201 Bytes) Downloaded 96 times

This small shell script contains the following lines. You will have to download the file, remove the .txt extension and make it executable.

WHEREAMI="$(cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd && echo)"

exec $WHEREAMI/share/teams/teams --no-sandbox "$@"&

Once you have everything in place simply click on the run-teams script to start the program.

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Re: Microsoft "Teams"

Post by Clarity »

There is an outstanding request for just this kind of ability, BUT without the need to install MS Teams.

The outstanding request is for use of XRDP. It is in the FATDOG arsenal. It works. It is ONLY on FATDOG as the server. It allows MS as well as PUP clients (LInux too, of course) to talk to it without need to install anything at clients.

It has ONE (1) shortcoming that is not implemented in FATDOG: The need for audio implementation in its RDP protocol.

IFF this is completed, I HIGHLY encourage the FATDOG implementation at the school to setup controls-rights for each userID that is assigned to insure security of the server.

Once they get a desktop, they can use any assignments the school provides.

If this is too much, then Google via School+Teachers+students IDs has a FREE school solution for 3rd world where teaching can be accomplished via the cloud. Again, the dilemma you mention remains...Internet availability.

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Re: Microsoft "Teams"

Post by wiak »

Clarity wrote: Fri Jan 22, 2021 8:53 pm

There is an outstanding request for just this kind of ability, BUT without the need to install MS Teams.

The outstanding request is for use of XRDP. It is in the FATDOG arsenal. It works. It is ONLY on FATDOG as the server. It allows MS as well as PUP clients (LInux too, of course) to talk to it without need to install anything at clients.

Very off-topic I have to say. The poster described the student's needs very clearly and correctly. Many schools are requiring remote access students to use Microsoft Teams. Installing that is what the thread is about. Stuff about XRDP for FatDog is just distracting noise, which can be read about elsewhere on this forum already.
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Re: Microsoft "Teams"

Post by Clarity »

You may have missed it: he mentions FATDOG810. Not sure if he is referring to this as a client or a school server.

Maybe a diagram could help improve our interpretation of the opening post?

@peebee's work here could lead to your idea of the solution sort.

I am keenly in favor of advancing education as best we can going into this new future. I had offered via PM.

So, those were ideas in an effort to help a worthy cause.

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Re: Microsoft "Teams"

Post by wiak »

Clarity wrote: Fri Jan 22, 2021 11:17 pm

You may have missed it: he mentions FATDOG810.

Yes, I missed that.
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Re: Microsoft "Teams"

Post by step »

fundog wrote: Fri Jan 22, 2021 6:58 pm

[...] The student has a very capable system running FD 810.
[...] MS had made available Teams in .deb form [...] I can not get it to install on my very similar system (running 820 now) and I need to install successfully before I can help this student thousands of miles away.
I checked Gslapt and installed the dkpg package prior to my attempts for Teams.
Can anyone assist me in how to get this running?

I just sent you a PM with a link to a test SFS of teams_1.3.00.30857_amd64.deb downloaded from ... wnload-app. I don't know if it's the correct version and download page--you didn't provide information in this sense. You are welcome to download and test this version and transfer it to your student if it works for you. I very briefly tested it making sure that it starts and proceeds to a login screen. Important: this SFS runs Teams as user spot --this is the default way to run this kind of network apps in Fatdog64. Therefore, all configuration settings can be found in spot's home folder. If you use Fatdog64's browsers, they run in the same way.

I'm not going to make the SFS link public because I can't be bothered to find out if this kind of distribution meets Microsoft's legalities. However, I can explain how to make this SFS for anyone who wants one for Fatdog64.

1. Download the .deb
2. Unpack the .deb with uextract
3. Enter the extracted folder and delete files "control" and "postinst"
4. In the extracted folder go to usr/bin and edit create a symbolic link teams-spot => program-spot (ln -s program-spot teams-spot)
5. In the extracted folder go to usr/share/applications and edit teams.desktop; change line "Exec=teams %U" to "Exec=teams-spot %U"; save the file
6. In the extracted folder go to usr/share/teams and change permissions of file chrome-sandbox to +4755 (chmod +4755 chrome-sandbox)
7. In ROX filer, right-click the extract folder's icon and select "convert to SFS"
This creates an 86 MB(*) SFS file in the same folder. Right-click its icon and select "Load SFS" to "install it". You'll find it's laucher icon in the System menu > Network category. To uninstall it right click and select "Unload SFS". This kind of installation doesn't survive reboot. To make it permanent, load the SFS from the Control Panel > System > System SFS Loader applet.

Good luck to you and the student you support!

PS The latest released Fatdog64 version is 811.

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Re: Microsoft "Teams"

Post by mikewalsh »

A note of caution, here:-

There's been a fair bit of mention of Teams in recent months. My curiosity was piqued, so I downloaded the .deb and turned it into a portable. Not hard to do; it's Electron-based, and contained within a single directory, just like Skype.

It'll fire-up, and get to the login-screen without issues.....but this is where the "fun" starts. You're asked what you want to use Teams FOR. Education, private use, or business/organization use..? If you put 'Private', you're immediately re-directed to Skype. If you put the latter, the next page then wants to know full 'organization' details; name; type of business; e-mail a/c (so they can check if it's genuine, and see if there's a bank a/c associated with it). M$ will NOT set-up a Teams a/c for anyone unless there's a regular subscription (with associated security/credit checks) bankrolled by a certified, genuine organization.

Top and bottom boils down to this; M$ don't want individuals using it. The student in the example in the first post, is almost certainly going to be using Teams via an a/c bankrolled by his local education authority, and to which he's granted access..... Any individual trying to interact with him for remote education purposes is going to have the devil's own job being able to connect, unless they also have access to a regular Teams subscription paid-for by another organization....

Just thought this was worth mentioning.

EDIT:- It's no good trying to sign-up with a new e-mail and entering 'Education' as your need. If you do this, you then get a 'Sorry, that didn't work. Please sign in with the e-mail already assigned to you by your school". In other words, as I said, the account needs to have already been set-up by an organization.....NOT an individual. Unless you want to go to the trouble of setting up a whole string of 'dummy' organization accounts, that is.....each with an associated specific e-mail account.

(If the above gives you the reponse indicated, they then want you to set up an Office 365 Education account..... For individuals trying to access Teams on their own, the process is all but impossible.)

I'm not trying to pour cold water on the OP's query, just pointing out that Teams is NOT at all easy to access by an individual who is NOT associated with an organization.....especially given his circumstances. And it makes no difference whether it's the browser, or the dedicated client; the responses will be exactly the same.

If the OP's student MUST use Teams, then he is going to have to find an organization who is prepared to let him use their Teams e-mail a/c. Teams is for ORGANIZATIONS, not individuals; it's as simple as that.

Mike. ;)

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Re: Microsoft "Teams"

Post by step »

I am told--but I didn't verify--that the web version of teams doesn't require a pre-registration to attend a meeting.

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Re: Microsoft "Teams"

Post by fundog »

My thanks to all the respondents. Although there was a difference in "first languages" the "Tell me what you see on your screen now" method got it done. Online school starts again in just a few weeks and it is a "go".
Those who mentioned that Teams requires an account type to be selected are correct. The student did have a Teams email and entered that when the time came.
AFAIK, using the web portal is the only way that will work with FD811 or earlier. :D After I am sufficiently frustrated, I don't know what version I am using myself!
Again, thanks to all!

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