@Sky Aisling :-
TBH, Sky, you're really not talking to the best person here so far as software security is concerned.
Unlike the vast majority of people, I've never been the least bit concerned about keeping software "up-to date". If summat works for me, and I like the way it looks, runs & functions, I tend to stick with it. Hell, I still use a 3-series LO that probably hasn't been updated for 8 or 9 years....and I run a copy of WORD 2000 - from 25 yrs ago! - as a stand-alone word processor. It's actually not bad, despite its age!

In all the years I've been with Puppy, I've never even looked at "GetLibreOffice", much less actually used it. I always used to get pre-built packages other Puppians had published in the 'Additional Software' section.
There IS life beyond LibreOffice, you know. There's Open Office. There's FreeOffice. There's OnlyOffice. If you have a Google a/c, there's Google Docs, Sheets and Slides. If you have a M$ a/c, there's the free online version of Office365...and probably many others out there, too.
Others will probably be able to help you better with this query.....but not me, I'm afraid. You're talking to the wrong guy. I'm not being "funny" about it, either; I'm just being honest. I would advise starting a new thread, with an appropriate title. You'll definitely get more help that way.