I recently installed Wine and it's not detecting my usb device. I have a usb key that I need to have plugged in in order to activate my license. I wanted to map it out by creating a symlink
Code: Select all
ln -s /dev/ttyusb0 ~/.wine/dosdevices/com1
My problem is /dev folder has 747 files and not one is ttyusb?
What I have are:
ptya0 to ptyaf (ptyb0 to ptybf.....ptyc? all the way to ptyz?)
tty1 to tty63
ttya0 to ttyaf (ttyb0 to ttybf.....ttyc? all the way to ttyz?)
There is a /dev/usb folder and has one file in it which is hiddev0. I tried linking to that and did not work.