How to make a live ISO of my linux?

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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by pp4mnklinux »

mikewalsh wrote: Sat Mar 15, 2025 9:58 pm
pp4mnklinux wrote: Fri Mar 14, 2025 5:23 pm

I talk from my experience:

PuppyLinux.- A lot of problems, difficulties and inconvenients to create an iso (comparing with EasyOs)

Easy OS.- Really simple, you can create an image of it, and you will have your system ready.

Hm. Curiouser and curiouser. I assume it DID occur to you that the individual who has created this masterpiece you wax so lyrical about is THE VERY SAME person who introduced Puppy Linux to the world over 20 years ago...?

Or has that fact been conveniently "glossed over" in your obvious antagonism for Puppy?

You blow hot & cold, my friend. Really & truly, one never knows from one day to the next quite what you'll be raving about with your very next post. At least most of our community members are reasonably "steady" about things.

This is NOT me "having a go" at you, BTW. I'm just bemused, that's all.....or should that be "confused"? :shock:

Mike. :roll:


Oh, absolutely! I wouldn’t dream of overlooking such an important detail. That said, the truly interesting bit is that my opinion isn’t actually about the genius behind the original Puppy Linux ,Barry Kauler, but rather about other matters—I do hope I’ve made that clear.

There may well be a nuance lost in written communication, but please don’t take my comments as criticism of Puppy Linux itself—that’s certainly not my intention, those comments have the main aim of help developers to make puppy more useful for user, taking advantage of users real experience when working with other OS.

Many thanks, and I trust my explanation makes sense. Cheers! :thumbup2:"**

--- edited---

My post was looking for something like this => viewtopic.php?p=131748#p131748. :thumbup2: ~ :goodpost: ~ @wizard

TAS 03_16_25 23 52 29.jpg
TAS 03_16_25 23 52 29.jpg (31.17 KiB) Viewed 406 times
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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by eric52 »

Roger that, bigpup, mea culpa. I started this commenting about online manners and ended it the same way. We had a lively discussion on remastering and iso making that I found usefully informative, but it did degenerate into a bull session. My apologies.

I don't use TahrPup anymore, but I still like it. Bookworm, S15, KLA-KDE, KLV, Noble, FossaDog, BionicDog, and BionicPup-Revival on every machine, 'cause I'm always breaking something. First line of code - 1968.

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