How to make a live ISO of my linux?

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How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by jesudia »

I would like to make a live ISO image to boot my own Linux with my browser configurations and other programs etc. but it seems that there is nothing interesting.

It is really ridiculous that this issue is not taken into account by the system developers. 

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Re: ISO live of muy linux

Post by pp4mnklinux »


I totally agree with you, TOTALLY RIDICULOUS - I don't understand the reason for this secret or desire to make the development and distribution of puppy private as if it were a sect.

EasyOS now makes it very easy to do so (Barry is a gentleman) but in Puppy it is more complicated, mostly because there are people who don't want to share.

However, I recommend that you read these instructions on Nilson Morales' blog. ... da-de.html (spanish lang, but you can translate)

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con usted,TOTALMENTE REDÍCULO- además no entiendo el motivo de ese secretismo o deseo de hacer privativo el desarrollo y distribución de puppy como si de una secta se tratara.

EasyOS lo pone ahora muy fácil para hacerlo (Barry es todo un caballero) pero en puppy es más complicado, más que nada porque hay gente que parece no querer compartir.

NO obstante, le recomiendo lea estas instrucciones en el blog de Nilson Morales. ... da-de.html

Espero le sea útil.- Saludos

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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by Flash »

These "people who don't want to share" give away their version of Puppy for free. :lol:

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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by pp4mnklinux »

Flash wrote: Sun Jun 30, 2024 6:27 pm

These "people who don't want to share" give away their version of Puppy for free. :lol:

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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by Wiz57 »

There are various remaster scripts in Puppys, as well as in the forums. There's also Woof CE at github.
OR, if feeling masochistic, you could always try Linux From Scratch! There's also Linux Live Scripts, now
called Linux Live Kit by Tomas M. The tools are there, but they may require you to learn how to use them...
such is much of life though!

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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by rockedge »

mostly because there are people who don't want to share.

That's an odd thing to say. You are using my F96-CE_4 as a base system are you not? I don't remember ever denying anyone full access.

All free, all shared. Even the information I share is free and can be shared further. So it is difficult what to make of your statement. We share this forum or no?

I feel it is negative and accusatory and is inappropriate to say when the facts show something else.

What do you have to "share"?

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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by mikewalsh »

rockedge wrote: Sun Jun 30, 2024 9:55 pm

mostly because there are people who don't want to share.

That's an odd thing to say. You are using my F96-CE_4 as a base system are you not? I don't remember ever denying anyone full access.

All free, all shared. Even the information I share is free and can be shared further. So it is difficult what to make of your statement. We share this forum or no?

Mm. Indeedy....

AFAIK, anybody who has ever created software packages for this community - be it .pet, .deb, SFS, tarball, script, portable, ROX-app, whatever - has always, to the best of MY knowledge, shared with the rest of the community. Or at least made them available, whether or not anybody is actually interested. I can't speak for anybody else, but I already have 3 repos pretty much full of stuff I've created for the community over the years.......and have just opened a fourth! If that doesn't qualify as "sharing", then I don't know what does...

I'm not a Spanish speaker, and I'm sorry, but I am NOT messing about with translation programs in order to read a thread linked-to on another completely DIFFERENT forum. Or is the OP complaining because Puppy builders aren't openly sharing their build recipes with the world and his wife? (Has the OP even read the appropriate sections here in the Forum, or is (s)he simply parroting what somebody else has posted elsewhere...??)

Try asking the dev team at Canonical to detail every single little thing they do. You'll soon get "short shrift".... :roll:

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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by Chelsea80 »

It seems that @jesudia first language is not English, so could it be possible that the frustration is being directed at the Linux Mint link given?

How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Perhaps the OP is asking for help in how to create a live Linux Mint as we can with Puppy.

Just a thought.


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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by wizard »


The operation you want to do is called "remastering" in Puppy Linux, something pp4mnklinux should be well aware of since F96CE_XFCE_FUSILLI is a remaster of F96CE. Remastering has been available for Puppy since the beginning and there are many post on that topic, it is not a secret.

This forum is a place to discuss, inquire, ask, learn, assist and contribute to its members and visitors.

It is really ridiculous that a member would make a post involving none of those and just looks like whining because they have not taken the time to read or ask.

Everything here is free. The membership, the distributions, the utilities, programs, help and advice, but you are expected to do your part. Learn to use good forum etiquette, ask politely, follow instructions, give good feedback and most of all be patient. Thank those who take their time to help you.

Last, accept that sometimes the gap between what you want to do and your ability to execute the answer is to great and the forum members cannot change that.

The great thing about Linux is if one distribution does not meet your needs or expectations, there are hundreds more to try.


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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by Clarity »

@jesudia and/or @pp4mnklinux
Go here and scroll to here: "12-28-2018, 05:08 AM". Use the ISOmaster tool in any of the forum distros.


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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by eric52 »

This thread is old, but so am I, and I'm kinda upset by what I've just read. I started with puppy using persistent CDs, several years after Barry's original sharing. OS tech grew, and so did puppy, but everything still fit on DVDs. UEFI threw a monkey wrench into the works, but the puppy mavens adapted. At this point, adaptation has grown to heroic levels. Ozsouth makes abbreviated distros that still fit on CDs. Peebee and others have kept 32-bit alive. All sorts of effort has gone into saving puppy from the pound, but remastering has become increasingly problematic due to Linux "improvements" that puppy people did not introduce.

I love the old ways, but time has marched on. This is the USB era, and puppy has developed in that direction, as it should. I've given friends plenty of optical disks, but I can count on one hand those who have actually used one. Frankly, making spinoff ISOs is an exercise in personal gratification that I enjoy, but it doesn't share very well in a Wind-Mac-Ubuntu dominated world.

Basically, I fill up old laptops with multiboot Linux examples that people genuinely like and use. There are many easy ways to do this when remastering scripts fail, or when new distros don't even include the option. It takes a little work, but it's not that hard. It's even easier to spread the wealth with USB sticks, if you don't have a resource of old machines to save. If anything, the "new" way is more effective than the "old" way. Yes, ISOs are still handy, but they're not necessary for downstream play.

In NO way are the folks doing the real work making this possible to blame in ANY way. They are doing their absolute best to share, and no one is hoarding anything. Please credit them appropriately... or bite your tongue.

I don't use TahrPup anymore, but I still like it. Bookworm, S15, KLA-KDE, KLV, Noble, FossaDog, BionicDog, and BionicPup-Revival on every machine, 'cause I'm always breaking something. First line of code - 1968.

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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by wizard »


Try this: viewtopic.php?p=131748#p131748


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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by pp4mnklinux »

I talk from my experience:

PuppyLinux.- A lot of problems, difficulties and inconvenients to create an iso (comparing with EasyOs)

Easy OS.- Really simple, you can create an image of it, and you will have your system ready.

System - Remaster Easy Linux .... what else?

pp4mnklinux wrote: Sun Jun 30, 2024 7:33 pm
Flash wrote: Sun Jun 30, 2024 6:27 pm

These "people who don't want to share" give away their version of Puppy for free. :lol:

"I gave you fish, but I don't teach you fishing" 😉

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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by Clarity »

Several Puppy remake (aka 'Remaster') tools exist.

For me (and others too) who are Ventoy/SG2D/ISObooter users, its simple.

  • 1st - A running forum distro is its ISO file PLUS its saved Session.

  • 2nd - since its that 2-part discrete, the Remaster tools found in EACH forum distro combines these when it creates a new bootable ISO file for the user.

That's it. The utility does all the work for you.

P.S. I do admit, that some of the remaster tools can be a little daunting and the simple one is clear, where it ask for your ISO file and looks for its session when it packages all into a new bootable ISO file.

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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by eric52 »

Thanks, wizard. Embarrassingly, this is the first time I've seen the actual script, and I'm bashing my way through it, back and forth. At least I now know who shinobar is. I'm surprised at how precautionary it is, and it's patched much less than I figured. Love the BIGIFs, and the clone option is great. I'm a little weary of copying everything all over again to evade Barry's privacy protection. Looking forward to trying it.

I never followed Barry into container culture, pp4mnklinux. Perhaps I should have; that screenshot looks very promising. It's much more comprehensive now, based on the menu listings, and, if it's as true to its name as you say, the quirkiness must have been worked out. I'll probably give it a try, now that I've lapsed back into addiction. It's exactly like deja vu all over again.

I don't use TahrPup anymore, but I still like it. Bookworm, S15, KLA-KDE, KLV, Noble, FossaDog, BionicDog, and BionicPup-Revival on every machine, 'cause I'm always breaking something. First line of code - 1968.

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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by ozsouth »

I use pcompress to make the hybrid iso needed to boot CDs. I mount the original iso, copy its contents to an empty folder, edit the sfs's & then right click on the folder & choose pcompress. See: viewtopic.php?p=128463#p128463

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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by eric52 »

I gave it a few shots. Runs on Noble64, yielding a liveCDbuild modified clone. I mounted the main sfs to see if new stuff was there. Some is, some isn't, but it's only 58M. The process was too fast and no actual ISO was produced. I'll inspect further tomorrow. KLA-KDE fails at line 94 'cause Sofiya doesn't use a /etc/rc.d/ for PUPSTATE. In KLV no puppy.sfs found mounted on ro_2. My ISO is on a Ventoy, and looping that didn't look promising, so I called it quits. Oddly, it won't run at all CLI. Pretty sure the script needs a pure pup. In the morning I'll try a few more forum pups to get a handle on what is and isn't working and see what I can coerce out of it. The code looks clean and clear to me, so I expect it will be interesting. All in all it's a no go so far, but thanks for the challenge!

I don't use TahrPup anymore, but I still like it. Bookworm, S15, KLA-KDE, KLV, Noble, FossaDog, BionicDog, and BionicPup-Revival on every machine, 'cause I'm always breaking something. First line of code - 1968.

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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by geo_c »

eric52 wrote: Sat Mar 15, 2025 2:01 am

I gave it a few shots. Runs on Noble64, yielding a liveCDbuild modified clone. I mounted the main sfs to see if new stuff was there. Some is, some isn't, but it's only 58M. The process was too fast and no actual ISO was produced. I'll inspect further tomorrow. KLA-KDE fails at line 94 'cause Sofiya doesn't use a /etc/rc.d/ for PUPSTATE. In KLV no puppy.sfs found mounted on ro_2. My ISO is on a Ventoy, and looping that didn't look promising, so I called it quits. Oddly, it won't run at all CLI. Pretty sure the script needs a pure pup. In the morning I'll try a few more forum pups to get a handle on what is and isn't working and see what I can coerce out of it. The code looks clean and clear to me, so I expect it will be interesting. All in all it's a no go so far, but thanks for the challenge!

If you're running a KL, a remaster in the sense that you include all new applications and configs installed in the upper_changes persistance save is easy to do, You simply backup the upper_changes using @fredx181's backup/restore script and squash it as a numbered layer using the mksquashfs command. It's that simple. once the new layer is created, simply add it to another fresh install folder, or delete the upper_changes in your current install from another OS and boot into it with the newly compressed upper_changes layer. I do this every three months or so.

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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by eric52 »

I've never met a can of worms I couldn't open. I've used a mindless approach to ozsouth's method: once I've finished besmirching the author's work with my personal preferences, I just tar the KL save, move it into a fresh install on the next machine and extract it. (I just ran rockedge's KLV script, and it seems to work.) Isomaster does fail too often to rely on, so I just gave up on ISOs as unnecessary. I'll have to give the intelligent method a try. Geo_c referred me to Fred's work, which I hold in high regard. All the Debian Dog's remaster smoothly in a variety of ways. Considering the Dogs are full OS abbreviations with guardrails, this should be harder than with puppies designed for the purpose, which brings me to Barry's revised work. I've gone through the script with a fine-toothed comb (mine has many broken tines), and I can't find anything obviously wrong with it. Anticipating idiots like me, Barry excludes just about every possible user error. All the mods are sensible and well annotated. Yet, somehow content drops before the squash. Then the ISO never happens. I've experienced this with most of the newer pups (S15 works). I'm thinking that a build change is the culprit, but I'm already so far out of my depth I'm unlikely to figure it out. The nicOS Utility ydrv (or adrv) saves the day for me, but it bothers me to see Barry's vision blinded by only a decade. This is what Puppy is supposed to do! Where did we go wrong? Can anyone make a fresh start? It seems the band aids barely cover the wounds, and then the patient moves, leaving a bloody mess. I really wish I could fix this, but my old and tiny band aides have lost their stick. We need a young surgeon. Any budding genius reading this, please step forward and bash this problem from the get go. I offer 43 attaboys or attagirls as a reward.

I don't use TahrPup anymore, but I still like it. Bookworm, S15, KLA-KDE, KLV, Noble, FossaDog, BionicDog, and BionicPup-Revival on every machine, 'cause I'm always breaking something. First line of code - 1968.

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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by rockedge »

Somewhere on this forum I posted a how to for a manual remaster of a Puppy Linux. When I get moving over here I will track that down and we can see if it will help.......

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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by eric52 »

Hey, rockedge, the manual protocol is first on my listing. I will of course try it. I've just finished a new KLV folder and grub4dos listing for your SFS remaster script's output. It runs fine with a single compound SFS, vmlinuz, initrd, and w_init-latest file. (I still have to study that last one.) New upper_changes save folder is generated automatically on first boot. Looks just dandy, but I didn't change much, because I'm remastering everything on two machines. Very nice work! Tusen takk. Noble is next.

I don't use TahrPup anymore, but I still like it. Bookworm, S15, KLA-KDE, KLV, Noble, FossaDog, BionicDog, and BionicPup-Revival on every machine, 'cause I'm always breaking something. First line of code - 1968.

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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by eric52 »

Aw shucks, wizard's remaster2clone script produced a livebuild folder that I renamed noblepup2 and booted from a grub mod. Looked good for a while, then threw a sync failure kernel panic full stop. The install it was working on had a nicOS Utility save2SFS ydrv.sfs on it, so I suspect a conflict. I'll set up a fair chance after my afternoon gardening stint. Gotta at least try to hang onto real life :)

I don't use TahrPup anymore, but I still like it. Bookworm, S15, KLA-KDE, KLV, Noble, FossaDog, BionicDog, and BionicPup-Revival on every machine, 'cause I'm always breaking something. First line of code - 1968.

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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by mikeslr »

eric52 wrote: Sat Mar 15, 2025 3:58 pm

Aw shucks, wizard's remaster2clone script produced a livebuild folder that I renamed noblepup2 and booted from a grub mod. Looked good for a while, then threw a sync failure kernel panic full stop. The install it was working on had a nicOS Utility save2SFS ydrv.sfs on it, so I suspect a conflict. I'll set up a fair chance after my afternoon gardening stint. Gotta at least try to hang onto real life :)

Not a conflict; likely an absence or a 'rebirth'. I haven't worked with remaster2clone. [And couldn't find it to examine]. But my experience with various remaster scripts is that they do not take into consideration the presence of adrvs & ydrvs. Rather, what they do is ONLY combine the files in the core.sfs with those in the SaveFile/Folder, giving the latter priority and honoring 'white-outs' so that files 'deleted' aren't included. The Remasters I've used don't even 'know' of the existence of adrvs and ydrvs.

Usually you can add an adrv or ydrv to the 'work folder' before taring or creating an iso. But keep in mind that Save2SFS doesn't remove files which have been 'deleted'. Rather, it retains both the files and their white-outs. Amethyst published a utility for removing 'white-outs'. But I don't know if it just removes the .wh files, or also the files which were to be 'ignored'. Converting an adrv/ydrv to an SFS, loaded, or dir2pet, installed, before remastering presents the same issue.

I rarely have a good reason to remaster. I use Save2SFS to create ydrvs providing applications I will always want and never intend to update. Sometimes I will include one or two web-browsers in an adrv so that they are available if I run pfix=ram. The Save2SFS application is easy and fast. But if I intended to remaster, I'd start from scratch and install the applications I never intend to update rather than use a ydrv.

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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by eric52 »

Big ups, mikesir! Pretty sure you nailed it. I elected fdrv in the process, and it remained untouched in the new version, exactly the same size, so it's not a firmware issue. I added the original bdrv and zdrv, and the ydrv I had created to the new frugal folder. The kernel still vomited hex, despaired of initrd, exited with code 0Xzeros100, and froze the machine. Then I tried pulling each of those out of the mix, one-by-one, with exactly the same result. That suggests a primary SFS issue, as well. I didn't bother with any more combinatorics. Oh well, live and learn little. I'm fine with the nicOS save2SFS ydrv, for my purposes. I'll just do a version without screwups before I use it. That much I can do. BTW, I just read a Tom's Hardware article that mentions an estimate of 240 million charity machines will be bellying up with the wind10 cutoff. If ever there was a huge opportunity, this is it. Leave the wind without internet access as a security blanket, and add a couple of pups to keep the lines open, and they'd all be back in business. No one really needs most of the data we all hoard, but it would stay available. We could reasonably end up with 100 million or so new users... with lots of questions. Never mind. Thanks again for cluing me in, mikesir. (.wh files seem like whiteout corrections on the screen.)

I don't use TahrPup anymore, but I still like it. Bookworm, S15, KLA-KDE, KLV, Noble, FossaDog, BionicDog, and BionicPup-Revival on every machine, 'cause I'm always breaking something. First line of code - 1968.

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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by mikewalsh »

pp4mnklinux wrote: Fri Mar 14, 2025 5:23 pm

I talk from my experience:

PuppyLinux.- A lot of problems, difficulties and inconvenients to create an iso (comparing with EasyOs)

Easy OS.- Really simple, you can create an image of it, and you will have your system ready.

Hm. Curiouser and curiouser. I assume it DID occur to you that the individual who has created this masterpiece you wax so lyrical about is THE VERY SAME person who introduced Puppy Linux to the world over 20 years ago...?

Or has that fact been conveniently "glossed over" in your obvious antagonism for Puppy?

You blow hot & cold, my friend. Really & truly, one never knows from one day to the next quite what you'll be raving about with your very next post. At least most of our community members are reasonably "steady" about things.

This is NOT me "having a go" at you, BTW. I'm just bemused, that's all.....or should that be "confused"? :shock:

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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by wizard »


Pretty sure the script needs a pure pup

Yes, written for and only tested on those. One of the missing features of the standard remasterpup2 script included with most Pups was the ability to produce a "clone" of the running system. Remasterpup2clone just added that.

As new Pups with different structures appear you can count on the script needing to be changed accordingly.


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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by eric52 »

At pp4mnklinux's suggestion, I took a look at EasyOS. First things first, I was overjoyed to discover that Barry still has a puppy presence on this site. In reading through the docs, I was similarly happy to see he's still just as bright. Sadly, I still don't understand half of what he's thinking, which doesn't surprise me much at all. Back when I stumbled onto Precise Puppy, I thought most of what he was all about was impossible, and I was frankly flabbergasted when it all worked in a fun, if not familiar, way. I feel the same way today, although sandboxes and QEMU provide stepping stones this time. I determined to try it right away, but that didn't happen. After clicking and reading for over an hour, I still could not find a download link. It started to feel like enforced education when all I could muster was EasyDD, but no Easy! Finally, I downloaded 6.6.3 from Major Geeks, even though 6.6.4 has some important fixes. Oh, the shame of it! Fortunately, I now know how to upgrade and a whole lot more, but I'm exhausted. I'll have to put it off 'til tomorrow so I can enjoy it. I popped on to tell pp4mnklinux of my lengthy travails to find the holy grail of an easy remaster, and I read mikesir's commentary, which I agree with. In all fairness, everything pp4mnklinux wrote is true, but that is not the Dale Carnegie way to win friends and influence people. It's far too easy to lack grace online, because darned near everyone does. Mutual antagonism seems to be all the rage these days, but any permissions and excuses for overly competitive conduct are just plain wrong. Puppy and Easy are both we the people projects, and it's up to each and every one of us to live up to that. And there I go doin' it too... that's way too preachy! G'night, good people.

I don't use TahrPup anymore, but I still like it. Bookworm, S15, KLA-KDE, KLV, Noble, FossaDog, BionicDog, and BionicPup-Revival on every machine, 'cause I'm always breaking something. First line of code - 1968.

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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by bigpup »

If you are going to talk about EasyOS, then post in the EasyOS section of the forum.

Easy OS is not Puppy Linux!

They are totally different Linux operating systems.

Do not try to compare or try to do anything in Puppy Linux, as it may be able to be done in EasyOS.

This topic is in the Puppy Linux section of the forum.

Any discussion, issues, questions, etc......... need to be specifically about Puppy Linux and specific Puppy Linux versions.

Help people to follow the issues and problems by doing this!

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: How to make a live ISO of my linux?

Post by bigpup »

The original topic poster has made no additional posts in this topic.

So we are just talking to each other.

If you have specific issues, questions, problems, etc.... with trying to remaster a Puppy install you have done.

Then start your own topic about it.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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