Hey there,
I saw this ActionRetro video on him installing Justin Bieber Linux on the old Hot Wheels PC:
Any idea why the repositories don't work near the 9:38 mark?
Hey there,
I saw this ActionRetro video on him installing Justin Bieber Linux on the old Hot Wheels PC:
Any idea why the repositories don't work near the 9:38 mark?
The answer, not including this bit.. "They say you should be able to access your packages by putting the following into /etc/apt/sources.list. Important: Change CODENAME to your distribution's code name, e.g. jaunty" is because there are certain "DISTRO_*" specific files within ~/.packages that would require editing, something the author of your video was not aware of.
~ Few things move as quietly as the future ~
Historical note: I had some contact with the JBL author when this came out, because I really liked his graphic approach. Sadly, I can't remember his name, but the skinny was that this was a joke distro that went viral due to the JB name. A gazillion teeny-boppers downloaded it with no idea what Linux was because they worshipped anything JB. I don't think any specific repo was set up.
I don't use TahrPup anymore, but I still like it. Bookworm, S15, KLA-KDE, KLV, Noble, FossaDog, BionicDog, and BionicPup-Revival on every machine, 'cause I'm always breaking something. First line of code - 1968.