There is enormous adversity toward a country which is constantly accused of bad-acting while NEVER showing evidence of bad acting. Why do so many of us listen to politicians and why would WE, technical people who rely on evidence, believe any who WONT produce evidence.
Some of us are told what to believe and how we are suppose to see the world through what we are told versus actually seeking to find out if what we were told makes sense; or it the accuser is any more 'moral' than those being accused by contrasts.
Are we victims or relay vehicles for politics?
Or will WE be the 'true' evidence based people as the technology we demonstrate (Our work in just this forum centers in evidence and proofs we display: Not ground-less behaviors)?
We must control ourselves from deeming a good product because if came from some country we are taught to dislike. It a tool exist, maybe we should focus on the merit a tool might offer instead of some effort to diminish something which could be helpful as mankind continues to move forward on this planet we share.
Curious from comments in a prior post.