works in Scarthgap64 EASY OS
Moderator: BarryK
I note that in Easy OS Scarthcape the xonclock is missing the file so no I am looking on the internet for that lib but have not located yet. I figure that it the offending omission that doesn't enable the analog clock to appear when selected.
stay tuned.
prologue: I am using EASY OS 6.5.6 Scarthcapd
I followed down the dependency path for xonclock as Easy 6.5.6 has it.
So place the following files
Hopefully these additions to what every puppy flavor you are using will be
operational. ... sp=sharing
in the /usr/ib directory and startup the
in the desktop menu -> Pwidgets tiny desktop apps
and select the analog clock and hopefully you will see the clock options and
when chosen will be displayed on the screen. At least it is working now
on my desktop.
In recent days have made the decision to transition from Bionicpup64 to Easy OS Scarthcape.
But this experience has demonstrated to me that BionicPup64 was put together in the nuts and
bolts in a more thorough fashion.
xonclock was compiled on an older distro, linked against old libraries, for example.
Easy Scarthgap has
You are often going to have this problem, with any distro, if want to run an app compiled on an older distro.
The solution is to do what you have done, find the old libs.
Of course, if I specifically aimed at making Scarthgap compatible with certain older distros, then I could include those libs.
ndujoe2 wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2025 6:37 pmprologue: I am using EASY OS 6.5.6 Scarthcapd
I followed down the dependency path for xonclock as Easy 6.5.6 has it.So place the following files
libjepg. these additions to what every puppy flavor you are using will be
operational. ... sp=sharing
in the /usr/ib directory and startup the
in the desktop menu -> Pwidgets tiny desktop apps
and select the analog clock and hopefully you will see the clock options and
when chosen will be displayed on the screen. At least it is working now
on my desktop.In recent days have made the decision to transition from Bionicpup64 to Easy OS Scarthcape.
But this experience has demonstrated to me that BionicPup64 was put together in the nuts and
bolts in a more thorough fashion.Joe
Sorry, it does not work for me.
perhaps my file permissions didn't carry forward when I copied them. Have you checked the permission status of the four files?
have you run xonclock from the teriminal and it reported not dependency deficiences?