First, I must have blinked!! Fossapup is now considered "legacy" -- ?!??!?! Who'da thunk it? And the the rearranged Board Index and sub-indices all laid out as they now are -- KUDOS to those who took a LOT of time to reorganize. Nice.
That said, I hope someone can give me a few ideas here. (I DO have a backup but I'd rather fix this issue than go that route just yet.) All worked fine in the sound system, but all of a sudden I have sound only through the laptop speakers, but nothing goes out the output (headphone) jack. It doesn't matter if its Deadbeef, VLC, or a music website. Of course, I tried adjusting the settings in alsamixer, but to no avail. There is only one sound card in the unit, I didn't mess around with my settings, it just stopped sending a signal out that jack. IF I boot up in RAM mode (pfix=ram), sound DOES work through both the system speakers and output jack. I looked in my .config folder and tried renaming some sound-related files (better than deleting them but has the same effect) -- nothing worked there. I have NOT uninstalled and reinstalled alsamixer, I can if that's advisable; I just don't want to make the situation worse! I do NOT have pulseaudio, although I find there are some pulse libs and related files when I search for them.
FYI: machine is a Dell Latitude E7270 running FossaPup64.
Anywho -- thoughts very much appreciated!