I've already mentioned that a year or 2 ago and @BarryK told me there are already 3 apps for screen shots in Easy, so there's no need to add another one, but I still think it's a shame there's no Windows' Snipping Tool equivalent in Easy. Snipping Tool is very intuitive and easy to use with a very simple menu. The only screen shot app I've found to be equally good (or even better!) is Flameshot. In Easy we now have:
Screeny - very good for quick actions: many screenshots with auto saving, which makes it great for such operations, but there's no edit options, e.g. draw notes, lines, arrows.
Take a shot - in my opinion rather useless.
mtPaint screenshot - I agree it has edit options, but on the other hand it's bit more complicated than Flameshot and not so intuitive.
Anyone else having similar thouths?