Our house decided to change Internet service and thus needed to change the
WIFI SSID and password in all our devices including our old version 1
Chromecast gadget.
(Note: Google has discontinued the Chromecast line of digital media
players on August 6, 2024.)
I tried searching for how to change the WIFI SSID and password
on Chromecast and found a number of
instructions on the WEB. But when I tried them, I couldn't seem to find
matching parameters in my Android "HOME" apt.
Apparently my newly installed "HOME" apt was meant for
Chromecast version 3 or maybe version 2 devices only.
But then, I remembered that I had an old Samsung Galaxy S4 phone
in the back of a dusty drawer. I powered it up and sure enough,
(it had an old version of the "HOME" apt) it said to press the hidden button on
my old Chromecast device, turn on Bluetooth and the confirming code
was displayed on my television. Then it had me connect my old phone to
the old Chromecast's own SSID ... and finally make the WIFI SSID change !
A later search found that I was not alone with this issue:
https://www.reddit.com/r/Chromecast/com ... ecast_and/
Perhaps this post will help others who have an old version 1 Chromecast device.