I've build a recipe for kc https://github.com/levaidaniel/kc using the native pkgbuild system.
The software builds fine, but the single binary compiled is not installed.
The pkb_build() of the recipe:
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pkg_build() {
cd /tmp/kc*
make -f Makefile.linux READLINE=y BUNDLED_BCRYPT=y && make -f Makefile.linux install && pkg_build_slackdesc
When I compile manually,
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make -f Makefile.linux READLINE=y BUNDLED_BCRYPT=y
returns exit code 0 and
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Makefile.linux install
install the binary to
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But not from the pkg_build() function of the recipe.
The last lines of the output of the recipe:
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gcc -m64 kc.o malloc_check.o cmd_c.o cmd_cdel.o cmd_clear.o cmd_clipboard.o cmd_clist.o cmd_cnew.o cmd_copy.o cmd_cedit.o cmd_del.o cmd_edit.o cmd_export.o cmd_getnum.o cmd_help.o cmd_import.o cmd_info.o cmd_list.o cmd_new.o cmd_near.o cmd_passwd.o cmd_quit.o cmd_search.o cmd_searchre.o cmd_status.o cmd_swap.o cmd_version.o cmd_write.o commands.o commands_init.o ssha.o bcrypt/bcrypt_pbkdf.o bcrypt/blf.o bcrypt/explicit_bzero.o bcrypt/sha2.o -o kc `pkg-config --libs libcrypto` `pkg-config --libs libbsd` `pkg-config --libs libxml-2.0` -lreadline
install -D -s -o root -m 755 kc /usr/local/bin/kc
install -D -o root -m 644 kc.1 /usr/local/man/man1/kc.1
mkdir: created directory '/install'
packaging kc-2.5.3-x86_64-1
# ls -l /usr/local/bin/kc
ls: cannot access '/usr/local/bin/kc': No such file or directory
What is wrong and how to correct it?