Update 06-01-2025, version 6, better preserving brightness settings now when rebooted, more info: viewtopic.php?p=139475#p139475 (and a .pet package attached for EasyOs)
Added attachments for 32 and 64 bit (v6) below.
Update 23-12-2024, version 5, using 'backlight' now for reducing brightness, more info: viewtopic.php?p=138611#p138611
Added attachments for 32 and 64 bit (v5) below.
Update 08-11-2024, v4 with fix from @BarryK , see viewtopic.php?p=135185#p135185
New attachments for 32 and 64 bit below.
Earlier shared Here
Inspired by Mike Walsh's Brightness & colour temperature control for desktop PCs, here's a more extended version that supports redshift's automatic day and night colour transition (if in "Auto mode")
If Auto mode is not selected, then it works just the same as Mike's version (e.g. ScreenControl_redshift-v1.4)
Similar apps already existing, e.g:
Or (more simple, python based):
This portable version uses yad (notification icon and sliders to adjust the values) and the redshift command line utility.
Both (yad and redshift) I compiled on Debian Wheezy, tested (and works) on Puppy Lucid, Raring, Slacko, Tahr, Stretch (and should work also on later Puppy versions)
Also on Debiandog, Xenialdog, Bionicdog, Busterdog, Fossadog
Also separate "wary" version attached, works on Wary or other older puppies with minimal Xorg version.
From the Help (right-click on the icon):
*** Redshift Manual mode and Auto mode ***
Manual: First time run, the Manual mode is enabled.
Left click the icon and adjust color temp. and brightness.Auto: Right-click the icon and select 'Redshift Auto mode'.
The timezone and time must be correctly set to make this work well.
First time run, it will get your geo location (the coordinates: latitude, longitude)
A network connection is required for that.
The file $HOME/.rshift/geo-info contains this info.
Remove it if you travel to another country or city.
(then it will be re-configured again)
Left click on the icon to adjust day and night color temp.
To get back to Manual Mode, click 'Redshift Auto mode' again.
Portable: includes yad (v 0.38 ) and redshift (v 1.11) (self-extractable script) so NOT needed to have yad and redshift installed.
Required is "curl" for getting geo location (but should be installed by default in most systems)
Extract 32 or 64 bit attached tar.gz and just click on e.g. rshift-portable-32 and the icon should appear in the system-tray.
To have it loaded at boot/logon, place it in ~/Startup