I'd like to be able to remotely access the GUI desktop of a Raspberry Pi from Bionic.
Pi's have become very difficult in terms of supporting VNC, but I found that the RealVNC connect will work. I can run RealVNC Viewer from Windows and access the desktop of a Pi with the server on the Pi.
I'd like to install the RealVNC for Linux in Bionic. (bionicpup32-8.0-uefi.iso) Or another that is compatible.
It seems that all the options for Linux are x64, which probably won't work with bionicpup32 (running on old hardware)
I looked in Package Manager and searched "VNC". There are a wide variety of packages containing "VNC" but nothing matching RealVNC.
I tried installing xvnc4viewer_1.3.10, but it was not able to connect to the RealVNC server on the Pi. Rather than trial and error with all the packages, is there any way to narrow down the possibilities?