The question almost says it all.
When some software that you want to install is not available through Gslapt, how do you proceed to install it?
Get a dev SFS?
Then install each of the dependencies by source and then the desired software?
Or is there any other way?
For example, to install gscan2pdf, that scans some paper, is able to perform some operations, and then can save the document to a PDF file.
This package is available through Slackbuilds.org: http://slackbuilds.org/repository/15.0/ ... =gscan2pdf
but it has dozens of dependencies, seventeen direct, two optional and some more indirect.
In Slackware I tried sbopkg and sboui, but there was something wrong regarding this packages and I couln't install it. Perhaps it was the current versions of these packages.
So, I would be glad to know how you proceed.
Thank you.