Kennel Linux has never applied to be featured via Distrowatch, which limits outside knowledge of its existence to Puppy Forum visitors, most of whom presumably come here with only an interest in Puppy itself. Since FirstRib based distros have been usefully available since early 2019, with many powerful features, it seems a pity we make no attempt to let the greater Linux community know about them.
We have many KL distro variants including various versions fully system and repo compatible with Void Linux, Arch Linux, Ubuntu, Fedora, and easy capability to provide variants with Debian or Devuan full system and repo/package management compatibility, including very powerful and flexible frugal install capability.
Surely time to tell the world about this?
Personally, I would consider it better if forum took more central interest in coordinating such forum distro product marketing, but never gone beyond Puppy-centric approach thus far in its evolving history. I don't believe that approach is in best overall forum interest. However, which KL distro(s) to let the world know about as exemplars of what the underlying and simple to use FirstRib build system can easily produce?