Iron 'portable' browser - now at 129.0.6550.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 108.0.5500.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by mikewalsh »

mikeslr wrote: Thu Dec 22, 2022 10:55 pm

Great job building version, Mike. :thumbup: Not only has the problem I emailed you about under Fossapup64-9.6 evaporated, but for the first time since version 93 Bionicpup64 can run the current Iron. I'm posting from F96 using Iron 108xxx now.

Version accepted the PROFILE from my prior Iron.

Just a FWIW, for anyone that's interested. I reminded myself of this just tonight.

If setting-up a new instance of any Chromium clone, there IS a quicker way to transfer bookmarks than messing about importing & re-arranging them again.

Find a 'clone' that's already set-up with all your bookmarks. Go into the profile->Default. Look for the text file called, simply, "Bookmarks". Copy this over to the profile of your new browser and drop it into the same location within the 'Default' directory. At next run, your bookmarks will all be ready for you.....without needing to mess about in the Bookmarks manager.

You can 'share' this trick between ANY of the clones, and it'll work every time. It's how I got my bookmarks set-up the first time I started using Edge 4 Linux, because M$ insist on calling everything 'Favourites' - a hang-over from Internet Exploder which they can't seem to let go of! - and their import procedure is unnecessarily complicated, compared to any other 'clone'. So it might be an idea to save a copy of this file somewhere, so's you can drop it in any 'clone's' profile as & when needed.

Mike. ;)

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 108.0.5500.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by geo_c »

I wish the ungoogled chromium dev did an ungoogled version of iron, because iron has always been the cleanest fastest experience for me. Google is a deal killer for me though.

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 108.0.5500.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by keniv »

Thanks for the update to Iron Mike. Am posting from it now using FossaPup64 9.5. All seems to be working.



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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 108.0.5500.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by mikeslr »

geo_c wrote: Fri Dec 23, 2022 12:31 am

I wish the ungoogled chromium dev did an ungoogled version of iron, because iron has always been the cleanest fastest experience for me. Google is a deal killer for me though.

I haven't explored it recently, but two years ago I compared the default privacy and security settings of Ungoogle-Chromium with those of Iron and they were almost identical. About the same time as I wrote this, viewtopic.php?p=19203#p19203

At that time I used Chris Xiao's guide as a reference. It is still available here, ... ing-guide/. The guide, itself, discusses hardening firefox. But its concerns and techniques can be 'translated' to the Chromium world.

Examining settings and making adjustments was both time consuming and mentally challenging. I haven't had any reason to think that the German company which publishes Iron is less fastidious today than it was when I devoted the time and effort to examine their product. But you know what they say about assumptions. :lol:

On the other hand, a lot of Chris Xiao concerns can easily be addressed under Iron thru installation of extensions; something much easier to do under Iron than Ungoogle-Chromium. To the extent possible, I've installed Chromium's equivalent of the firefox addons Chris mentioned, or 8Geee suggested replying to my post.

The following show the extensions I currently use.

(114.89 KiB) Downloaded 91 times

Download and remove the false tar.gz of the above Iron-Addons. The png-screenshot's text was otherwise only barely readable. Rather than the recommendation to use duck-duck-go, I've installed Qwant. I've book-marked other search engines. Many of the Addons --such as CSS Exfil Protection-- are self-executing. No need to pin them to the tool-bar.

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 108.0.5500.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by xenial »

geo_c wrote: Fri Dec 23, 2022 12:31 am

I wish the ungoogled chromium dev did an ungoogled version of iron, because iron has always been the cleanest fastest experience for me. Google is a deal killer for me though.

What's the difference between them technically.?
I never saw the appeal of iron browser myself as it doesn't offer anything over vanilla chromium.Ungoogled chromium seems a more concerted effort to strip some of the google mechanisms.

I see no significant difference between chromium and srware iron unless i'm missing something.

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 108.0.5500.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by geo_c »

xenial wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 1:06 am

I see no significant difference between chromium and srware iron unless i'm missing something.

I never did a bench test. It just feels like it opens instantaneously and runs snappier. Could be my imagination.

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - with Sound using Pulse-Audio

Post by mikeslr »

Thanks to MikeWalsh's continuing efforts to maintain portable-web-browsers, wizard's discovery that when Pulse-Audio is employed to render sound Iron had to be run as-spot, and mow9902's confirmation of wizard's instructions, see this thread, ... 515#p83515 Iron again becomes a fully usable web-browser for Puppys.

As wizard suggested, you can download the Iron deb and rebuild it as an SFS. As I run (or test) many Puppys I prefer portables because (a) they keep cache out of RAM; (b) I can use the same profile across Puppies and (c) it's easy to create and use different profiles for different objectives. The following recipe and attachments will enable you to do the same.

What's lacking: MikeWalsh's easy menu-creator and remover. FWIW, I frequently haven't used them since I prefer running web-browsers with multiple profiles so would have to build 'menu-pets' anyway. If you search, you'll find recipe's for creating menu entries. Both MikeWalsh and I have posted how to create them.

In the absence of a menu-entry, you can start the portable by file-browsing to the attached 'iLAUNCH' script, and/or dragging it to the desktop.

Keep in mind that running-as-spot the files you download will be located in .../spot/Downloads. You may want to book-mark that folder to facilitate moving downloaded files elsewhere. Also remember that running-as-spot, files you want to upload will first have to be moved/copied to the /spot folder.


1. Create an appropriately named folder. Mine is named Iron-portable64-spot.
2. Download the iron64.deb, currently available from here,
3. Extract the 'deb'. In the extraction folder will be found a folder named /usr/share/iron. Move/Copy just the iron folder into the folder you created, e.g. Iron-portable64-spot.
4. Copy the following iLAUNCH.gz script into the same folder.

Remove the 'false' .gz
(460 Bytes) Downloaded 86 times

5. Remove the false '.gz'

That's it. Left-clicking the iLAUNCH script should start Iron.

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 108.0.5500.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by mikewalsh »

@mikeslr :-

I replied to this in the F96-CE thread, Mike:-


The re-built Iron-portable now lets you choose what 'mode' to run it in at every launch.......either 'root', or 'spot'. The only snag is that if you're going to regularly swap back & forth between the two, downloaded items just go straight into the appropriate user directory...../root, or /spot. Of course, if you're going to stick with running it as 'spot', you can adjust the Downloads $PATH in the settings so it goes into /spot/Downloads instead.

It does permit you to have working audio, however, which I believe was the object of the excercise. You can't automate the Downloads location in the wrapper script, unfortunately, because there's no "--switch" in the admittedly extensive list that lets you do this. It's taken as a 'given' that stuff will go into whichever 'user' directory you're running as...


The re-built package will be found at the usual location in post #1. Normal usage instructions apply, and the Updater still functions as intended; it's not affected by the afore-mentioned 'chowning' malarkey!

Hope this helps some of you! Posting from it now, running as user 'spot' under F96-CE_2......and watching Star Trek DS9 on NetFlix.

(Shut the browser down, run the Updater script in the portable directory, and you'l soon be on v110, the latest from the SRWare team). I'm going to perform a bit more re-jigging, and add a Menu entry for the updater, too.....just to make things a bit easier, like.

Mike. ;)

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 108.0.5500.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by mikewalsh »


A bit more re-jigging performed. The updater script now has its own Menu entry, too, need to dive into the file-system to run the updater mechanism. This brings it into line with Chrome-portable and Zoom-portable, the other two portables I was able to create updater mechanisms for.

Available from the usual links.


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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 108.0.5500.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by mikeslr »

Mike, when someone accesses your last 64-bit builds on, they'll see two offerings: (1) one dated 3/21/23 and packaged as a tar.xz; and (2) one dated 3/31/23 and packaged as a tar.gz. On March 20th, you reported modifying the LAUNCH script, viewtopic.php?p=84750#p84750 and I assume that's the build which your folder shows as tar.xz dated 3/21/23. But (a) unless I screwed up my downloads, that change wasn't carried into the 3/31 build and (b) unless someone is familiar with the history of builds (s)he won't know the difference and will likely download newer the 3/31 build. [The post about the 3/21 change was not on this thread].

I'm going to re-download the 3/31 build and before reporting further.

Done. Made certain it was the 3/31 build. AS-IS, it doesn't run as spot and does not generate sound under pulse-audio. The attached alternate launch script --named spot-LAUNCH-- solves that. Basically it was flinched from your 3/21 build. The only change is that your 3/21 build had a folder named iron while in the 3/31 build it was named iron64. The script (rather than the folder) was adjusted.

REMOVE false .gz ending
(462 Bytes) Downloaded 82 times

Remove the false '.gz' and drop into the portable folder.
Sorry, what worked under slimjet doesn't under Iron. Changing the desktop Exec= argument to read "run-as-spot iron" prevented the app from running at all. Consequently, your MenuAdd script can't be used. And figuring out how to provide alternatives (spot and root) in one LAUNCH script was 'above my paygrade'. If I had to, I'd create a menu entry which had as Exec argument "/FULL-PATH-TO/spot-LAUNCH".
Alternatively, the attached spot-LAUNCH script could be renamed LAUNCH, replacing the included version. But then Iron could not be run as Root.

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 108.0.5500.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by mikewalsh »

@mikeslr :-

Ta for the "heads-up", Mike. I've removed the offending "extra" build; the sole remaining build is the current one.......which has had the user-choice treatment for running as either root OR spot, and is the one last posted about, here:-


With 3 nearly full cloud accounts - a total of around 43-44 GB of packages as things stand! - you can hardly blame me for occasionally making the odd "house-keeping" boo-boo!


No need to modify any scripts, my friend. Hit 'LAUNCH' in this one, and choose your 'run-mode'.......'root' OR 'spot'. It'll fire-up in the chosen mode, a fact which can be corroborated by going to

Code: Select all


.....and checking sandbox status. 'Spot' will say you're 'adequately' sandboxed (shows as mostly green).....'root' will say you're NOT (and shows as all-red).

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 129.0.6550.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by mikewalsh »

Morning, gang.

It's been so long since the last Iron release from SRWare that the listing for this thread was well down near the bottom of page 3! At long last, v129.0.6550.0 has arrived.....released just 3 days ago.

For those of you with an existing 'portable', just run the 'UpdateIron' script inside the portable's directory. If you've used the scripts to add a Menu entry for it, you should have an entry for the updater beside the browser launcher.

For anyone who wants this, but doesn't yet have it, I've uploaded the new build to the existing link in post #1.

As always:-

  • Download

  • Unzip

  • Move the portable directory to any location you like.....preferably, outside the 'save'

  • Click to enter

  • Click on 'LAUNCH' to fire it up!

If you're like me, and leave tabs open from one session to the next, you may find that any open tab showing when it first starts may be showing blank. Just refresh the page, and it'll reappear again. This is something that's been in the Chromium code-base for the last few builds, and is supposed to keep resource usage down.

Have fun!

Mike. ;)

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 129.0.6550.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by KevinTheGerbil »

Sheesh. Having real troubles with this Iron-Portable when running on BookwormPup64 10.0.8.

Firstly, when I run as spot I cannot download anything, nor can I change the download folder. This is similar behaviour to Ungoogled-Chromium-Portable that I was using previously, so I guess it's system-related (spot permissions etc) rather than a specific problem with Iron as such.

I've noted previous comments around spot permissions for folders and links and have tried changing permissions on (I think) everything that could affect this, according to the advice. NOTHING has worked so far - maybe I'm just missing something but I can't seem to see the wood for the trees. At least running as root seems to work fine (sound works OK too) so I guess that's the fallback option.

Secondly - and this problem DOES seem to be Iron-specific and is the real show-stopper for me - I've been trying to use it on both my laptops, with respective screen resolutions of 1366x768 and 1600x900. On each machine Iron fires up with what looks like a "Mickey Mouse" / "My first kiddie browser" screen resolution - full screen display looks more like around 800x600 resolution with the toolbar size, text size and menu spacings all being way too large for my liking. Nothing I can find in the browser settings (zoom, font size, etc) seems to provide any way of fixing this.

Before I give up and ditch this browser for good, anyone have any further suggestions?

- Kevin

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 129.0.6550.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by KevinTheGerbil »

The plot thickens. I went back to Ungoogled-Chromium-Portable (latest version, with a new / default profile) and discovered that when run as spot the GUI is perfectly OK and as I would expect re. toolbar & menu sizing etc. But if I force it to run as root using the same run-as-root switches as the Iron-Portable launch scripts (i.e. --no-sandbox, --test-type, etc), I get the aforementioned "Mickey Mouse" GUI, same as with Iron. The difference is that Iron seems to give me the same Mickey-Mouse GUI whether I run it as spot or root.

Seems like a no-win situation at present!

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 129.0.6550.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by mikewalsh »

@KevinTheGerbil :-

Let's see if we can address these for ya.

The first one - the downloads 'issue' - was taken care of a long while ago. Iron will download stuff, but it's going into /home/spot/Downloads.....and under normal circumstances, getting at your files involves physically moving them into a root-owned location, and then 'chown-ing' permissions on the downloaded item to make it usable by other applications, etc.

I ran up against the exact same issue as you.....and decided to do summat about it. So, a lot of discussion ensued - on the old forum - but the only thread you need to read is this one:-


It moves stuff around in the selected direction AND changes permissions at the same time, so the downloaded item is immediately usable. It also has a mode which works in the other direction, moving items INTO 'spot' for upload. Give it a try, and see if it does what ya need.

DO right-click on the tray icon, and select 'Help'. It'll explain a little more about what's happening 'under the hood'.

TBH, I only gave Iron the choice of run-mode because more & more people seem to want to run their browsers as a 'restricted', I created the option for them.


As for the "Micky-mouse" interface,'ve lost me, I'm afraid. Can you post a screeny to show us what you mean?

Mike. ;)

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 129.0.6550.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by KevinTheGerbil »

Hi Mike, and thanks for the input!

Firstly your permissions changer pet package: It worked beautifully on my older laptop running Bionicpup64 8.0. However it didn't have any effect on my newer laptop running BwPup64 10.0.8! The same problem persists with both UG Chromium and Iron - i.e. downloading seems to be completely disabled, and also if I go into the settings screen and try to change the location of the downloads folder, that function is disabled too.

In a way this is reassuring as it suggests that it's not just down to something I'm missing or have done wrong in terms of setting spot permissions for download folders and links thereto. I have no idea why BwPup64 10.0.8 seems to behave differently to previous Puppies in this respect but it just doesn't seem to behave at all well when trying to run portables from outside the savefolder.

Re. the "look" of Iron vs. UG Chromium: I've attached screenshots, both taken at 1600x900 screen resolution. I was perhaps a bit harsh in describing the look of Iron as more like 800x600, but I think the difference is clear enough. The UG Chromium interface is what I'd expect to see at this resolution, the Iron interface very much not so. AFAICT this seems to be an inbuilt "feature" of Iron which doesn't seem to be user-changeable - unless I've missed something obvious in the settings, which is entirely possible...

Anyhoo... I've now given up on:
- Iron (because having played further with UnGoogled Chromium portable I've decided it does all I need it to as a secondary browser, my primary one being Firefox ESR);
- BwPup64 (which I was initially very enthused by, but being an old stick-in-the-mud I've now concluded that it just behaves too differently to earlier Puppies for my liking).

I'm now running Bionicpup64 and UG Chromium portable on both laptops (same setup, different kernels) and life is good - for now at least...

- Kevin

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 129.0.6550.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by mikewalsh »

@KevinTheGerbil :-

Uh.....heh. It's "confession time" here, I think.....

I'm afraid the "Mickey Mouse" appearance is MY fault. I've been short-sighted all my life; been wearing specs since the age of 3. Now in my early-to-mid 60s, I also have cataracts developing. Up until a couple of years ago, I could read the GUI elements of the Iron browser on a 1920x1080 screen.....but with the cataracts, it's now getting to be something of a struggle.

Therefore, I've been making use of one of the multitude of available command-line "switches" on the wrapper-script's exec line to make the tab bar, URL bar and bookmarks bar easier to read. I'm hanged if I'm straining already troublesome eyesight even further by squinting at tiny text when I CAN do something about it. "--force-device-scale-factor" does just that; allows enlarging the text of the GUI portion of the browser to make it easier to read. I normally have it set to 1.3, which enlarges said text and GUI elements - like the extension icons, etc - by 30%.....which is about right for me.

I thought I'd removed this before packaging & uploading, but it seems I forgot! (You won't find this in the settings, because it's actually in the launch script itself.....and even looking at that, unless you knew what you were specifically looking FOR you would easily miss it.)


If you look inside the portable, open up the 'RUN' script. Skim down until you find the functions for :-



run_as_spot. Modify them to remove the

Code: Select all


.....switch, such that they end up looking like this:-


Code: Select all

function run_as_root {
	exec -a "$0" "$HERE/iron64/chrome" --no-sandbox --test-type --user-data-dir=$HERE/spot/PROFILE --disk-cache-size=5000000 --media-cache-size=5000000 --allow-outdated-plugins --disable-infobars "$@"


Code: Select all

function run_as_spot {
	run-as-spot "$HERE/iron64/chrome" --user-data-dir=$HERE/spot/PROFILE --disk-cache-size=5000000 --media-cache-size=5000000 --allow-outdated-plugins --disable-infobars "$@"

Make SURE there's a space between the end of the "--switches" and "$@"....and then restart the browser. That will return the GUI to standard appearance. :)

My bad. Sorry about that....!! :oops:

As for the downloads issue in Bookwormpup64, I've only just 'upgraded' to 10.0.8 from 10.0.6.....and I mostly use Opera (which runs like a dream everywhere). I haven't yet tried the Iron-portable here. Leave it with me, and I'll do a wee bit of investigation. I'll let ya know what I find out.

Mike. ;)

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 129.0.6550.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by KevinTheGerbil »

A-Ha! Yes that fixes things nicely :thumbup:

Interestingly I'd already had a look at that RUN file for possible culprits but for some reason I didn't spot the scaling switches. Many thanks for identifying the solution - seems obvious now, D'OH!

Re. the vision thing, I feel your pain... Not yet at the stage where I need an enlarged GUI but I have an increasing number of floaters in my field of vision and it's only a matter of time I think. I've already noticed that I slightly prefer the 1366x768 screen resolution of my old "roadkill" laptop to the 1600x900 on this newer one that I'm posting from at the moment.

- Kevin

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 129.0.6550.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by redquine »

KevinTheGerbil wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2024 9:29 pm

The same problem persists with both UG Chromium and Iron - i.e. downloading seems to be completely disabled, and also if I go into the settings screen and try to change the location of the downloads folder, that function is disabled too.

@KevinTheGerbil @mikewalsh I've just upgraded from BWPup 10.0.6 to 10.0.8 - so recently, in fact, that I hadn't even tried Iron yet. When I read this thread, I clicked on my usual shortcut and it opened without a hitch. Nothing was greyed out and I could download as normal.

I do recall having permission issues on previous Debian-based pups, though; the Chromium-based browsers only opened if I moved them to the save folder. In fact, I'd abandoned Iron while using them - until @fredx181 came out with his "LAUNCH-as-root" script. It's basically a tweaked version of Mike's script.

If you're still having download troubles, maybe it's worth a try? See viewtopic.php?p=135515 for details.

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 129.0.6550.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by mikewalsh »

@KevinTheGerbil :-

My findings are exactly the same as @redquine ; downlods work exactly the same as they did before I 'upgraded'.

Ever since Google changed the expectation - way back around 2016 - that everyone running Linux was doing so as JUST a 'user', necessitating the run-as-spot thing for most of the clones, downloading has had its share of "issues" for the clones. If you just download items as they are, downloads go through fine. It's when you want to save things as a specific name that the problems start. AFAIK, this all revolves around the xdg-open function and use of the 'file-chooser' mechanism.

With older Puppies, we used to get around this issue with the glibc-schemas .pet I put together some years ago. But it no longer works with more modern Pups. And to the best of my knowledge, xdg-open has NEVER correctly worked in ANY Puppy...

I may well be wrong in this assumption, however. I frequently am... :oops: :D


Mike. ;)

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 129.0.6550.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by KevinTheGerbil »

OK, so with these last two comments I'm feeling confused enough that I thought it worthwhile to re-state what I'm seeing - if only to clear things in my own head...!

I'm now talking specifically about Ungoogled-Chromium-Portable, which is configured in the launch script to only run as spot (although my previous experience has shown that Iron - and all similar blink-based browsers that I've tried - actually behave in the same way in BwPup64 10.0.8 when run as spot but the download issues disappear if run as root):

I wanted to know whether it was something somewhere in my personal settings (either in the BwPup64 system or the browser profile itself) that was causing problems. So as an experiment I did this:

- Booted up BwPup64 10.0.8 as a completely fresh system from a USB stick (no savefile).
- Installed and ran Mike's "SpotToRoot" package.
- Ran Ungoogled-Chromium-Portable (from top level on the HDD) as a completely fresh install - i.e. no prior profile folder, so a new profile auto-created on first run.

- I then went into the browser settings and tried to change the Downloads directory. No dice (No downloads possible, and no change to the download directory possible). This behaviour is exactly as stated in previous posts.
- I moved the whole Ungoogled-Chromium-Portable to the /home/spot directory and ran it as spot from there to see if that had any beneficial effect. Again, no dice - behaviour exactly the same.

- The above behaviour is exactly the same as when running BwPup64 10.0.8 with a savefolder (downloads don't work no matter where I run the browser from, either inside or outside the savefolder).

- I get none of these issues when running Ungoogled-Chromium-Portable (as spot) from top-level in Bionicpup64 - after running Mike's SpotToRoot, all the spot pernissions seem are correct and all seems to work fine when running as spot, with downloads working 100% and also the ability to change the Downloads folder works 100%.

It appears (if I've understood things correctly?) that you guys are not seeing the same issues I'm seeing when running Bwpup64 10.0.8 as an upgrade from 10.0.6 (presumably using a savefolder/savefile originally generated using 10.0.6?). On the other hand, I'm running 10.0.8 as a fresh install, not as an upgrade. I'm wondering if this might be relevant or not.

I know I could always use the workaround of tweaking Ungoogled-Chromium-Portable to run as root rather than spot. But that's missing the point - what I'm trying to get to the bottom of is WHY I'm having these problems trying to get portable browsers to run as spot in BwPup64 10.0.8, when other Puppy distros seem to have no such issues.


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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 129.0.6550.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by fredx181 »

I can confirm that with the newest BWpup that in UG Chromium settings the downloads directory cannot be changed, terminal message (about filechooser):

Code: Select all

[22345:22388:1120/] Portal returned error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: Portal operation not allowed: Unable to open /proc/22345/root

Anyway it seems that it has to do with the run-as-spot script in BWpup (that is different from earlier versions in pups).
Found that in /usr/sbin/run-as-spot changing line 120 from exec '"$SANDBOX"' '"$CMD"' to: dbus-launch '"$SANDBOX"' '"$CMD"' fixes it. (edited later)
Use at your own risk of course.
EDIT: edited later, I was confused as I tried several things, replacing exec with dbus-launch on line 120 does the trick for me.

edit: did proposal for the change here: viewtopic.php?p=136162#p136162

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 129.0.6550.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by KevinTheGerbil »

***EDIT / UPDATE / CORRECTION*** to my post below - this solution DOES work!!!

It suddenly occurred to me that I hadn't checked the spot permissions for the UG-Chromium-Portable folder itself. Sure enough, it was showing as root... :oops:
So I recursively "chown"ed the entire folder to spot, tried again,! Everything works!

I confirmed this by changing the "dbus-launch" command in the run-as-spot file back to "exec" and sure enough, the download functions are disabled again.

Way to go @fredx181 for finding the solution to this :thumbup:

- Kevin

Thanks @fredx181 for the suggestion. I tried replacing "exec" with "dbus-launch" in line 120 as you suggested, unfortunately with my particular setup the download issues persist - so it seems it may not be quite as simple as changing this one line. Oh well, it was worth a try!

Just for "fun" I also tried simply replacing the /usr/sbin/run-as-spot file with the Bionicpup64 version of the file. UG Chromium launches fine but still the same download issues persist. Again, I tried running UG Chromium from various places inside and outside the savefolder including directly from the spot folder itself, as per my post above.

Anyway thanks everyone for the suggestions. It's quite possible that I'm doing something stupid and/or missing something obvious, but I've decided not to experiment with this any further as life is too short and Bionicpup64 8.0 works well enough for me for the time being.

- Kevin

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 129.0.6550.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by fredx181 »


It suddenly occurred to me that I hadn't checked the spot permissions for the UG-Chromium-Portable folder itself. Sure enough, it was showing as root... :oops:
So I recursively "chown"ed the entire folder to spot, tried again,! Everything works!

My UG-Chromium-Portable folder itself is owned by root and everything works ok too (with the dbus-launch change), some sub-folders are owned by spot, e.g. PROFILE, which is done from running the LAUNCH script.

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 129.0.6550.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by redquine »

Thanks for the update, @KevinTheGerbil. Sorry to hear you're still having problems, but it's good to know you still have another Puppy that works the way you want it to.

I've occasionally had mysterious issues with upgrades as well, and ended up either sticking with the previous version or trying a different Puppy. Then I try it again a couple of releases down the line - and the issues seem to have vanished just as mysteriously! Maybe you could give BWP another spin in a few months and see how you get on?

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Maybe not literally, though; it makes it really hard to type stuff. ;)

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 129.0.6550.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by KevinTheGerbil »

Just FWIW, I've recently been experimenting with this Iron-portable package in Xenialpup64 7.5 (having regressed from Bionicpup for various reasons!) and have been trying various different Iron versions from the SRWare archive located at

I've observed the following:

(1) Iron versions up to v111 run very happily (and snappily) in Xenialpup using @mikewalsh 's currently-published package - including the ability to download stuff and to change the downoad folder location manually if needed. I haven't yet found anything that doesn't work as expected, including sound etc.

(2) Iron versions newer than v111 and up to v120 (I think?) will run mostly OK in Xenialpup BUT the download function is disabled and you can't change the download folder location either. This is very similar to the download issues that I was previously seeing when running the latest Iron as spot in BookwormPup 10.0.8 (which were related to the inbuilt "run-as-spot" script) - except that in Xenialpup the download functions seem to be disabled no matter whether you run as root or spot. I haven't yet investigated this further.

(3) Iron versions newer than v120 won't run at all in Xenialpup as they require a version of glibc newer than Xenialpup's v2.23 (of course...).

Anyhoo - I'm currently running Iron-portable v111 in Xenialpup as a "clean" (no addons etc) secondary browser mainly for a few sites that for whatever reason don't play well with my main browser (currently Firefox-portable 128.5.1esr with various addons). This combination works nicely for my current needs.

- Kevin

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 129.0.6550.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by mikewalsh »

@KevinTheGerbil :-

Hm. Problems, issues, niggles.....we all get 'em. Even me. I'm no different to the rest of you.

I don't know how "invested" you are in Xenialpup64. It's one of my personal favourites, and thus my own is highly-modified & customized to the gills.......much newer kernel, newer firmware, newer glibc ("borrowed" from Fossapup64, thus @ 2.31. Won't work with anything later, 'cos all newer Puppies are built with the current 'usrmerge' layout, and the glibc set-up is different).

I use one of ozsouth's 6-series 'non-usrmerge' kernels; k6.1.92, part of the 6.1 LTS kernel releases. This, and Fossapup's glibc 2.31, makes a big difference to what you can run in such an 'old' Puppy.

(I'm notorious for this; I run a lot of older Puppies, and frequently post about such. I DO run much newer Pups; there's always a partly-customized build of the 'flagship' Puppy somewhere on the system, though it probably won't become my 'daily driver' for at least a couple of years. I'm a dreadful advocate for Puppy, simply 'cos I won't always run the very newest of everything..!) :roll: :D


You're very welcome to a copy of the 'base' Puppy SFS for Xenialpup64, should you want to give it a whirl. This would give you glibc 2.31, and allow use of the current Iron-portable. It's the only modification to an otherwise bog-standard Xenial64 main SFS. It should work fine with the original k4.9.58.

Let me know if you want to try it. I'll give you a download link for it.

Entirely up to you, as I always say.

Mike. ;)

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 129.0.6550.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by houndstooth »

GLIB, esp v2.25 is the linchpin.

Normally, the last version to run in Xenial is Chromium 106 & equivalents.

Walsh's 117 runs buggily** in Xenial so there may be some magic there, iow, if it demands a GLIB newer than 2.23, how is it running at all?

Other OS do it, but it seems overkill in Linux to demand an upgrade just for a browser dependency.

Here's another potentially adaptable hack of old GLIB if it's worth the endeavor, demanding a build in the OS:

This is only relevant for Pups older than Bionic.

In my case, my Xenial is customized, so I couldn't just swap out the base .sfs. The customization time sink is a reason to fight for old distros, but the universal one is bloat.

**(I can't save pages or images, for example; exporting bookmarks crashes the browser.)

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 129.0.6550.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by KevinTheGerbil »

@mikewalsh :-

Yes please Mike - would be VERY interested in trying out your modified Xenialpup base sfs...

I have tried building a newer glibc but I ended up with several hundred megabytes of stuff, at which point I chickened out and decided that it was easier not to go there. But if you have an "oven-ready" base sfs with newer glibc built-in and not too much larger than the original, I'd definitely like to give it a try.
Probably a simple question with a complex answer (if too complex then feel free not to elaborate), but are there any obvious behavioural caveats / downsides that you've come across when using a newer glibc in Xenialpup?

Like you I'm a fan of the Xenial iteration (both for Puppy and for other linux distros such as Lubuntu that I've messed around with over time) and would be happy to see Xenialpup kept useful / relevant for as long as possible. For me, the Tahr/Xenial linux iterations represent about the optimum blend of usefulness combined with lack of bloat and unnecessary "features". I've been increasingly put off more recent distros because of what I regard as an ever-increasing level of bloat and - to use a recent and wonderfully apt term - "ensh**tification" - sorry I had to say it :twisted:

- Kevin

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Re: Iron 'portable' browser - now at 129.0.6550.0 - 64-bit ONLY (with updater!)

Post by mikewalsh »

@KevinTheGerbil :-

Hi, Kevin.

O-kay. Well, unlike @houndstooth , although my Xenialpup64 - like ALL my Pups! - IS heavily modified/customized, all those alterations are confined to the 'save'. And all apps, including multiple different builds of portable-WINE, are ALL 'portables' linked-in from outside Puppy.

Unlike many who customise, adding in stuff they like and/or specifically want before eventually creating a re-master, I prefer to keep the basic, 'vanilla' Puppy underneath as original as possible. With the exception of the upgraded glibc, my Xenialpup64 'base' SFS IS just that. This was the main impetus behind development of the portable eco-system, along with creating as many of them as I could, because it's allowed me to create scripts which can set-up a brand-new, vanilla Puppy install to fully-customized status in a matter of minutes. I no longer "install" stuff; instead, I merely 'link-in' stuff from outside which is already fully set-up.

I guess my set-up IS probably unique, even among Puppians (most of whom are nothing if not extremely inventive!) But it 'works' for brilliantly, in fact. And so I try to share some of that uniqueness & incredible flexibility with the rest of the community.


With regard to downsides connected with the glibc upgrade, so far as I can tell there ARE none. Leastways, none that I've yet discovered.

So far as construction is concerned, I've taken the path of 'least resistance' (like I usually do). I haven't tried to upgrade via installation of a series of updated packages from the repos (well, I tried it once, with battleshooter's glibc 2.20 upgrade package she built for Carolina/Saluki. It worked very well for Racy, Precise & my old favourite, Slacko 560; same generation, y'see. But it was still a bit clunky.)

I ended up using the method that watchdog pioneered a few years back. Darry and I were messing around with his updated & re-built/modernised Puppy 4.3.1 (the "Phoenix", as he'd christened it). We were having the perennial problem that always rears its head with such elderly Pups.....that of getting a reasonably modern browser to work.

watchdog came up with a method for utilising a self-contained , newer glibc. Quite where he found the inspiration from, I couldn't say, but by experimentation he'd come up with the basic, stripped-back, minimum set of components necessary for such an endeavour to fully function & do what was required of it. It was called from the launch script when you fired your browser up; he used Pale Moon, of course, due to its light weight and decent performance. It worked OK, though not quite as well as we'd hoped, mostly due to a whole bunch of other components in 431 being really too old. It was then that he came up with the notion of using an entire, basic, newer Puppy as as a chrooted 'jail', allowing a modern browser to function within a matching modern environment.


Many Linux geeks have used a chroot environment over the years; it's not a new concept, by any means. But where others needed to strip-back a mainstream OS to its bare minimum, Puppies are tiny enough that you can get away with using the entire thing, as-is. watchdog used Precise for this.

I ended-up putting together a self-contained package using a Tahrpup chroot, and running the then-current Iron 69 browser, loadable via SFS. It was rather 'chunky', I confess, but it let us run a bang-up-to-date Chromium-based browser in a truly ancient Puppy. Darry was so impressed with this, he was all but speechless! :D

I've maintained a pair of chrooted Puppies on an external HDD ever since, updating the 32-bit one as far as Xenial32, whereas the 64-bit one has migrated from Tahr64 to Xenial64, and eventually Fossa64, I might take the 32-bit one to Bionic32, possibly further. We'll see how the fancy takes me.


I've used watchdog's method to construct a whole bunch of glibc 'upgrades' over the last few years. I have 32-bit upgrades in

  • glibc 2.23

  • glibc 2.28, and

  • glibc 2.31.

In 64-bit, I have

  • glibc 2.23

  • glibc 2.28

  • glibc 2.31, and

  • glibc 2.36.

Haven't been able to find anything newer in 'non-usrmerge' format.....but these work very well for me.


Anyways; here's the bit ya long last! You can find the upgraded Xenial64 'base' SFS at my MediaFire a/c, here:- ... enialpup64

I've also included a wee script which, when you click on it, will display the Puppy version, the kernel in use, and the 'installed' glibc in a gxmessage window. It's a bit of frippery, TBH, but it is useful for all that. I keep mine on the desktop, hidden via an invisible PNG icon. I know where it is, but nobody else would! :lol: :o :thumbup:

I was experimenting & playing around with sed, awk & cut; early days, yet, just to see what was possible with 'em. That's why you have the stuff showing what time the info was 'fetched', along with the date, etc. :)

Just swap the SFS with your own, and re-boot. That's all that's needed. The wee script will run from literally anywhere.

Let me know how you get on with it, please.

Mike. ;)

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