I was just going through some stuff from the archives and realised that this forum turned 5 the other day.
December 2 2019 the forum's first member joined, @rockedge ! Also the forum's creator, admin and main man.
Followed a few days later by the first early adopters of this renegade forum, me getting pipped by @wiak by an hour to be number 2. At that time, the old murga-linux forum was still running. Due to the untimely passing of that forum's owner, John de Murga 5 month's later, this forum became the new home for Puppy.
It's not the same as the old forum, Puppy's not the same, the world isn't the same, and certainly the internet & IT isn't the same as it was just those few years ago, but there are many here who were there, and I still come visit every day to see what's going on, catch up and be a part of this community.
Thanks Erik rockedge for your continued contributions in hosting this forum, and happy birthday (albeit a few days late) to the forum!