... f9d6eb1232
Personally, I was all for it. ... f9d6eb1232
Personally, I was all for it.
Hi l0wt3ch
Sorry, I do not.
Too bad you did not get a straight answer the first time, or the second either. Sounded like a politician. Should have been "Info cannot be found".
I think personal pronouns should not be used by a computer program.
Seems that someone has found a friend to joke around with. Yes, you can have chats at any level of knowledge one chooses. There are many uses we humans willl find as this kind of "friendship" is 24X7 available for conversations.
This kind of chat for "friendship" conversations is not new. Actually Amazon "echo" and Google "home" has been available for years offering the similar thing if one knows how to request this kind of friendship conversation.
Could create a Youtube comedy series by doing such if one chooses. Might become inspirational to other young people.
It was a legitimate question. Someone actually made that script, and that is what happened.
l0wt3ch wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2024 11:59 pm... Someone actually made that script, and that is what happened.
That wasn't directed at you. You posted what you found.
We will be seeing many more ways people are going to be sharing their use in the various presentations to us. For some, they miss that it is there as an extension of our human knowledge.
The cars, the robot vacuums, the home echo devices, etc. These knowledge chat units are, now, everpresent. This technology is where we have evolved to over the past 1 million years if the archeological evidence is correct.
The cars can lead to 'dead-ends', the vacuums can get stuck in corners, echo devices can mis-understand what is asked, ... nothing that mankind makes is perfect. We aren't perfect.
I do recall long ago seeing an exchange between 01micko and some other devs using the term "too many toxic alkaloids" - with reference to the comments from another avant-garde (ie somewhat edgy) dev who was doing exciting things. Can't say if it was the controversy you are referring to tho'
Dunno if this was incidental to the discussion at the time, but Playdayz was talking about boxing up the changes as a quick way to make a variant:
Making Puppy Derivatives
#1 Post by playdayz » Sun 27 Feb 2011, 20:10Making Puppy Derivatives
I am no authority on this, but there are a few things I have seen from coordinating Lucid Puppy that might be useful to people.
1. The simplest way to make a derivative or variant would be to prepare a pet that included all of the changes. This is what I did with Greyhound and Black Greyhound Extra. Barry has just done it by preparing a “service pack
Yeah it was a great idea. The script would remove, say, Lucid Puppy from a Lucid Puppy-based derivative, leaving only the customizations. So you could use more than one at the same time, for instance a Puppy Studio pack for music and a MacPup pack for the pretty desktop. You could add others, like Arcade Pup, or whatever. Better than flatpaks, perfectly customized for 'x' Puppy.
You could install/uninstall the sfs'es with a click. If a new version of your favorite derivative came out, you could just click uninstall 1.0 sfs and click the 1.1 sfs - done! Instant total upgrade. And you wouldn't have to reinstall or reboot different isos or lose any of your settings.
Only people on the forum would have used the sfs, because people in the real world don't know what an sfs is, and the iso would still be available anyway.
edit: ha ha, that's funny
@RSH had an approach that transformed a standard puppy by surrounding it with up to 256 (I think) sfs 'es like a form of "skin".
Additionally he pioneered the use of a configuration text file that interacted with the initrd to transform some configurable options in the host pup prior to X loading. Things like keyboard type, language, and also - I think - a list of sfs to load.
The overall impact being that each user could have a totally different experience based on same core pup.
@Marv has a somewhat similar approach - in the sense of using a core skeletal pup such as Fossa64 variants from Ozsouth, and then adding an adrv or ydrv containing whatever optimizations or program suites are needed by each of the users he supports.
This kind of approach probably requires the host core pup to be rather trimmed, otherwise it may be difficult to programmatically remove extraneous (potentially conflicting) inclusions.
XDrvs like this can't be switched on the fly though - so not quite like sfs mods.
However the recent pups seem to be moving away from aufs - which makes sfs on/off easy - towards overlayfs which doesn't allow this sfs behavior as far as I understand.
This thread was a great one for espousing the concept of separating puppy skins and functionality from the core pup:
(Even appears to have given birth to gyro's savefolder work...)
Of course it doesn't address the idea you mentioned of scriptically stripping out the host pup in order to leave a "skin" sfs.
Would be good to find the Macpup exchange you are referring to.
Funny thing is, the script developer was a big fan of MacPup, and didn't expect any controversy. He told me about what he was up to, and I thought it was a cool idea to be able to sfs-ify my whole distro, so I thanked him.
Then he announced his script on the forum, like: "Hey everybody! I made a script that turns MacPup into an sfs!" And the MacPup guy was like, "Oh no you fucking DON'T!"
And the script developer quit the forum. Whoever he was.
Hi @l0wt3ch !
In those early Days... i used "MacPup" mainly......was my favorite One...E17 Enightenment was/is my favorite Desktop.
Wondered why this Guy (sadly) left the (Puppy) Building....
Interesting... good to be be informed about those unknown Details.
Here is a Link to "MACPUP" Linux Website......but no longer downloadable.