Studio 13.37 3.3

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Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by l0wt3ch »

All most people really need is the file, which you just extract to a USB stick. If you intend to compile software at a later date, also download devx_3.3.sfs. There's a bug in the wallpaper changer due to a last minute change in the default file manager; workaround is to open the image by clicking and then choosing "set as wallpaper" in the right-click menu. file
Studio ... tudio+1337

devx_3.3.sfs ... vx_3.3.sfs


EDIT:- (29/11/24) All the above files are also mirrored at mikewalsh's Google Drive, here:- ... sp=sharing

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by taersh »


:D :thumbup: 8-)

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by l0wt3ch »

Hey! :thumbup2: :D 8-)
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Booted up 1337.3.3 Love it. Then...

Post by geo_c »

Reaper under wine ran perfectly and I was a happy camper. Started putting my email accounts into the system. I noticed sometime later that udev was hogging up 20-30% of the cpu. I looked on-line and apparently this is an issue in ubuntu for some people. It's a bit over my head and was wondering if anyone has encountered a similar issue. Is there a workaround?

Running a Dell i5

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by puddlemoon »

Hi @geo_c
So I used this puppy as my main os for about a year on several different machines, one being a dell i5 (optiplex).
I never saw such a drain in my use ( at least nothing consistent )...
I always had Pwidgets going (conky) to keep an eye on it.
I never used reaper but I did use wine for other windows plugins.

I have since moved on to my own audio puppy project and have handed the dell over to my son, but it would be possible to run it there again to test some configuration... although it seems more likely you are having a "unique" issue.

Are you using some usb/firewire hardware in your setup? Anything else plugged in that could stress udev?

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by ciento »

l0wt3ch wrote: Thu Jul 16, 2020 10:25 pm

Hey! :thumbup2: :D 8-)

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and your mind overflowing with 0's and 1's placed in effective combinations!

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3 over 1337.3.0

Post by geo_c »


I've used the Studio distros since the very first Puppystudio way back. I never had a udev issue with 1337.0. I also never got Reaper working on 3.0 (but I probably busted wine at some point), so I was jazzed about 3.3. I didn't notice the udev issue when I first ran it. But this particular Dell i5 tends to overheat and shut itself down, which it did at some point, and so I started watching more closely.

I have Fossapup really tweaked well and installed everywhere, I'm doing music lessons on zoom and the works. I also have Musescore 3 installed and running nicely in Fossa as well. But, if I could migrate my multi-track projects to Linux, my divorce from Windows might some day be complete. It's hard not to use Presonus Studio One in windoze. It's just the best, most user-friendly, memory efficient audio package I've ever encountered. I only tried it because it came free with a stereo interface I bought, and it really amazed me. It's never crashed, doesn't lag, just does everything it supposed to. Still, I would love to format my hard drives and never use Windows again. At the very least I may only boot up windows off line very soon to run Studio One, though I really like Ardour and Reaper, and I'd sacrifice some of the splendor of Studio One to be completely open source.

puddlemoon wrote: Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:21 pm

Hi @geo_c
So I used this puppy as my main os for about a year on several different machines, one being a dell i5 (optiplex).
I never saw such a drain in my use ( at least nothing consistent )...
I always had Pwidgets going (conky) to keep an eye on it.
I never used reaper but I did use wine for other windows plugins.

I have since moved on to my own audio puppy project and have handed the dell over to my son, but it would be possible to run it there again to test some configuration... although it seems more likely you are having a "unique" issue.

Are you using some usb/firewire hardware in your setup? Anything else plugged in that could stress udev?

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by Cleveland »

I have been using Reaper since 2005.. or thereabout. I have oh so many questions for this thread, where do I begin. My main recording tower is a windows box, always has been for years because of VST support. I have never successfully had plugins like Amplitube, Bias FX, iZotope, Melodyne, Harrison Mixbus, Fabfilter EQ, Waves etc. ever working with a linux box no matter the configuration. I have tried combinations of wine or wine like programs, I have tried combinations with Carla, Jack, all of it and never got a VST capable DAW in linux. I would step away from Windows in a heart beat and so would MANY others if there was a way to circumvent this big problem. Are you telling me that you've figured this out, or are you just packaging a linux version of stock reaper in a linux build? Because Reaper is now publicly available for Linux with a complete library of .SO files for it's basic plugins, no wine required. @l0wt3ch

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by Gnimmelf »

what happened to Studio? cannot acces the files?
kind regards Gnimmelf

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by bigpup »

The developer removed it for download.
He turned it into a pay to use product and tried to offer it that way.
Got upset by not much activity, by people willing to pay for it.
So he just deleted it, from download locations.
Also, If i remember correctly.
It had some pay to use software.
He may have got some warnings, from the people that make this software.

Last edited by bigpup on Fri Mar 26, 2021 6:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by rockedge »

I have a copy of it. 1.5 G

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by bigpup »

Can you give us a download link for it?

But I wonder if I am correct in thinking, it contains some software, that is not suppose to be used by someone, unless they pay for this software.
I know the base OS is Puppy Linux.
But I think it contains some software programs, that are only buy to use stuff.
Seem to remember it had some Windows based programs, that are buy to use stuff.
If so, it really should not be available, unless all buy to use software people, give approval to use their software.
Puppy Linux is covered by GPL licensing, but not their pay software.

Hope I am wrong, but! :?:

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by rockedge »

Good point, If we can find that out and it's clear, I can make it available

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by taersh »

bigpup wrote: Fri Mar 26, 2021 6:37 pm

Can you give us a download link for it?

But I wonder if I am correct in thinking, it contains some software, that is not suppose to be used by someone, unless they pay for this software.
I know the base OS is Puppy Linux.
But I think it contains some software programs, that are only buy to use stuff.
Seem to remember it had some Windows based programs, that are buy to use stuff.
If so, it really should not be available, unless all buy to use software people, give approval to use their software.
Puppy Linux is covered by GPL licensing, but not their pay software.

Hope I am wrong, but! :?:

Yes, but that's demo software like Reaper. Lots of Linux Music OS's come with proprietary demo software.

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by puddlemoon »

Yes, 1337-3.3 includes reaper, a linux experimental version and the windows demo. I never used either personally so I can not confirm much but I did see the "demo version" popup at some point and I believe that was the only proprietary material in there.
I also have a copy of all the files, that I paid for... I may have been one of his last paying customers as it was just a month or two before he "pulled the plug" and offered it for free. I also never heard back once I bought it. So could never get any extra info.
I don't believe there was any license issue but I cannot confirm for sure.

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by bigpup »

This is from REAPER download site:

Download REAPER below for a free, fully functional 60-day evaluation.
No registration or personal details are required.

Here is the terms to distribute it, but I do not think they would apply to having it in an OS.
My eyes glaze over trying to read these things.
So, maybe someone knows for sure.

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by taersh »

For Reaper there's a distribution agreement form to be filled out by registered persons who wants to redistribute Reaper (the free Demo version).

From the Reaper license inside of the package:

3. License Restrictions:
3.2 You may not sell, rent, lease, sublicense, transfer, resell for profit or otherwise distribute the Software, its documentation, or any part thereof.

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by Cleveland »

I have used Reaper since Windows XP was the new kid on the block paired with my LIGHTNING fast Pentium 4 build. I have never paid for it. There are many misconceptions about what a trial means regarding Reaper. Originally you had a 30 day trial, after that you could continue to use it anyway without the ability to render as .mp3 format, maybe a few hardly noticeable features. So you would have to convert your WAV renders on a separate program, no big deal really, plenty of free audio converters out there.

In 2012 they instituted a 60 day trial period, after that trial expired, guess what, you could still use it anyway. Ability to render mp3 came to "free" or "evaluation" later on in 2016 or 17. The trial/evaluation license and paid license makes zero changes to the software as of 2021. The only difference between paid and trial is a pop up window when you first open the program with a 5 second counter reminding you that you are using the evaluation version, once the counter reaches zero, you click continue and you're in. It's a perfectly functional hobbyists DAW in that regard.

Alternatively if you are using it on a very large scale, you use the business license, which applies to literally no one I can think of outside of maybe a Nashville studio??? I think that jackalpup is doing the right thing by sticking with Ardour, and if all else fails just package it with Audacity and let the user choose which DAW to implement moving forward. In case you were wondering, Reaper does work perfectly fine in linux however experimental they claim the build to be.

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by mikewalsh »

@Cleveland / all :-

'Portable' Reaper, anyone..? :lol:

No longer available.

Download; unzip; move the portable directory wherever you want it. Click to enter, click 'LAUNCH' to fire it up. Easy-peasy.

(To transfer your existing settings, run Reaper-portable for the first time so that the "config" directory is created beside the launcher. Enter the "config" directory, and delete the 'REAPER' directory. Now go to /root/.config/REAPER, and either move or copy it across to the portable's "config" directory. Reaper-portable should now run with your normal set-up.)

If required, this CAN be run from a flash-drive, too..!

Tested in Quirky64 "April" 7.0.1 'lite' from jrb - Tahrpup-era, so should run in any newer 64-bitzer - and 32-bit Xenialpup 7.5. EDIT:- Also Slacko 571, by Sailor Enceladus.


Mike. ;)

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by Cleveland »

@mikewalsh Woah, I just grabbed both of those! Very cool! Thanks :thumbup:

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by l0wt3ch »

bigpup wrote: Fri Mar 26, 2021 6:15 pm

The developer removed it for download.
He turned it into a pay to use product and tried to offer it that way.
Got upset by not much activity, by people willing to pay for it.
So he just deleted it, from download locations.
Also, If i remember correctly.
It had some pay to use software.
He may have got some warnings, from the people that make this software.

First of all, no-one can justly criticize Studio 13.37 as a business. For one thing, anyone can try to make a Linux-based business, but it is very hard to do. I was only attempting what Mark Shuttleworth and others had done. Nobody hates on them, so nobody can hate on me either, other than perhaps for being fool enough to do it. I did all my own stuff, with no assistance or paid help, like a one-man corporation. I was always happy to refund people's money if asked. I had great customer service - me.

Plus, I was only selling the 'latest' version, all the rest were available online for free. Remember, new versions of 13.37 were frequent, sometime only months apart. If anyone is complaining about that, then what are you really complaining about? Do you think Studio 13.37 is so great you're going to vent online about the very latest version not being free?

Not to mention, not only was Studio 13.37 given away for free on the forum, while my own website was selling it (how's that for a business model), but all the pieces were released on the forum as well. I uploaded real-time kernels, puppy packages, WINE - you name it. You could literally build Studio 13.37 from all the stuff I released on the forum.

I didn't quit because of a lack of interest, I just got tired of it. Ten years is a long time.

puddlemoon wrote: Fri Mar 26, 2021 10:15 pm

Yes, 1337-3.3 includes reaper, a linux experimental version and the windows demo. I never used either personally

This is incorrect. Yes, Studio 13.37 came with the experimental free Linux version of Reaper. But the Windows demo was handled by a script which would, at one's request, download the free Reaper demo, and install it for you. This is how things like this were handled by Puppy in those days: certain non-free packages had download scripts, you click the button and it installs Flash, for instance. I used the Puppy scripts to make my script, if you look closely it's clearly a Frankenstein of good (existing) code and my (shitty but works) code.

Anybody who criticized Studio 13.37 and myself for including the Windows demo of Reaper, when it didn't actually come with it but was downloadable by a script, should be ashamed of themselves.

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by rockedge »

I got Studio from somewhere for free. I use it, I like it. It inspired some of the work to arrange KLV-Airedale-RT and KLV-Spectr-RT to be ready to be assembled quickly for use in the music studio or live performances. Some compose and record music with these KLV's. I have recommended Studio-13 to others interested in having a ready to go out of the box system for music production.

Some that use KLV-Spectr-RT previously used Studio-13 or another good one JackalPup

@geo_c made a lot of progress and assembled some addon SFS packages to setup KLV-Spectr or KLV-Spectrwm quickly into music production work desks.

I had also made a Puppy Linux that was similar but never released it since Studio-13 was available and checked all of the boxes. I can't remember 100% but I think Studio-13 ended up using one of my compiled full real time huge kernels.

@l0wt3ch I wouldn't mind seeing a new one, but I can understand being the lone dev and maintainer for 10+ years why you don't work on it as intensely these days. :geek: :thumbup2:

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by geo_c »

rockedge wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2024 9:52 pm

I got Studio from somewhere for free. I use it, I like it. It inspired some of the work to arrange KLV-Airedale-RT and KLV-Spectr-RT to be ready to be assembled quickly for use in the music studio or live performances. Some compose and record music with these KLV's. I have recommended Studio-13 to others interested in having a ready to go out of the box system for music production.

Some that use KLV-Spectr-RT previously used Studio-13 or another good one JackalPup

@geo_c made a lot of progress and assembled some addon SFS packages to setup KLV-Spectr or KLV-Spectrwm quickly into music production work desks.

I had also made a Puppy Linux that was similar but never released it since Studio-13 was available and checked all of the boxes. I can't remember 100% but I think Studio-13 ended up using one of my compiled full real time huge kernels.

@l0wt3ch I wouldn't mind seeing a new one, but I can understand being the lone dev and maintainer for 10+ years why you don't work on it as intensely these days. :geek: :thumbup2:

I was one of the guys that followed @l0wt3ch's work closely, when it I think it was initially called puppy-studio, and it was a huge encouragement for me to use linux for audio. It ran great, and though I would say some of the linux audio packages back in the day were somewhat buggy and might tend to crash, there were a handful of stable packages that moved me to use linux for audio.

I'm proud to say that I'm one of the guy's who paid for Studio4, I believe it was called, and was happy to do so. @l0wt3ch sent a usb stick with it loaded and ready to boot.

Once Studio4 was no longer being developed and @puddlemoon took up the mantle and created Jackalpup, I took to that one quickly and used it up until about 2 years ago, when @rockedge and @wiak got the KLV-airedale quest in stable condition. (Well, it was actually stable from day one, but they just kept making it better and better.)

Now that pipewire is fully capable of running jack apps seamlessly, I use various KL's to do linux audio, and I can say it has finally arrived. One of the nicest pleasures is doing a Void system update on a KLV and having the various jack applications update, like Ardour, synthv1, and even Carla updated this last go around, which I had written off as being a dead project.

Today I spent 5 straight hours running Ardour8 on KLV-Airedale, recording takes on multi-track project and tweaking the mix, and it not only runs fast, but it doesn't crash. I'm not gonna say ardour never crashes, it seems to have issues with things like editing(drawing) volume envelopes while the transport is running. But I probably shouldn't do that to begin with. Sometimes I simply don't realize that I didn't hit the stop bar., Even so, it recovers the crashed data just fine on program restart.

I built an additional audio layer for Spectr as @rockedge pointed out, but I should do a proper build script, because that layer was for something like KLV-spectr-rc2.

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by Clarity »

Yes, Pipewire, wireplumber, qpwgraph (and the admin tools like this) along with wayland has moved Linux to the lead in audio-video ability, in just 3 years where it has picked up steam and stability, IMHO.

This isn't futuristic anymore, as it is NOW! ... while readily available to musicians, artistes, and video production peoples of the world for free.

And the latest kernels upgrades have expanded the 64bit types of hardware Linux runs without issues.

Further, the progress here in the PLDF and the KLs in the forum is, frankly, amazing! Or unbelievable with such a small team of developers across the WoofCEs, DOGs, EASYs and KLs in this membership!

Incredible in the achievements and presentations to this community!

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by l0wt3ch »

AmStaff wrote: Thu Nov 28, 2024 4:03 am

I was anxious to see your work again, 10wtech (I probably spelled that wrong). I was also a fan of Puppy Studio when it came out, and it was in that distro that I first played synth from my typing keyboard. None of the other av distros do that ootb, but yours did. I'm sorry there was so much controversy around your work, because I thought I could see both sides.

@AmStaff I didn't mind the controversy, because it was all a bunch of jealous haters who didn't like me saying 'This is the only OS with a realtime kernel, for musicians. And it's based on Puppy, so it all loads into RAM for maximum efficiency." I was an early adopter of UbuntuStudio 1.0, which was awesome and came with a realitime kernel. Then rt kernels stopped being available in the repositories, and all of the "Linux music distros" stopped carrying it, using the inferior 'low-latency' kernel instead.

I argued with developers on a 'music' forum for months. They'd say things like 'well I use a realtime kernel personally, but low-latency is fine." They were fanboys for a couple of existing non-rt distros and were defending them against me.

Well guess what? Due to demand, those distros now have realtime kernels available.

I 'brought sexy back'!

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by bigpup »


How about giving us a good download link to Studio 13.37 3.3! :thumbup: :D

l0wt3ch wrote:

it's based on Puppy

So, we the people and developers on this forum, helped you to produce it.

If anyone deserves to use it we do!

My opinion about paying for a Puppy version.

If someone wants to spend the time to put a Puppy version on a CD/DVD or USB drive.
Offer this to someone to purchase and mail to them.
Than they should be paid for their time and cost to do it.
This has been standard pay method, for years, with Linux operating systems.

Free to download from a download link.

Pay if you want it on a CD/DVD or USB stick.
There are many places on the internet, where you can pay to get Puppy Linux this way.

Charge for support help if you want to also provide that.
You should get payed for support help.
Unless you want to offer that for free. Like all of us on this forum do!

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by bigpup »

Well guess what? Due to demand, those distros now have realtime kernels available.

So, you won the battle of ideas!

We have those idea battles all the time on this forum. :thumbup: :lol:

That is why Puppy Linux is as good as it is! :D

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by l0wt3ch »

@bigpup Yeah but I gave it away on the forum. Like, if 3.1 came out, 3.0 was then available to the world free, but the forum users would also get 3.1 free. Anyone who asked got it for free, but if you discovered Studio 13.37 on the Studio 13.37 website then you wouldn't know, you just see a usb stick for sale with software included and a price.

So I wasn't selling to people on the forum, but to the outside world: musicians, people who didn't use Linux. I paid for advertising and drove traffic to my website, and anyone who purchased Studio 13.37 became a Puppy Linux user also. Studio 13.37 also donated to Ardour, and other upstream developers.

It was all win, with no downside at all, other than dealing with the general public.

@bigpup As for the 3.3 download, I'm actually using the one @mikewalsh posted, believe it or not. Lost all my files. Asked RSH if he still had a copy of the iso, and he said he'd send it. But I got tired of waiting, and did a search on the forum to see if anyone had hosted the iso, which people used to do. Good thing somebody did, or I wouldn't have it either!

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by rockedge »


I've been compiling RT kernels for Puppy Linux for years and now using them in KLV's as well.

I know of a few distros that are music production specific that use RT "huge" kernels that come from the collection I made.

Do you need one?

I have a nice 6.9.0-rt5, 6.6.0-rt15 or 6.1.38-rt13 that can be operated with either usrmerge or non-usrmerge configurations (requires a conversion)

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Re: Studio 13.37 3.3

Post by l0wt3ch »

Believe it or not, chatgpt just referred me to your thread where you finally got it going, so I've already read it lol.

Congratulations on that, btw.

As for your offer of the kernel, thanks! :thumbup2:

EDIT: @rockedge proof

Last edited by l0wt3ch on Fri Nov 29, 2024 4:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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