For this, the "SEAL ONE" drive must be mounted. This works without any problems with all (?) Linux systems, e.g. DEBIAN, but with
EASYOS-6.4 and earlier, it doesn't work.
Can anyone help? /Thanks
How to login bei POSTBANK /germany?
Moderator: BarryK
How to login bei POSTBANK /germany?
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Re: Login bei POSTBANK /germany
mari2024 wrote: Wed Oct 30, 2024 5:31 pmFor this, the "SEAL ONE" drive must be mounted. This works without any problems with all (?) Linux systems, e.g. DEBIAN, but with
EASYOS-6.4 and earlier, it doesn't work.
Can anyone help? /Thanks
I found
There is the adress of a executable on this page :
I suppose it's an app for all models SEAL ONE.
The execution of this binary (placed in /root) creates
- a directory (not empty) .sealone in /root
- a directory autostart in /root/.config with only the file SealOneUSB.desktop
SealOneUSB.desktop :
[Desktop Entry]
Name=SealOne USB
Comment=SealOne USB Quickstart
Autostart do not work in EasyOS ( ... 558#p91558)
You need to create a script in /root/Startup to launch SealOne at boot
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Re: How to login bei POSTBANK /germany?
Thank you, I managed to get the mountain, but the device has to interact with POSTBANK, this works very well with all Linux systems but not at all with EASYOS. /Thanks from