Saying thanks for Puppy

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Saying thanks for Puppy

Post by Zimpler »

Just wanted to express my thanks for Puppy Linux! I had known about it, but never got around to trying it until Bookworm. Super pleased. Makes me want to try the others too as I'm a fan of usb booted systems.

Although no stranger to Linux, I'm always happy to learn new tricks. And this is flying on some of the gear I have around here. The custom controls blow my mind. Like who makes a control for urxvt terminal? WOW. Having a blast and really enjoying all the work that has obviously gone on under the hood!

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Re: Saying thanks for Puppy

Post by wizard »



If you have not already, check out some of the info here:

Stick around, Puppy can do tricks that no other distribution can. :mrgreen:


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Re: Saying thanks for Puppy

Post by mikewalsh »

@Zimpler :-

Indeed, I echo m'colleague. :welcome: to the "kennels"..!

Puppy certainly will "blow your mind" with regard to some of the tricks she can perform, and the way this community pulls together to help continuously improve her.....for the benefit of all. Whether Puppy, or one of the DebianDogs, or FatDog, OR the Kennel Linux series, the things you WILL find in abundance are knowledge, skills of varying levels, and above all else.......enthusiasm (and LOTS of it)!

Hang around. It already sounds like you're going to enjoy the experience... :D

Mike. ;)

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Re: Saying thanks for Puppy

Post by geo_c »

Zimpler wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2024 9:36 pm

Just wanted to express my thanks for Puppy Linux! I had known about it, but never got around to trying it until Bookworm. Super pleased. Makes me want to try the others too as I'm a fan of usb booted systems.

Although no stranger to Linux, I'm always happy to learn new tricks. And this is flying on some of the gear I have around here. The custom controls blow my mind. Like who makes a control for urxvt terminal? WOW. Having a blast and really enjoying all the work that has obviously gone on under the hood!

Yes, I echo your sentiments.

I've been using puppy for 15 years or so, but I learn things about it every day.

For instance, I hadn't considered that the urxvt config tool was a puppy home grown app. I basically started my linux experience on pups, and I've been learning recently that a lot of what I use here is easy to take for granted or assume to be universal to linux in general, and that's simply not the case at all.

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Re: Saying thanks for Puppy

Post by Zimpler »

I'm partial to all these little "mini-pc", like fanless, nuc's, back-of-set sticks - all mostly modern except they have the typical Atom cpu's from low-powered laptops from the last decade. Puppy is SMOKING on these little 1-4gb machines!

Love the all the work put into the control options, which sometimes bring up little explanations -very helpful, and not typical of other distro's.

I'm on a 1920x1080 21" monitor, and because I didn't eat enough carrots as a kid, I got impatient and made the taskbar and menu stuff immediately larger as I was getting familiar with BWpup64.

1) Menu > Desktop > JWM Desk > Tray > Short Dimenson
Changed from default to 50! I LIKE big taskbars and icons!

2) Edited /root/.jwm/jwmrc-theme
And changed all font size defaults from 10 to 14. Restarted graphical session.

Ah, the fonts elsewhere: if there is no control, the application usually has it. And best thing, I was about to install the lxappearance package to do this, but I found there was no need!

There's so much to like. I'm stoked. Thanks to all, even if belated!

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Re: Saying thanks for Puppy

Post by bigpup »

There is the Linux way to do things and the Puppy way to do things.

Always remember, that in Puppy Linux, there is always the Puppy way to do things.

Some things are done the normal Linux way, but Puppy Linux does do some things only the way Puppy does it.

We are Puppy!
Resistance is futile!
Learn you must!

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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This is not what I expected :o

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Re: Saying thanks for Puppy

Post by Zimpler »

Definitely. The "way" makes a lot of sense for my single-user environment.

My biggest problem is forgetting my muscle-memory using sudo with the apt command! No need for that here.

Ah, so much to like and explore with savefiles vs folders etc. I've built about 5 different ways to boot so far. The most recent is a "dual-stick" environment based solely on using Rufus.

BWPUP64 is burned by Rufus in iso mode.
A secondary usb is devoted solely for savefolder, so I used Rufus to format the secondary usb as ext3. (Rufus drop-down for non-bootable, and chose the FS). Let Rufus burn dedicated savefolder stick as ext3 and now I'm booting and directed the savefolder to be on that ext3 stick after first puppy shutdown. Of course windows won't see that newly created ext3 stick, but Linux does.

Why? Because I can so *simply* with Puppy. What a breath of fresh air. Heh, maybe if someone burns puppy with "DD" and can't save, just pull out another stick, format with gparted, and bingo.

Puppy is inspiring me to try things I would never do anywhere else! Awesome.

UPDATE: Went on an install blitz on the pile of pc's here. Made the bwpup64 iso immutable by dd'ing (read only) them, and installing them into each machine. A dedicated savefile/savefolder usb stick is moved from pc to pc during use. What's so cool about that is the simplicity of just copying the savefile folder stick to another one if I want.

So many ways to use/boot Puppy!

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