Rogue WHOIS server gives researcher superpowers no one should ever have

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Rogue WHOIS server gives researcher superpowers no one should ever have

Post by Flash » ... ever-have/

.mobi top-level-domain managers changed the location of its WHOIS server. No one got the memo.

Dan Goodin - 9/11/2024
It’s not every day that a security researcher acquires the ability to generate counterfeit HTTPS certificates, track email activity, and the position to execute code of his choice on thousands of servers—all in a single blow that cost only $20 and a few minutes to land. But that’s exactly what happened recently to Benjamin Harris.

Harris, the CEO and founder of security firm watchTowr, did all of this by registering the domain The domain was once the official home of the authoritative WHOIS server for .mobi, a top-level domain used to indicate that a website is optimized for mobile devices. At some point—it’s not clear precisely when—this WHOIS server, which acts as the official directory for every domain ending in .mobi, was relocated, from to While retreating to his Las Vegas hotel room during last month’s Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas, Harris noticed that the previous owners had allowed the domain to expire. He then scooped it up and set up his own .mobi WHOIS server there.

To Harris’s surprise, his server received queries from slightly more than 76,000 unique IP addresses within a few hours of setting it up. Over five days, it received roughly 2.5 million queries from about 135,000 unique systems. The entities behind the systems querying his deprecated domain included a who’s who of Internet heavyweights comprising domain registrars, providers of online security tools, governments from the US and around the world, universities, and certificate authorities, the entities that issue browser-trusted TLS certificates that make HTTPS work.

“watchTowr’s research has demonstrated that trust placed in this process by governments and authorities worldwide should be considered misplaced at this stage, in [our] opinion,” Harris wrote in a post documenting his research. “watchTowr continues to hold concern around the basic reality: watchTowr found this on a whim in a hotel room while escaping the Vegas heat surrounding Black Hat, while well-resourced and focused nation-states look for loopholes like this every day. In watchTowr’s opinion, they are not likely to be the last to find inexcusable flaws in such a crucial process.”

WHOIS has played a key role in Internet governance since its earliest days, back when it was still called the ARPANET. Elizabeth Feinler, an information scientist working for the Augmentation Research Center, became the principal investigator for NIC, short for the Network Information Center project, in 1974. Under Feinler’s watch, NIC developed the top-level domain naming system and the official host table and published the ARPANET Directory, which acted as a directory of phone numbers and email addresses of all network users. Eventually, the directory evolved into the WHOIS system, a query-based server that provided a comprehensive list of all Internet host names and the entities that had registered them.

Despite its antiquated look and feel, WHOIS today remains an essential resource with tremendous consequences. Lawyers pursuing copyright or defamation claims use it to determine the owner of a domain or IP address. Anti-spam services depend on it to determine the true owner of email servers. Certificate authorities rely on it to determine the official administrative email address of a domain. The list goes on...

...While the Linux client appears to have recently started querying the correct .mobi WHOIS server, most other resources have not
, as evidenced by the constant stream of queries that continue to pour into his rogue server as recently as Tuesday.

“The reality that this interconnected ‘network’ of WHOIS servers comes from a time where things were only hardcoded into numerous WHOIS clients, [meaning] that unfortunately, this won’t be cleared up overnight,” Harris told Ars.

It’s unclear if WHOIS lookups for other top-level domains suffer similar threats. In any event, the problem is that there’s no uniform naming convention for authoritative WHOIS servers or even, for that matter, a clear way to look them up. While some third parties have compiled lists of what they say are authoritative WHOIS servers, many of them erroneously list the now-deprecated as the authoritative WHOIS server for .mobi.

What's more, Harris said, the problem he has unearthed isn't restricted to retired domains. S3 buckets and other cloud infrastructure can also create threats when they're discarded and websites, deployment scripts, or other resources continue to reference them.

“The reality is that this issue exists in various forms (whether it be people using personal domains that they leave to expire, subsequently being registered by another individual who then subsequently has access to all accounts of the previous owner,” Harris told Ars. “We are of the opinion that this will continue to be a painful issue that reoccurs as we see the recycling of infrastructure/domains/etc.”

Chaos coordinator :?
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