to be used with gtk-chtheme
this could be linked to a button such as
Code: Select all
<TrayButton border="false" popup="switch theme" icon="mini-Graphic-paint.xpm"></TrayButton>
if you are using jwm, by placing it inside a <Tray> inside ~/.jwmrc
the icon in this example actually came
from a window manager called fvwm95
gtk_theme can be found in repo. puppy-noarch-official, such as gtk_theme_glassy_sky
if it didn't come with your particular version of puppy
it could be obtained from https://mirror dot aarnet dot edu dot au/pub/quirky/pet_packages-noarch/
and potentially use: for one in *.tar.gz;do tar --wildcards -C / --strip-components=1 -xf $one '*'/usr/share/themes;done #ignore errors
additionally, many people have posted themes straight to the forum
/viewtopic.php?t=30075 GTK themes for Puppy 4+ Dingo
related links:
/viewtopic.php?t=91337 Can I make puppy look like win 7
/viewtopic.php?t=2160 Gtk-Theme-Engines (required forThemes)
/viewtopic.php?t=67160 lxappearance