Launching programs that require "root" privileges

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Launching programs that require "root" privileges

Post by Sofiya »

Launching programs that require " root " privileges in Hyprland and Sway

Running programs that require " root " privileges using " pkexec " and " polkit-gnome "

1) install sudo xbps-install -Su polkit-gnome
2) register in /home/spot/.config/hypr/configs/exec.conf
exec-once = /usr/libexec/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 or uncomment line 27, if it is written there
3) place the below attached script "pkexec" in /usr/local/bin/pkexec
4) logout and login

Now you can run programs
pkexec pcmanfm - and enter your user's password . the program runs with " root " privileges

Enjoy! Write thanks, put likes

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