rclone can be used to mount many cloud storage services.
This mini how-to is for to mount Google Drive (which I only have experience with using rclone), but probably can be easily changed for use with other cloud services.
(or use googledrive GUI v3 viewtopic.php?t=10218)
Open a terminal and paste below (or make script from it)
Code: Select all
PROFILE="somename" # change "somename" to what you prefer
DRIVE="drive" # 'drive' is Google Drive
rclone config create $PROFILE $DRIVE service_account_credentials "" # create config
(this creates a very basic config, for more advanced config: rclone config
and answer the questions)
The default browser should open, login your Google account and allow rclone access
A basic rclone.conf file will be created in ~/.config/rclone/
Then to mount e.g. :
Code: Select all
mkdir -p gdrive
rclone mount $PROFILE: gdrive
Or to mount subfolder, e.g. My Folder
Code: Select all
mkdir -p gdrive
rclone mount $PROFILE:/"My Folder" gdrive
EDIT: To unmount, simply : umount gdrive
Note that newer versions of rclone may require fuse3
EDIT: Anyone feel free of course to post in this thread about using other than 'Google Drive' with rclone ....
Wish you all a great 2024 !