Just getting my feet wet with FatDog64-9.02 and saw there is no installed gtkhash checksum utility. Oh my!
I could not find gtkhash posted in the FatDog section of the forum & it is not available from the gslapt package manager. I downloaded the sources from the gtkhash github page and tried to compile the latest versions 1.15 down to 1.1.1 and got various errors until I tried version 1.1, and that one compiled. Now I am happy
Here is a direct link to the gtkhash github main page https://github.com/gtkhash/gtkhash
This is a direct link to the version 1.1 sources https://github.com/gtkhash/gtkhash/rele ... 1.1.tar.gz
Will post a .txz package for this after I study the directory structure a bit more.