No one on this forum should have to deal with insults, abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated statements in a topic or post.
Making any personal comments, about anyone, by anyone, is not adding anything to any topic or post on this forum.
So this will be deleted.
That seems to be a simple principle to follow and enforce.
This is in the terms of this forum not to allow it.
I will add that any personal stuff can be settled between anyone by using a PM (personal message) from whoever to whoever.
You may still see some personal comments in old topics.
We can only change the future not the past.
Well, it takes time to hunt stuff down and deleting is the last thing we really want to do.
But if it is reported by someone that does not like what they see (maybe about them) report it to a moderator by a PM to them.