Audacity 'portables' - v2.1.2 & v3.1.2 - 64-bit ONLY

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Audacity 'portables' - v2.1.2 & v3.1.2 - 64-bit ONLY

Post by mikewalsh »

Afternoon, gang.

I've been meaning to pack this one for quite some time, since I came across the older of these two AppImages the best part of two years ago.

There are two 'portable' Audacity packages here:-

v2.1.2 - this works nicely in anything from Bionicpup64 backwards.
v3.1.2 - this is for those of you who absolutely MUST have the very newest of everything, and was released only a few weeks ago.

I don't think I need to explain its operation, since it's been kicking around the kennels for many years, and I think most of us know how it works.

You can find both packages here:-

Help yourselves to the one you want. As always; d/l; unzip; move the portable anywhere you want, though outside the 'save' is best. Click to enter, click 'LAUNCH' to fire it up. Additional scripts allow you to add/remove a Menu entry if so desired. The 'MenuReadMe' explains how to use these.


Mike. ;)

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Re: Audacity 'portables' - v2.1.2 & v3.1.2 - 64-bit ONLY

Post by keniv »

Hello Mike,
I've just installed v3.1.2 in BookwormPup 10.0.7. Have not made use of it yet but on startup a panel opens telling me that v3.6.0 is available and offering to install the update. I'm just wondering if the portable version can be updated in this way or not.



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Re: Audacity 'portables' - v2.1.2 & v3.1.2 - 64-bit ONLY

Post by mikewalsh »

@keniv :-

No idea, Ken. I've never investigated, 'cos unlike many people, I'm not that bothered about always having the very newest version of everything. If summat works, I usually leave it the hell alone.

You could always try, but as it's based around an AppImage I wouldn't like to say. The risk is on YOUR head, mate!

(Try the update trick with a copy of the portable. That way, you still have a working 'original' IF the update goes tits-up.)

Mike. ;)

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Re: Audacity 'portables' - v2.1.2 & v3.1.2 - 64-bit ONLY

Post by keniv »

Well to be honest Mike I probably don't need the update either but as I have a backup of the save folder and the portable I thought I would try it. It downloaded audacity-linux-3.6.0-x64 to/root. I'll deleted this and will shutdown without saving and hope this leaves nothing behind and stick with v3.1.2. Thanks for the help.


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