I did a manual frugal install to internal nvme drive(nvme0n1p7), on which I encountered a previously reported error where after entering woofwoof, it returns an error and has a 60 second pause. After the pause the boot continues to a desktop, however the pupsave doesn't run when clicked form the Leave GUI.
I ran pupsave in a terminal to check and saw the partition reporting in the screen displayed is messed from partition nvme0n1p2 which is a MS reserved partition. I was unable to create a pupsave in n1p7 due to the messed up display. I then from a different Puppy install deleted the pupsave directories copied from the Vanilladpup.img. Booted back into Vanilla Dpup and ran pupsave and while failing on n1p7 again, I was able to create a pupsave using sda3, which is a flash drive which wasn't inserted when the screen shot below was taken.
I then (back in Puppy) copied that pupsave to n1p7 and rebooted and am able to save to the pupsave in n1p7. Pupsave is still not possible to the nvme drive due to the issue created due to the filesystem type of nvme0n1p2 being unknown, which messes up the display of subsequent partitions.