Trying to set up nextcloud on puppy linux

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Trying to set up nextcloud on puppy linux

Post by theboneman »

Hello, I am trying to migrate from ubuntu to puppy linux.
One thing I need to do is to figure out how to set up the nextcloud server like I did with ubuntu.
When first installing it on my old environment I used this tutorial ... tzner.html.
Does anyone know what changes would be required? Would is still work on BionicPup?

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Re: Trying to set up nextcloud on puppy linux

Post by rockedge »

I think I can help. I have some errands to do so it will take me a few hours before I can describe the way to set up nextcloud on your local machine using localhost.

Will you be using the Hiawatha web server built in? Do you plan on using Bionicpup64? As a Virtual Machine?

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Re: Trying to set up nextcloud on puppy linux

Post by theboneman »

Hello, thank you for the help.
I was not sure whether to stick with the Hiawatha or an alternative. I am using Bionicpup64, and it's directly on hardware, not a VM.
I appreciate your help!

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Re: Trying to set up nextcloud on puppy linux

Post by rockedge »

Ok I have just tried an install of nextcloud on a F96-CE_4 using XAMPP which should also work on Bionicpup64.

It seems to be working well. XAMPP is an okay solution and quick to set up.

I like to install mysql, php and use the Hiawatha server.

The basic step I did was first was download a version for a local machine server from here ->

I picked latest-28.tar.bz2 which I extracted with UExtract.

Then copied the directory nextcloud to the either to the XAMPP web server set up or to /var/www/hiawatha if using the Hiawatha web server.
Here I set the permissions for the web server:

Code: Select all

chown -R daemon:daemon /opt/lampp/htdocs


Code: Select all

chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/hiawatha

I used phpmyadmin that is installed to create a database that is populated during the first setup of http://localhost/nextcloud..

You could possibly import a SQL file data dump from the other nextcloud to this database and have the integration almost complete. It would be a matter of making sure you have the plugins and customization's you made if any included in the new installation.

First of all though you will need a working Hiawatha, MySQL, PHP7.4+ web server. I think in Bionicpup64 PHP7.2 is in the repo.

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