The standard FrugalPup failed, but I had success with e3StickPup.
Created a fossapup64_9.5 boot USB memory stick with e3StickPup. I booted from it. How can I tell if it really did boot from the thumb drive and not some other location?
None of my drives in pMount have a lock icon. That strikes me as odd. I only worked a short time so far, but the GUI seems faster than before.
Ok, it looks like I answered my own question.
The UUID: "bb0ff474-57ff-4e7a-84b3-17c2ffb8a21e" matches the UUID of the drive listed in blkid, so it looks like it really did boot from the thumb drive.
Amazing, and all I did was run the program after installing the PET. Go figure.
I was told that I would be offered a chance to save my configuration settings on shutdown. How can I confirm this? I was told I could save my settings manually without shutdown or reboot, does that apply here?