Unable to boot NoblePup S15Pup64 from a live ISO.
I do not know anything about what I might be doing wrong.
Any suggestions would be welcome.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards
Ivan Pedro
Moderators: peebee, Forum moderators
Unable to boot NoblePup S15Pup64 from a live ISO.
I do not know anything about what I might be doing wrong.
Any suggestions would be welcome.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards
Ivan Pedro
Give us some specific info?
What exactly are you doing to boot it?
You do what?
You see what?
The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected
Well, I thought this would neither demand explanation nor a detailed account of what I am doing or trying to do; after all, it seems that the usual and traditional procedure should be what I usually to with every distribution I try: burn the iso file into a cd or an usb drive (my case), insert it into the computer or notebook, press the right key and wait it to load the available options. And that is what I did. Usually, the result: main sfz files are not loaded, the screen remains blank, or the init.gz files are not loaded, neither is the live iso. Well, I think it describes somwhat well what is happening. By the way, this problem does not happens with Slacko Puppy.
Can you let us know which OS is your starting off point?
There are different tools to write ISO's for each OS.
Are their checksums for the ISO's that you have downloaded?
Have you verified that these match up thus eliminating a bad/corrupt download?
I am simply replacing one distribution for another. But I do not even get to that. Not even the live ISO loasds.
No I have not verified the checksum.
Once again, which OS are you using to create your USB install?
There are different tools to write ISO's to USB.
This is checksum for the S15Pup64 provided by @peebee
Code: Select all
b9ce60836407a90b7152a544a0686accedeb2d54bbbf1945681f8529f9383a7a1a21c5738b7170877d7fdbf39cfb8f542dfb5c41a9124fd0ad8658d6e77ac28b ./S15Pup64-22.12-240420.iso
@bigpup I have reported this problem in a chart in another thread as well as further findings on the S15 thread.
This need developer attention for ISO booting. I also provide QEMU findings that allow it easy to replicate.
Hope this info is helpful. It is hoped that provided info is easily replicated with additional findings. If there are ways to circumvent the issues uncovered, I welcome helpful methods to overcome ISO booting that does work similar to Slacko ISO bootings of the past. Maybe we have new boot parm entries of boot parms that addresses booting.
Anything helpful, I await and will test.
Using Windows 10, I used Rufus to install the ISO
To check the checksum on Windows10 ..... ensure the ISO is in your Downloads folder and use the commands shown
Right click on the Windows icon and choose 'Run'
Code: Select all
cd Downloads
certutil -hashfile S15Pup64-22.12-240420.iso SHA512
Please read the posts in this dedicated subforum to 'Boot'