I compared Puppy9.5 with 10.0.6: fossapup64-9.5. iso, BookwormPup64_10.0.6. iso.
The startup script init maybe has issue, version 10.0.6 removed the overall startup function of iso. I feel like the official website doesn't understand what this feature is for.
Fossapup64-9.5. iso startup script, line 654:
##Set by/sbin/isoboot
If ["$ISO-LOOP"]; Then
${ISO-LOOP # # */} | iso9660
BookwormPup64_10.0.6.iso is not available.
The result is that BookwormPup64_10.0.6.iso failed to start iso as a whole using grub4dos or grub2 and entered the command line.
screenshot: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1FdOmwG9NE65a6h ... A?pwd=1111 提取码: 1111
the menu,grub.cfg,UEFI
menuentry "/linux/puppy/BookwormPup64_10.0.6.iso" "/linux/puppy/BookwormPup64_10.0.6.iso" {
set gfxpayload=keep
search --no-floppy --set --file $2
loopback loop $2
linux (loop)/vmlinuz iso-scan/filename=$2 PSUBDIR=/ pmedia=cd pfix=fsck,fsckp
initrd (loop)/ucode.cpio (loop)/initrd.gz
menuentry "/linux/puppy/BookwormPup64_10.0.6.iso-loopback.cfg" "/linux/puppy/BookwormPup64_10.0.6.iso" {
terminal_output console
search --no-floppy --set --file $2
export iso_path=$2;loopback -d loop;loopback loop $2
set root=loop
configfile (loop)/boot/grub/loopback.cfg
6a45e7a305b7d3172ebd9eab5ca460e4 fossapup64-9.5. iso
Nanjing University Open Source Mirror Station
Nanjing University Open Source Mirror Site
Tsinghua University Open Source Software Mirror Station | Tsinghua Open Source Mirror https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/
Fossapup64-9.5. iso
MD5: 6a45e7a305b7d3172ebd9eab5ca460e4 fossapup64-9.5. iso
Index of/kernels/data/ISO/Bookworm-Pup64
BookwormPup64_10.0.6.iso 2024-03-04 23:58 762M
6f3da7f6e8b916ffc7742cb5ac46ea01 BookwormPup64_10.0.6.iso
612135478abb3ad2fbb3f2c7f300cd1bf8cc475e83eaad1e19b0d8b965836493 BookwormPup64_10.0.6.iso
A netizen tested and added that code to start BookwormPup64_10.0.6.iso normally